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Baala Paricharya – Care of New Born in Ayurveda

Baala Paricharya – Care of New Born in Ayurveda

The life span of an individual is divided in three stages i.e. Baala, Tarun`a and Vriddha. Ayurveda considers Baalasince birth up to 16 years. Again the Baala stage is divided into:

Ksheerapa: Since birth up to one year.

Ksheeraannaada: From second year to third year.

Annaada: From fourth year to sixteen year.


In Baala stage all the body constituents such as Dhaatu, Upadhaatu are in Apakva stage. The environment has a direct influence on psychological and general growth of Baala, hence needs special care and attention to cope up with the same. And therefore emphasis on Baalaka Paricharyaa has been given utmost importance. The aim of this Paricharyaais to help the child to get adjusted to the world he has recently joined for his / her healthy psychological, physiological and physical development. Also some diseases are specific for specific Avasthaa like Stanya related diseases take place in Ksheerapa and Ksheeraannaada Avasthaa and then Paricharyaa changes accordingly.


Navajaata S`his`hu Paricharyaa( Care of new born immediately after birth):

The attendant should take care of the new born in the following way:

1) She should generate sound by striking or rubbing two stones together near thebase of ear of the neonate, Sprinkle hot or cold water alternately over face of the child or based on season i.e. cold water during summer and hot during winter. With these procedures the child gets relieve from the stress caused by at the time of delivery. This is not a rule but exceptional, in case the neonate does not cry for a long time.

2) Ulba (vernix caseosa) should be removed with rock salt and Ghrita.

3) Then bath should be given and anal orifice should also be cleaned.

4) The woman should wrap the finger, nail of which is already trimmed with well washed cotton swab and cleanse the palate, lips, throat and tongue of the child and then cover the Brahmarandhra (anterior fontanelle) with cotton soaked in oil.

5) Ghrita mixed with rock salt should be given orally for producing emesis.

6) Cutting of the umbilical cord and Jaatakarma should be done according to the rituals of that particular area and then first feeding with honey and Ghrita chanted with Mantra should be given.

General Management:

1) The child should be wrapped with linen cloth and made to sleep on a bed covered with linen cloth.

2) Rakshoghna drugs should be hung on upper portion of the doorframe. Small packets of these drugs should be tied on neck of the puerperal woman and child. This entire Rakshaakarma is aimed at offering protection from infective disorders to the mother and child.

3) Diet of the neonate from first to fourth day after birth:

On first day honey and Ghrita mixed with Aanantaa should be given thrice.

On second and third day Lakshman`aa Siddha Ghrita in the amount which fills the palm of neonate should be given. Then breast feeding should be initiated. Care should be taken first few drops to be squeezed and repelled before taking child for feeding, every time.After Jaatakarma Paricharyaa is over the Sanskaara Karma should be done according to rituals as prevalent in the family. The diet and life style in Ksheerapa, Ksheeraannaada and Annaada should be followed according to the place of residence and Constitution etc.


Baala Roga – Pediatric Disorders in Ayurveda


Baala Roga – Pediatric Disorders in Ayurveda



C.Sha.8, S.Sha.10, A.H.U.1, M.Ni.68.


The diseases occurring from the time from birth to 16 years (as Baala is defined as that period of time between birth and sixteen years of age) are called as Baalaroga. They are slightly different from diseases of adults and need special attention and treatment.


Diagnosis of BaalaRoga is challenging as physician has to depend on history and signs (VaidyasamvedyaLakshan`a). Physician should have proper knowledge Anumaana and consider HetuSevana and other mother related factors (Stanya, Aahaara etc). For example, child wherever touches and where he can not tolerate the touch, it can be said that there is pain.

When there is pain in the head, child closes his eyes.

When there is pain in the Hridaya, child touches to Jihvaa, Osht`ha, Das`hana.

When there is Kosht`haVibandha, then there is Vamathu (vomiting), AntraKoojana. Child beats the nipples at the time of feeding. There is Aadhmaana, Prisht`haNama, Jat`haraUnnamana also.

When there is pain in the Basti and GuhyaSthaana, there is Pureesha and MootraSanga.



If there is improper pricking of the Karn`aPaalee, then there is Raaga, Ruk, Jvara, S`hopha, Daaha, Samrambha, Manyaastambha and Apataanaka.


Stanya is vitiated by all the three Dosha. By consuming this Stanya, a baby passes the stools which has Durgandhee(foul smell), Aama, resembling to water, Vibaddha, Achchha, Phenila.

There are different colours to the stools.

Urine turns to yellow, white and dense.

Jvara, Arochaka, Trit`, Chhardi

S`hushkodgaara, Vijrimbhikaa, Angabhanga, AngaVikshepa,

Koojana, Vepathu and Bhrama, Ghraan`a and AkshiPaaka. This is very serious disease (AtiDaarun`a) which is called as Ksheeraalasaka.



Dantodbheda is a cause of most of the diseases. Especially, Jvra, Vid`bheda, Kaasa, Chhardi, S`hirorujaa, Abhishyanda, Pothakee, Visarpa.

These diseases leads to Dantodbheda, get pacified by themselves when the teeth are erupted well.



Due to excessive day time sleep, cold water, consumption of KaphaDusht`aStanya, the Rasavaha channels get obstructed due to Kapha which manifests with different symptoms:





These symptoms in turn leads to the weakness which is called as BaalaS`hosha.



Taalukan`t`aka / Taalupaata

Aggravated Kapha harbors in to the Taalu, Maamsa causing TaaluKan`t`aka. This leads to the depression of theMoordhaa.

TaaluPaata, StanaDvesha,

KrichchhraatPaanam, Drava Pureesha,

Trishn`aa, AasyaKan`d`oo

AkshiRuja,.GreevaaDurdharataa and Vami

Taalupaata is a symptom of TaaluKan`t`aka



Sus`hruta has described this condition. Due to MastulungaKshaya and VaataPrakopa Central depression in the Taaluis called as TaaluPaata.


MaatrikaaDosha / Ahipootana / Prisht`aaru / GudaKut`t`a / Anaamika

Due to the poor hygiene (Malopalepa at the Guda), there is Vran`a which is caused due to vitiation of Rakta andKapha. It is copper coloured. There is itching. It has got many complications. It is called as MaatrikaaDosha /Ahipootana / Prisht`aaru / GudaKut`t`a / Anaamika.


Vaata Dusht`a StanyajanyaVikaara

A child suffers from the diseases having Vaata Dosha dominance.

Its Svara becomes Kshaama. He becomes weak. There is constipation (BaddhaVit` MootraMaaruta).


Pitta Dusht`aStanyajanyaVikaara

There is perspiration (Svinna), PureeshaBheda, Kamaalaa and other Pitta dominant diseases. He suffers fromTrishn`aa. The body temperature rises.



Excessive salivation.

suffers from other Kapha dominant diseases

A child becomes sleepy and Jad`a (senses not attending the orders). There is oedema on the face, eyes.




It manifests with the symptoms dominated by two Dosha.



It manifests with the symptoms dominated by all the three Dosha.


This is caused due to the KsheeraDosha. It manifests in the children only. It manifests on the Vartma.

An itching and continous secretion through eyes.

A child rubs his forehead, AkshiKoot`a, Naasaa.

A child can not look at the sun rays / sunlight. He can not open his eyes.


Paarigarbhika / Paribhava / Ahin`d`ee

When breast feeding to child, is going on by a pregnant mother, Various lakshan`a develops.

Kaasa, Agnisaada, Vamathu,

Tandraa, Kaars`hya, Aruchi and Bhrama.


It is also called as Paribhava or Ahin`d`ee.



It is a fatal disease (Praan`aNaas`haka). Its onset is from Basti and S`hira. It has the colour of Padma. It is caused due to vitiation of all the three Dosha. It may spread from S`hamkha to Hridaya and Hridaya to Guda.


Ajagallikaa and Ahipootanaa

These are explained in the KshudraRoga which manifests amongst the children only.


Other Diseases

Jvara etc. diseases which are explained in the text are equally in similar way manifested in the children.



Due to Vaayu, there is inflation of the Naabhi causing pain called as Tun`d`iNaabhi.


  1. AayaamaDeerghataa
  2. Vyaayaama –Vistaara
  3. Uttun`d`itaa– where there is both Aayaama and Vyaayaama DeerghaPeenatvayutaa
  4. Pin`d`alikaaPariman`d`alaYutaa
  5. Vinaamikaa– oedematous at the periphery and depressed centrally.
  6. Vijrimbhikaa – This gets inflated repeatedly.






S.U.27, A.H.U.3


BaalaanaamGrahaahBaalaGrahaah | A.H.U.3 Arun`adatta.


In the old age, these are created by the S`hiva for the safety of Kaartikeya.


Causes of GrahaBaadhaa

Due to unwholesome behavioral conduct these Graha seize the children. However three main causes are for GrahaBaadhaa are Himsaa,Rati and Abhyarchanaa. These are the intentions of various Graha to affect children.


Symptoms of Grahabaadhaa















Types of GrahaRoga


o Skanda

o Vis`haakhaa

o Mesha / Naigamesha

o S`hvagraha

o Pitri


o S`hakuni

o Pootanaa

o S`heetapootanaa

o Adrisht`iPootanaa / AndhaPootanaa

o MukhaMan`d`itikaa

o Revatee

o S`hushkaRevatee

GrahaRoga from Vaagbhat`a and Sus`hruta


Asht`aangaHridaya Sus`hruta
Skanda Skanda (Skandha)
Vis`haakha Skandaapasmaara (SkandaSakhaa / SkandaDayitaa / Vis`haakha
Mesha / Naigamesha Naigamesha
Pitri Pitri
S`hakuni S`hakuni
Pootanaa Pootanaa
S`heetapootanaa S`heetapootanaa
Adrisht`iPootanaa / AndhaPootanaa AndhaPootanaa
MukhaMan`d`itikaa MukhaMan`d`itikaa / VaktraMan`d`ikaa
Revatee Revatee
S`hushkaRevatee S`hushkaRevatee




o Sampoorn`aLakshan`a

o HimsaajanyaGraharoga


o RatijanyaGraharoga


o Asampoorn`aLakshan`a

o AlpaKaalaPeed`ita

o AbhyarchanaajanyaGraharoga



Ksheeraalasaka S`hosha Taalukan`t`aka TaaluPaata Ahipootana Kukoon`aka Paarigarbhika / Paribhava / Ahin`d`ee MahaapadmaVisarpa Tun`d`eeNaabhi
Rogamaarga Baahya
Svabhaava AtiDaarun`a
Avayava Sarvaanga









Guda NetraVartma Kosht`ha









Dosha Tri DoshaPrakopa KaphaDusht`i KaphaPrakopa


VaataPrakopa KaphaPrakopa KaphaPrakopa VaataPrakopa TridoshaPrakopa VaataPrakopa
Dhaatu Rasa

Rasa Dusht`i

Rasa Dusht`i Maamsa Majjaa Rakta Rasa Rasa Rakta
Mala Mootra


Srotas Rasa



Rasa Majjaa Rakta Rasa Rasa Rakta


(Ahipootana is also called as Prisht`aaru, GudaKut`t`a, Anaamika or MaatrikaaDosha)

Comparative study of BaalaRoga




Baala Roga Chikitsaa


  1. Chi.20/3,A.H.U.2


The diseases occurring from the time from birth to 16 years (as Baala is defined as that period of time between birth and sixteen years of age) are called as Baalaroga. They are slightly different from diseases of adults and need special attention and treatment.


There are number of diseases which can affect the children and which have line of treatment similar to those of adults with some restriction in use of dosage forms and therapies.



The treatment of diseases in children should be done similar to adults but the medicines should be mild.

Dose of the medicine should be small (Kaneeyasee Maatraa) as children are delicate (Sukumaara Alpakaaya) and eat small quantity (amount and food items) of food (Sarva Anna Anupasevana).

Basti should be replaced by Virechana and Mars`ha Nasya should be replaced by Pratimars`ha Nasya inPanchakarma Saadhya Diseases.

In Ksheeraada and Ksheeraannaada Baalaka i.e., In breast fed children before weaning, the medicine is applied to the nipple and areola of the nursing mother before each feed.


Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:

Gudakut`t`a – It is also known as Ahipootanaa, Maatrikaa Dosha, Prisht`aaru as well as Anaamika. It requires a two fold treatment as follows:

Ajagallikaa – It is type of Kshudra Roga seen in children. It is a type of pustule caused by vitiated Vaata and KaphaDosha.


Apasmaara, Unmaada: These are similar to those seen in adults. Vaagbhat`a has given Laakshaadi Taila for their treatment in children.


Baala S`hosha – it is caused by the blockade in the Srotas by vitiated Kapha.

Baala Chhardi –There is some difference between infantsand children. In children it is similar to those seen in adults.

In infants thebaby vomits every time after consuming milk (Peetam Peetam Vamati).


Ativishaa alone is the best medicine for Kaasa (cough), Chhardi (vomiting) and Jvara (fever) in children.


Dantodbhedaja Baala RogaEruption of teeth (the process of developing and teething) is one of the foremost reasons for a number of diseases in children.

These can vary from Jvara, Kaasa, Pratis`hyaaya, Atisaara, Visarpa to diseases of eye like Abhishyanda and Pothakee.


  • As children always consume milk andghee products they are alwaysSnigdha,hence can be givenSadya Vamana.
  • The child should be Breast fed tillsatisfaction and thenVamanashould be administered.
  • If the child isAnnaada(food eating)Ghrita Yukta Peyaashould be givenbeforeVamana.
  • WhenBastiis indicated for the stage ofVyaadhi,Virechanashould be given to the child instead ofBasti.
  • WhenMars`ha Nasyais indicated for the stage ofVyaadhi,Pratimars`ha Nasyashould be given to the child instead ofMars`ha.(These should repeated asper need)

S`hoola-it is mainly due to consumption of vitiated breastmilk or incompatible food. It can manifest asHrits`hoola, Basti S`hoola, Guhya S`hoola, S`hirah S`hoolaetc. Ifit is due to vitiated milk following treatment should be done.




Ksheeraalasaka: It is disease caused by breast milk vitiated by all the three Dosha. It is a serious disease and needs special attention and quick effective treatment to both the child as well as the mother.

Even after this treatment if the disease remains unresolved, then it should be treated according to present complaints examining all the factors including Kaala (Vyaadhi Avasthaa, Dosha Avasthaa etc).


Mrittikaa Bhakshan`ajanya Roga – These can be anything from Paan`d`oo to Krimi Roga etc. The main treatment of it is to eliminate the habit of eating soil. It should be treated by S`hodhana, S`hamana including Paat`haadi Ghrita for diseases caused by soil eating.



Taalukan`t`ka It is caused due to the vitiated Kapha Dosha. Due to this it produces depression at the anterior fontanele on the head.

Preventive measures The diseases in children are mainly caused by the vitiated milk or food. To keep the children away from diseases one has to see that the milk he / she are consuming is free from vitiation. The mother should be healthy. The food consumed by the mother should be wholesome and healthy.



Search Anveshaka:

Search Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara and Chikitsaa Karma

Vyaadhi and Adhikaara

o Baala Roga

o Baala specific Avasthaa in various Vyaadhi

Karma – Stanya S`hodhana



Baalagraha Chikitsaa


A.H.U.3, S.U.27-37


The disease occurs due to non-cleanliness and affects deeply both body and the mind. Hence three fold treatment is advised as follows.

Yuktivyapaas`hraya – Symptomatic treatment related to body

Satvaavajaya As`hvaasaka (consoling), which comes as part of Daivavyapaas`hraya.

Daivavyapaas`hraya These types of treatment help in removing the bad effects caused by evil spirits.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa

The first factor of importance in the treatment is maintaining clean and sacred atmosphere around the affected child.

The person looking after the child should refrain from Madya (consumption of alcohol), Maamsa (consumption of meat) and Vyavaaya (sexual gratification).

The room should be clean and neat and should have fire, pious flowers and plants inside.

A lamp of Sarshapa Taila should be kept lit in the room to make the room free from evil effects.

Sarshapa should be used extensively for Rakshoghna Karma, seeds for Dhoopana, for spreading over the land, its oil for lighting the lamp.

Baby should be massaged with Puraan`a Ghrita and given bath with consecrated water.


Vis`hesha Chikitsaa



Parisheka Abhyanga Ghrita



Dhoopana Dhaaran`a Bali Karma Rakshaa



Vaataghna Moola Siddha Taila Devadaar-vyaadi Draavya Siddha Sarshapa Sarpa-nirmokaadi Somavalee,


S`hamee, Bilvakan`ta`ka,



Rakta Varn`a Dravya Skanda Stuti,

Surasaadi Gan`a, Bilva, S`hireesha, Golomee Sarva Gandha Dravya Ksheeree vriksha, Kaakolyaadi Gan`a Utsaadana-Vachaa + Hingu, Anantaa, Kukkut`ee, Bimbee, Markat`ee At road cross square, noon, evening or mid-night Skanda-apasmaara Stuti

Vetasaadi Pradeha – Madhukaadi,

Vran`a Chikitsaa for Vran`a

Ghritapaana – Skandaapasmaarokta

Skandokta S`hataavaree, Indravaarun`ee, Naagadantee, Kan`t`akaaree,

Lakshman`aa, Sahadevaa, Brihatee

At the base of Karanja Vriksha, at night Poojaa, S`hakunee Stuti

As`hvagandhaadi Kusht`haadi Taila Laakshaadi Ghrita Pradeha – Kulatthaadi Varun`a, Nimba, Sindhuvaara, Putranjeeva At Goteertha, Snaana atNadee Sangama Revatee Poojaa,

Mantra, Stuti

Dhoopana – Gridhraadi

Braahmyaadi Vachaadi Taila Tugaaksheeryaadi Devadaarvaadi, Gandha-Naakulyaadi Kaakaadanee, Chitraphalaa, Bimbee, Gunjaa At S`hoonya Griha Pootanaa Poojaa, Mantra, Stuti

Tikta Druma Patra Suraadi Taila Pippalyaadi Ghrita Pradeha – Sarvagandhaadi Kukkut`ee, Markat`ee, Anantaa AtChatushpathaor inside empty house Snaana SarvaGandhodaka
Dhoopana – Kukkut`a Pureeshaadi Andhapootanaa Stuti

Kapitthaadi Bastamootraadi Taila Rihin`yaadi Ghrita Gridhraadi Lambaa, Gunjaa, Kaakaadanee At river bank, or middle of the river Snaana at Jalaas`haya
S`heetapootanaa Stuti

Kapitthaadi Bhringa Vrikshaadi Sneha Madhoolikaadi Ghrita Vachaadi Chaasha Jihvaa, Cheeralli Jihvaa, Sarpa Jihvaa Gosht`ha Madhye Snaana Gaayatree Mantra Siddha Jala
Mukhaman`d`ikaa Stuti

Bilvaadi Prayangvaadi Taila Das`hamoolaadi Ghrita Dhaaran`a and Utsaadana – Vachaa, Vayasthaa, Golomee, Jat`ilaa,

Dhoopana – Siddhaarthakaadi, Markat`aadi

At the base of Vat`a on Shasht`hi Snaana at the base of Vat`a Vriksha
Naigamesha Stuti
Vishaakha, Pitri, Mesha, S`hva, S`hushkarevatee Saamaanya Chikitsaa, Dhoopana Markat`aadi Dhoopana (Navagrahaadi Dhoopai).

Preventive measures Cleanliness of other and child. Do not hit or threaten the child; do not make the child over exited or cry.



Shiroroga – Disorders pertaining to head in Ayurveda

Shiroroga – Disorders pertaining to head in Ayurveda



The diseases occurring in the head and scalp are grouped under S`hiroroga.



According to Sus`hruta, there are 11 types of S`hiroroga.

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaataja
  5. Raktaja
  6. Kshayaja
  7. Krimija
  8. Sooryaavarta
  9. Anantavaata
  10. Ardhaavabhedaka
  11. S`hamkhaka


Vaataja S`hiroroga

There is headache without any proper reason.

It aggravates and turns to severe condition.

There is severe pain (Arti, S`hoola).

There is Sphuran`a due to Vaayu.

There is Bandha (tying like pain), Upataapa and S`hirobhitaapa.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is sudden increase or decrease in the pain.

It gets pacified due to Mardana, Snehana, Svedana, Bandhana.

According to Maadhavanidaana, it pacifies with Bandhana and Upataapa i. e. Svedana.

Pittaja S`hiroroga

A person feels as if his body is burning by hot coals.

There is Daaha, Arti in Pittaja S`hiroroga.

There is Daaha and Dhoopana of S`hira, Netra and Naasaa.

It pacifies in the night.

This is Pittaja S`hiroroga.

According to Vaagbhat`a, it gets pacified by cold stuffs.

Kaphaja S`hiroroga

S`hira and Gala is coated by the Kapha.

There is heaviness in the head.

There is S`heetatva (cold).

There is S`hopha on Vadana, Netra and Netra Koot`a.

This is Kaphaja S`hiroroga.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Aruchi.

Pain is more at night than day.

There is Tandraa, S`hoona Akshi Koot`atva and Karn`a Kan`d`oo.

Saannipaatika S`hiroroga

There is manifestation of all the symptoms due to each Dosha.

Raktaja S`hiroroga

It manifests with the symptoms of Pitta. There is no tolerance to touch (Spars`haasahatva) at the head region.

Kshayaja S`hiroroga

Due to depletion of Vasaa, Balaasa (Kapha) at the head region, there is S`hirobhitaapa. It is Kasht`asaadhya.

It aggravates due to Svedana, Chhardana, Dhooma, Nasya, Raktamokshan`a.

Krimija S`hiroroga

There is Toda and Antahsphut`ana. There are bloody secretions from the nose. There is eating of head region due toKrimi. This is Krimija S`hiroroga.

According to Vaagbhat`a, the Krimi on the head consumes Rakta causing severe pain.

There is Chitta Vibhrams`ha, Jvara, Kaasa, Balakshaya, Raukshya (Dryness), S`hopha.

There is pain like Vyadhana, Chhedana, Daaha.

There is Sphuran`a. There is Kan`d`oo at Kapaala, Taalu and S`hiras.

There are copper colored and clean nasal secretions.

There is Kan`d`oo, Daurgandhya, Toda, Arti in the Krimija S`hiroroga.


At the time of sunrise, there is manifestation of mild pain (Manda Ruk) at the Netra, Bhroo. When the sun goes up the pain goes on increasing; and as it comes down to sunset, the pain gets pacified. It gets pacified either by cold or hot drugs. It is Tridoshaja and is Kasht`asaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Vaayu associated with Pitta cause pain in the S`hamkha, Akshi, Bhroo, Lalaat`a. There isSpandana. The pain aggravates in relation with the sunrise.


Vitiated all the three Dosha, cause severe pain in the Ghaat`aa and Manyaa. There is pain also in Netra, Bhroo,S`hamkha. There is Kampa at the lateral side of the Gan`d`a. There is Hanugraha and other eye related diseases.

It is caused due to Tridosha.


Half of the head region is suffered from Bheda, Toda, Bhrama, S`hoola. It gets manifested suddenly or by 15 or 10 days. It is also Tridoshaja.

According to Vaagbhat`a, if it gets aggravated, it causes damage to Netra and Karn`a. it may get aggravated in 15 days; and it may get pacified within 30 days.

According to Maadhavanidaa,a there is pain like S`hastra Aran`i.



Vaayu harboured at the S`hamkha region gets associated with Kapha, Pitta, Rakta. There is severe pain at theMoordhaa. It is Kasht`asaadhya. It is said that this disease is the sign of death. It is not curable by thousands of theVaidya.

It kills the patient within three days. After passing of the three days, it can be cured.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Pitta dominant Dosha cause S`hopha (edema) at the S`hamkha region. There is severeDaaha, Rujaa, Raaga, Pralaapa, Jvara, Trid`, Bhrama. There is bitterness to the mouth. The face turns to yellow color. It is Aas`hukaaree. It may be cured if treated immediately or it may kill a patient within 3 days.


Vaata dominant Dosha cause S`hirahkampa.


S`hirah Kapaalagata Roga


There are total 9 diseases which manifest at the S`hirah Kapaala (flat bone of the head).

  1. Upas`heershaka
  2. Pit`ikaa
  3. Arbuda
  4. Vidradhi
  5. Arumshikaa
  6. Daarun`aka
  7. Indralupta / Chaachaa
  8. S`haatana (Kes`ha)
  9. Palita



This is a S`hopha due to vitiated Vaayu in the Garbha (Foetus). There is no pain. This is Upas`heershaka.

Pit`ikaa, Arbuda, Vidradhi

As per the Dosha, these three diseases get manifested on the S`hirah Kapaala.


Due to vitiation of Pitta, Rakta, and Kapha and Krimi (Jantu); there is formation of mustard sized Pit`ikaa on theKapaala. They are called as Arumshikaa.


It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Vaata. There is falling of hairs. Kan`d`oo (itching). There is Svaapa(numbness), Raukshya (dryness). There is Tvak Sphut`ana (splitting up of skin).

Indralupta / Chaachaa

Pitta along with Vaayu at the hair follicles on the Kapaala, cause falling of the hairs. Kapha along with the Raktacauses obstruction in to the Romakoopa. Therefore, other new hairs can not grow up. There fore, on the S`Hirah Kapaala there is absence of hairs. It is also called as Rujyaa or Chaachaa.


This is gradual falling of hairs. It is not sudden fall of the hairs. It is called as Khaalitya.

Khaalitya due to Vaata dominance, it looks like fire burn.

Due to Pitta, there is Svinna Siraavritatva.

Due to Kapha there is thickening of the skin.

Khaalitya due to all the Dosha, manifests with all the symptoms. It is Asaadhya.


Due to S`hoka, S`hrama and Krodha, heat at the head region causes maturity of the hairs; which is called as Palita.

Due to Vaayu, hairs turn to S`hyaava Varn`a. they become dry, Khara.

Due to Pitta, there is Daaha and color changes to Peeta (yellowish)

Due to Kapha, hairs become Snigdha, white.

Due to Saannipaata, mixed symptoms get manifested.


S`hirorujodbhava Paalitya

A person can not tolerate touch.



Khaalitya and Paalitya is Asaadhya if it is caused due to Saannipaata.

Khaalitya which is like Agnidagdha, Nirloma and with Daaha is Asaadhya.



S`hiroroga Chikitsaa



  1. Chi. 26, S. U. 26, A. H. Chi. 24, N.R. S`hiroroga


Vaataja S`hiroroga:

  • Similar to Vaatavyaadhi Chikitsa like :
    • Baahya: Snehana, Svedana, Abhyanga etc
    • Abhyantara: Snehapaana, Anuvaasana etc
  • The head should be massaged with ghee followed by Snehapaana (Ghrita or Taila) along with hot milk asAnupaana at night.
  • The patient should be well fed with unctous meat soup and milk processed with Vaata alleviating drugs. (Vaata Naas`haka Anna Paana)
  • Parisheka with Vaataghna Dravya
  • If associated with Pitta and RaktaNasya should be administered.
  • Raktamokshan`a should NOT be adopted as it causes Vaata Prakopa.
  • When all the treatment fails then Agnikarma has to be performed
  • If Kapha Dosha is predominant then Ushn`a Gun`a measures should be adopted.

Pittaja S`hiroroga:


Snehana followed by Siraavyadha

S`heetala measures.

S`heeta Gun`a Aahaara

Similar to Raktaja S`hiroroga Chikitsaa

Pittahara Anna Paana


Kaphaja S`hiroroga:

  • Puraan`a Ghrita Paana
  • Rooksha, Ushn`a and Teeksh`na Guna predominant measures.
  • Vamana using Kat`u Dravya
  • Ushn`a and Teekshn`a Dravya Svedana, Lepa, Gandoosha and Nasya.
  • Svedana should be repeated frequently.
  • Upavaasa

Sannipataja S`hiroroga:

  • Based on the predominance of the Dosha the therapy should be asserted.
  • Especially Sarpi Paana is indicated.

Krimija S`hiroroga:


  • Rakta Prayoga for Nasya: Due to the Visra Gandha of the blood all the Krimi tend to come out of the nasal and facial orifices
  • Teeks`hna Nasya and Dhooma for drawing out the worms.
  • Rakta Visravan`a should NOT be done as the Krimi would have sucked the blood.

Ardhavabhedaka S`hiroroga:

  • The line of treatment should be as per the Dosha involvement.
  • Nasya

Sooryavarta S`hiroroga:

  • Rakta Visraavan`a by Siravyadha
  • S`hamana

S`hira Kampa:

  • Treatment similar to Vaataja S`hiroroga.
  • Agni Karma is contraindicated.



  • Similar to Sooryaavarta
  • Siravyadha



S`hankhaka S`hiroroga:

  • Nasya
  • Lepana
  • Parisheka


  • Apakva Avasthaa: Vaatavyadhi Chikitsaa has to be adopted.
  • Pakva Avasthaa : Vidhradhi Chikitsaa has to be adopted.



After assessing the Aama, Pakva Avastha, the treatment should be initiated.


Arums`hikaa Chikitsaa:


  • Raktamokshan`a
  • Parisheka
  • Lepana
  • If Arums`hikaa does not respond to any of the treatments as said above then Vamana and Virechana should be adopted.



  • Siravyadha at Lalaat`a Prades`ha.
  • Snehana and Svedana
  • Snigdha Nasya and S`hirobasti
  • S`hiro Abhyanga
  • Leepana and Parisheka


  • Siravyadha at the nearest or adjacent place
  • Lepana


Khalita and Palita:

  • Vamana
  • Virechana
  • Nasya
  • Vaktra and S`hiro Abhyanga
  • Lepana
  • Parisheka



  • Dhaanya – S`hasht`ee S`haalee
  • S`haaka – S`higru, Vaastuka, Pat`ola, Kaaravellaka,Hareetakee, Kosht`ha, Kumaaree, Khus, Mustaa, Bhringaraaja
  • Maamsa – Rooksha Prades`he Maamsa
  • Dugdha – Ghrita, Dugdha, Takra
  • Drava – Taila, Kaanjee
  • Phala – Daad`ima, Draakshaa, Aamra, Aamalakee, Maatulunga, Naarikela
  • KritaannaPathyakara Dhaanya Yoosha
  • Other – Chandana, Karpoora, Sveda, Nasya, Dhooma, Virechana, Lepa, Seka, Landghana, S`hirobasti, Raktamokshan`a, Pin`yaaka

Apathya –

  • Rasa – Amla,
  • Gun`a/ karma – Guru

Other – Maricha, Kat`uveeraa, Saurabha, Ati S`heeta Jala, Dugha, Ati S`heeta Jalapaana,V iruddhaanna, Kshavathu, Jrimbhaa, Mootra, As`hru, Nidraa, Pureesha Vega Dhaaran`a, Anjana, Dantadhaavana, Divaasvaapa



Netra Roga – Eye Disorders in Ayurveda


Netra Roga – Eye Disorders in Ayurveda


Netra Roga are the diseases related to the organ Netra.


96 Netra Roga as explained by Charaka C.Chi.26/129-131

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika


Charaka has counted only four types of Netra Roga as all the types are covered under these four types only. He has not described it more elaborative as it is subject of S`haalaakya Tantra. C.Chi.26/131



There are so many opinions about the total number of Netra Roga; which is summarized here.

Videha – 76

Karaala – 96 Accpeted opinions by Charaka.

Saatyaki 80


Charaka has accepted opinion of Aachaarya Karaala. C.Chi.26/129-131 Chakrapaan`i

o Vartmastha – 27

o Sandhigata – 9

o S`huklastha – 13

o Krishn`astha – 6

o Drisht`istha – 25

o Sarvagata – 16

o Total – 96



Netra Roga Charaka

(in commentary


Sus`hruta Vaagbhat`a Maadhava Nidaana
Vartmagata 27 21 24 21
Sandhigata 9 9 9 9
S`huklagata 13 11 13 11
Krishn`agata 6 4 5 4
Drisht`igata 25 12 27 12
Sarvagata 16 17 16 17
Baahya Kaaran`aja 2 2
Total 96 76 94 76



Vaataja Netra Roga: (C.Chi.26/129)

There is less redness in the eyes. There is less or no formation of Netra Mala (Upadeha). It manifests with Toda,Bheda.

Pittaja Netra Roga: (C.Chi.26/129)

There is Daaha, Ati Rujaa (severe pain), Raaga (redness in the eyes). Netra Mala turns to yellow colour (Peeta Upadeha). There are profuse hot secretions (Bhris`ha Ushn`a Sraavee).

Kaphaja Netra Roga: (C.Chi.26/130)

White coloured Netra Mala is formed. There is profuse sticky (Pichchhila) tearing of the eyes. There is heaviness in the eyes (Gurutaa) and itching (Kan`d`oo).

Saannipaatika Netra Roga: (C.Chi.26/130)

All the symptoms of Vaataja, Pittja and Kaphaja Netra Roga are manifested in the Saannipaatika Netra Roga.


S`haareera of Netra:

Man`d`ala – 5

  1. Pakshma Man`d`ala
  2. Vartma Man`d`ala
  3. S`hveta Man`d`ala
  4. Krishn`aMan`d`ala
  5. Drish`i Man`d`ala


Sandhi – 6

  1. Pakshma Vartma Gata Sandhi
  2. Vartma S`hukla Gata Sandhi
  3. S`hukla Krishn`aGata Sandhi
  4. Krishn`aDrisht`i Gata Sandhi
  5. Kaneenakaa Gata Sandhi
  6. Apaangaga Gata Sandhi


Pat`ala 6 in the Avayava Netra. S.U.1/14

  1. Vartma Pat`ala– 2
  2. Netragata Pat`ala– 4 – where Timira Vyaadhi gets manifested. (Timira Daarun`a Vyaadhi S.U.1/17)
  3. Baahya Pat`alaTejo Jalaas`hrita
  4. Maamsaas`hrita Pat`ala
  5. Medaas`hrita Pat`ala
  6. Asthyaas`hrita Pat`ala

All these four Pat`alaa are 1/5 of the total thickness of the Drisht`i.

The optimum qualities of Siraa, Kan`d`araa, Medas Kaalaka, and Kaalakaasthi Sameepastha S`hleshmaa attribute to the formation of eyes. S.U.1/19


Common Sampraapti:

Siraanusaaribhih Doshaih Vigun`aih Oordhvam Aagataih |

Jaayante Netrabhaageshu Rogah Paramadaarun`aah || S.U.1/20, A.H.U.8/1-2


Aggravated Dosha, generally Pitta dominant; traverse to the eyes getting upward direction, causing the diseases of Vartma, Sandhi, Sita, Krishn`a, Drisht`i or complete eye.

When Vitiated Dosha traverse through the Siraa in the upward direction; they cause the serious diseases of eyes.

Netra Roga

  1. Vaataja – 10
  2. Pittaja – 10
  3. Kaphaja – 13
  4. Raktaja – 16
  5. Sarvaja – 25
  6. Baahya 2 Total – 76



Saadhyaasaadhyataa – S.U.1/29

Vaataja (10) Pittaja (10) Kaphaja (13) Raktaja (16) Sarvaja

(Sannipaataja) (25)

Baahya (2)
Hataadhimantha (A) Hrasvajaad`ya (A) Kaphaja Sraava (A) Rakta Sraava (A) Pooyaasraava (A) Sanimitta Baahya Netra Vikaara (A)
Nimisha (A) Jalasraava (A) Kaphaja Kaacha (Y) Ajakaajaata (A) Nakulaandhya (A) Animitta Baahya Netra Vikaara (A)
Gambheerikaa Drisht`i (A) Parimlaayee(Kaacha) (Y) Abhishyanda (S) S`hon`itaars`ha(RaktaarS`a) (A) Akshipaakaatyaya(A)
Vaatahata Vartma(A) Neela (Kaacha) (Y) Adhimantha (S) Savran`a S`hukra(A) Alajee (A)
Vaataja Kaacha (Y) Abhishyanda (S) Balaasagrathita (S) Raktaja Kaacha(Y) Kaacha (Y)
S`hushkaakshipaaka(S) Adhimantha (S) S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`i (S) Adhimantha (S) Pakshmakopa (Y)
Adhimantha (S) Amlaadhyushita (S) Pothakee (S) Abhishyanda (S) Vartmaavabandha(S)
Abhishyanda (S) S`huktikaa (S) Lagan`a (S) Klisht`avartma(S) Siraa Pid`akaa (S)
Maaruta Paryaya (S) Pittavidagdhadrisht`i(S) Krimigranthi (S) (Siraa) Harsha(S) Prastaari Arma (S)
Anyatovaata (S) Dhoomadars`hee (S) Pariklinnavartma (S) (Siraa) Utpaata(S) Adhimaamsaarma(S)
S`huklarma (S) Anjananaamikaa(S) Snaayvarma (S)
Pisht`aka (S) Siraajaala (S) Utsanginee (S)
S`hleshmopanaaha(S) Parvan`ee (S) Pooyaalasa (S)
Avran`a S`hukra(S) Arbuda (S)
S`hon`itaarma(S) S`hyaava Kardama (S)
Arjuna (S) S`hyaava Vartma(S)
Ars`ho Vartma (S)
Sas`hopha Paaka(S)
As`hopha Paaka(S)
Bahalavartma (S)
Aklinnavartma (S)
Kumbheekaa (S)
Bisavartma (S)


Sandhigata Roga:

There are total 9 Sandhigata (at the Netra Sandhi) Roga:


Su. U. 2 A. H. U. 10
Pooyaalasa Jalaasraava
Upanaaha Kaphaasrava
Sraava – 4 types Upanaahaa
Parvan`ikaa Raktaasrava
Alajee Parvan`ee
Krimigranthi Pooyaasrava



There is suppurated S`hopha (Pakva S`hopha) at the Kaneenikaa Sandhi (inner canthus of the eye). There is secretion of Saandra and Pooti Sraava (thick and putrid secretions). It is Saadhya and Tridoshaja.

Upanaaha / S`hleshmopanaaha:

There is big glandular growth (Mahaan Granthi) at the Drisht`i Sandhi. It does not suppurate. There is itchingKan`d`oo. There is no pain. It is called as Upanaaha. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is bubble like S`hotha. The base of the S`hotha is wide. It is unctuous. It is same as skin colour. It is soft and Pichchhila and does not suppurate. There is Kan`d`oo. It is Upaanaha.

Netra Sraava / Netra Naad`ee:

Dosha traverse through As`hrumaarga and reside in to the Kaneenikaa Sandhi. There are painless secretions. It is called as Netra Naad`ee by some people.

Pooyaasraava – at the Sandhi, there is pus secretion. Pooyasraava.According to Vaagbhat`a, Dosha with Raktacauses secretion of Pooya with Rakta due to Tvak and Maamsa Paaka.

S`hleshmaasraava – there are white coloured, viscid, sticky secretions

Raktaasraava – this is caused due to Rakta. There are Ushn`a, not much viscid (Naatisaandra) secretions.

Pittaasraava (Jalaasraava) – it is dark blue coloured secretion. It is hot, and watery also.n according to Vaagbhat`a, aggravated Vaayu enters in to the Jalavaahee Siraa causing As`hru Sraava from Kanineekaa Sandhi. There is Ruk, Raaga, S`hopha; which is Jalaasraava.


It is Taamra (copper coloured), Tanu (thin) S`hopha (Oedema). There is Daaha, S`hoola. It caused due to Rakta. The S`hopha is circular.


It manifests on Krishn`a and S`hukla Sandhi. It is Sthoola than Parvan`ikaa. Parvan`i and Alajee manifest on the same site. The symptoms are same as that of Parvan`i. According to Vaagbhat`a, this manifests on Kanineekaa.

It is counted as Vartmagata Roga by Vaagbhat`a. It is Taamra Pit`ikaa which is suppurated. Though it is drained repeatedly, it gets enlarged.


It manifests on Vartma and Pakshma Sandhi. It also manifests on Vartma and S`hukla Sandhi. There is itching (Kan`d`oo) due to Krimi. These Krimi vitiate internal of the eye. These Krimi are different in there appearance.

According to Vaagbhat`a, it may manifest on Kaneenikaa or Apaanga. There is itching, Ushn`aa (Daaha),Pakshmapot`a. There is Pooyasraava. The Granthi is with the Krimi. It is Krimigranthi.

Vartmagata Roga:

Vartma is an eyelid. These are the diseases which are related to eyelid.

There are 21 Vartmagata Roga described by Sus`hruta.



o Dosha singly or simultaneously, get resided in the Siraa in the Vartma. They cause growth of Maamsa and Raktaat the Vartma causing different diseases.

Name of the diseases – S.U.3/5-8


S.U.3/5-8 (21) A.H.U.8/1-24 (24)
Utsanginee Utsnaga
Kumbheekaa Kumbheekaa
Pothakee Pothakee
Vartmas`harkaraa Sikataa Vartma
Anjananaamikaa Anjananaamikaa
Bahala Vartma Bahala Vartma
Klisht`a Kardama Vartma Kardama
Klisht`a Vartma Utklisht`a Vartma
S`hyaavavartma S`hyaavavartma
Praklinna Vartma S`hlisht`a Vartma
Apariklinna Vartma
Vaatahata Vartma Vaatahata Vartma
Arbuda Arbuda
Nimisha Nimesha
S`hon`itaars`ha Ars`ha
Lagan`a Lagan`a
Bis`ha Bisa Vartma
Pakshmakopa Pakshmoparodha
Pittotklisht`a Vartma
Kaphotklisht`a Vartma
Rakta Utklisht`a Vartma



This is Pid`akaa. It manifests on the haunch of the lower eyelid. It has opening internally and it is elevated externally. This is Sanipaataja and Asaadhya.

It is Raktaja according to Vaagbht`a.

Kumbheekaa / Kumbheeka Pid`akaa:

This is Pid`akaa manifested in the shape of Daad`ima Phala (fruit of pomegranate). It manifests externally on theVartma. These Pid`akaa gets enlarged after they drain out. These are Saannipaataja and Saadhya. It is Pittajaaccording to Vaagbhat`a.


These are the Pid`akaa. There are secretions. There is itching (Kan`d`oo). There is heaviness. They resemble to Red Mustard seeds. There is pain (Rujaa). These are called as Pothakee. These are Saadhya and Kaphaja.

Vartma S`harkaraa:

This is a Pid`akaa which is surrounded by other very small and dense Pid`akaa. This Pid`akaa is large and Khara(rough). This is Saannipaataja and Asaadhya.


This is a Pid`akaa which resemble to Ervaaru Beeja (Greeshma Karkat`ee). There is mild pain (Manda Rujaa). ThePid`akaa are very Smaal and rough (Sookshma and Khara). This is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.


This is a growth on the eyelid. It is rough (Khara), Daarun`a, Stabdha. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.


This is a Pid`akaa associated with Daaha, Toda. It is copper coloured (Taamraa). It is soft (Mridu). There is mild pain (Manda Rujaa). It is small in size (Sookshmaa). It is Raktaja and Saadhya.

Bahala Vartma:

All over the eyelid, Pid`akaa are formed. These Pid`akaa are same in colour of Vartma. These Pid`akaa are same in size. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

There is Maamsa Vriddhi as per Vaagbhat`a.


It is S`hopha (Oedema) on the eyelid. It is associated with itching (Kan`d`oo), mild pain (Alpa Toda). It does not cover the eye evenly. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya.

Klisht`a Vartma / Utklisht`a Vartma:

When the eyelid suffers form mild pain (Alpa Vedanaa). It turn to copper colour (Taamra Varn`a). Suddenly it becomes red coloured, then it is called as Klisht`a Vartma. It is Raktaja and Saadhya. As per Vaagbhat`a, it isRaktaja and Tridoshaja.

Vartma Kardama:

When Klisht`a Vartma gets associated with Pitta and causes Vidaaha of Rakta, then it turns in to wet condition (like Kardama mud); which is called as Vartma Kardama. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

S`hyaava Vartma:

When an eyelid turns to dark brown Colour (S`hyaava) and which is associated with S`hotha, Vedanaa, Daaha,Kan`d`oo, and Kleda; called as S`hyaava Vartma. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya. As per Vaagbhat`a, it isRaktaja also.

Klinna Vartma / S`hlisht`a Vartma:

When there is no pain outside of the eyelid, there is Oedema inside the eyelid, which is wet and there is itching (Kan`d`oo), secretion (Sraava), Toda called as Klinna Vartma. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Aklinna Vartma / Pilla:

It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya. The eyelids do not get wet. Though they are washed frequently; the eyelids get fastened to each other. There is no suppuration of the eyelids. This is Saannipaatja and Saadhya.

Vaatahata Vartma:

The eyelids are motionless. They can not be closed due to Vimukta Sandhi. There may or may not be Rujaa. It is called as Vaatahata Vartma. It is Vaataja and Asaadhya.


It manifests on the inside of the eyelid like a Granthi (Glandular growth). It is irregular. There is no pain. It is associated with Rakta. It hangs down. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya. It is casued due to Rakta also, as perVaagbhat`a.


Aggravated Vaayu enters in to the Nimeshan`ee Siraa in the Vartma causing movements of the Vartma called asNimesha. It is Vaataja and Saadhya. It is Asaadhya as per Vaagbhat`a.


The growth on the eyelids goes on increasing though they are cut frequently. The growth is soft (Mridu). It is associated with Daaha, Kan`d`oo and Rujaa. It is Raktaj and Asaadhya.


It is a Granthi resembles to Kola. It does not suppurate. It is hard. It is large (Sthoola). There is no pain. There isKan`d`oo and it is Pichchiila. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Bisa Vartma:

The eyelid is odematous and becomes porous (Sookshma Chhidra Yukta). It resembles to Bisa Antarjala. It isSaannipaatika and Saadhya.

Pakshmakopa / Pakshmoparodha:

Dosha enter in to the Pakshma (eye Lash) making them sharp and rough. Movements of the eyelids casue Daaha(Dooyana). It is pacified when the lashes are repeatedly drawn out. Patient hates of Vaayu, Aatapa and Agni. It is called as Pakshma Kopa. It is Saannipaatika and Yaapya.


Vaayu resides in to the Vartmagata Siraa due to which a person can not open his eyelids in the morning after getting up. There is pain also. There is tearing. It is pacified by the Mardana. It is Saadhya.

Pittotlisht`a Vartma:

Eye lid is suffering from Daaha, Kleda, Toda. It can not tolerate touch. It becomes red. This is caused due to Pitta.


The eye lashes are fallen due to Pitta causing Kan`d`oo, Daaha.

Kaphotklisht`a Vartma:

There is Stambha, Kleda and Upadeha at the Vartma. It is Kaphaja.

Raktotklisht`a Vartma:

Like Utsangee, it is caused due to Rakta. There are red coloured lines. It can not tolerate touch.


It is considered under Kaphaabhishyanda. It is an eye disease caused to children. It is Saadhya. It is Vartma Roga.


It is described under Sandhigata Roga.


Dosha cause constriction of the eyelids causing closure of the eye; which is called as Kunchana.


Other than Krichchhronmeelana, Nimesha, Vaatahata Vartma, S`hon`itaars`ha, Pakshmoparodha; all the Vartmagatadiseases described by Vaagbhat`a are S`hastrasaadhya. A.H.U.8/25


S`huklagata Roga: (Su. U. 4)

These are the diseases related to the sclera of the eye. The diseases are 11 in number as per Sus`hruta.

Name of the diseases:


Su. U. 4 A. H. U. 10
Prastaari Arma Prastaari Arma
S`hukla Arma S`hukla Arma
Kshataja Arma
Adhimaamsa Arma Adhimaamsa Arma
Snaayu Arma Snaayu Arma
S`huktikaa S`huktikaa
Arjuna Arjuna
Pisht`aka Pisht`aka
Siraa Jaala Siraa Jaala
Siraa Pid`akaa Siraa Pid`akaa
Balaasa Grathita Balaasa Grathita


Prastaari Arma:

It is Tridoshaja and Saadhya. This is wide, reddish (like Rakta) and bluish growth.

S`hukla Arma:

It a soft, white coloured and even growth on the S`hukla Man`d`ala. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya. It isS`hastrakarma Saadhya as per Vaagbhat`a.

Lohitaarma / S`hon`itaarma:

This is muscular growth Maamsa Prachaya on the S`huklaman`d`ala. It resembles to Padma; called asLohitaarma.

Maamsajaarma / Adhimaamsa Arma:

This is wide, soft, thick (Bahala) growth resembling to liver colour or dark brown (S`hyaava) on theS`huklaMan`d`ala. This is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

Snaayu Arma:

This is muscular growth on the S`hukla Man`d`ala. It is rough (Khara) and whitish (Paan`d`u). It is Tridoshajaand Saadhya. It is S`hastra Saadhya as per Vaagbhat`a.


These are the dots on the S`huklaman`d`ala resembling to Maamsa (Pis`hita). They may be dark brown (S`hyaava). They resemble to S`hukti (a pearl-oyster or oyster shell). It is Pittaja and Saadhya.


Single spot on the S`huklaman`d`ala, that resembles to the blood of rabbit. (S`has`harudhiropama). It is Raktajaand Saadhya.


It is elevated and flour like white spot resembling to water called as Pisht`aka. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Siraa Jaala / Jaalasamdnyita:

When S`hvetaMan`d`ala turns to net like appearance which is hard (Kat`hina), large in size and associated withRakta called as Siraa Jaala or Jaalasamdnyita. It is Raktaja and Saadhya. It is S`hastra Saadhya according toVaagbhat`a.

Siraa Pid`akaa:

This is white coloured Pid`akaa surrounded by Siraa near to Krishn`a Man`d`ala I. e. on the S`huklaMan`d`ala is called as Siraa Pid`akaa. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya. It is S`hastra Saadhya according to Vaagbhat`a.

Balaasaka / Balaasagrathita:

These are the bronze Coloured (Kaamsya) spots on the S`huklaMan`d`ala. They resemble to water dews. It isKat`hina and without pain. It is called as Balaasaka. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Krishn`agata Roga: ( S.U. 5)

These are the diseases related to Krishn`a Man`d`ala I. e. cornea.

These are 4 in number.

Name of the diseases:


S.U.5 A. H. U. 10
Savran`aS`hukra Kshata S`hukra

Krishn`a Man`d`alagata



Avran`a S`hukra S`huddha S`hukra
Akshi Paakaatyaya Paakaatyaya
Ajakaajaata Ajakaa
Siraa S`hukra


Savran` S`hukra / Kshata S`hukra:

It is a wound in the deep of the Krishn`a Man`d`ala. It resembles to the prick by needle. There are hot secretions with pain. It is called as Savran`a S`hukra.

It is Raktaja and Asaadhya.

It is Saadhya when:

o It is not near to the Drisht`i

o It is not deep Avagaad`ha

o There are no secretions (Sraava Rahita)

o There is no pain (Avedanaavaan)

o When it is not doubly manifested. (Yugma S`hukra)

It is Asaadhya, when:

o Its centre is distorted (Vichchhinna Madhya)

o It is covered by muscular tissue (Pis`hitaavrita)

o It is moving (Chala)

o It is crowded by Siraa (Siraasakta)

o It hampers vision (Adrisht`ikrit)

o It is harboured on the 2 Pat`ala (Dvi Pat`alaas`hrita)

o It is Chirotthita (chronic)

o When resembles to Green gram (MudgaNibha )

o Tittiripakshatulyam

Vaagbhat`a has described it at three Stages:

  1. Krishn`aMan`d`alagata Kshata S`hukra – Vitiated Pitta causes tear in the skin at Krishn`aor Drisht`IMan`d`ala. There is Toda, As`hru, Raaga. It resembles to the mature fruit of Jambu (Jamun Indian Black Berry). It may be little bit depressed. It is Krichchhrasaadhya.
  2. Dviteeyapatalagata Kshata S`hukra – it is Yaapya. There is Todaetc.
  3. Triteeyapatalagata Kshta S`hukra – it is Asaadhya.

Avran`a Shukra:

When there is formation of whitish patch (Sita) on the Kris`hna Man`d`ala. It resembles to the small thin cloud in the space. There is no pain and tears. This is Asaadhya and Raktaja.

It becomes Krichchhrasaadhya when:

o It is deeply situated (Gambheera Jaata)

o It is thick (Bahala)

o It is chronic (Chirotthita)

S`huddha S`hukra:

It is Kaphaja and Saadhya. There is no pain.

Paakaatyaya / Akshipaakaatyaya:

When complete Krishn`aMan`d`ala gets covered by S`hveta Varn`a; it is called as Akshipaakaatyaya / Akshikopa. It is manifested with severe pain. It is Tridoshaja and Asaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, it is Tridoshaja and Raktaja. Krishn`aMan`d`ala turns to S`huklavarn`a. There is severe pain. It is Asaadhya.


When Krishn`aMan`d`ala gets ruptured, there are secretions of red Coloured and sticky tears. There is oozing of a material like the fecal matter of sheep. (Ajaa Pureesha Pratima). It is black in Colour. It is called as Ajakaajaata. It is Kaphaja and Asaadhya. It is Raktaja and Asaadhya according to Vaagbhat`a.

Siraa S`hukra:

It is caused due to Dosha with Rakta. There is Toda, Daaha. There is formation of Taamra Siraa. There is Animitta S`heeta and Ushn`atva. It is Asaadhya.


Sarvagata Netra Roga: (Su. U. 6)

There are total 17 Sarvagata Netra Roga. It means that these are the diseases which manifest allover the eye.


Name of the diseases:


Su. U. 6 A. H. U. 15
Vaataabhishyanda Vaataabhishyanda
Pittabhishyanda Pittabhishyanda
Kaphaabhishyanda Kaphaabhishyanda
Raktaabhishyanda Raktaabhishyanda
Vaataadhimantha Vaataadhimantha
Pittaadhimantha Pittaadhimantha
Kaphaadhimantha Kaphaadhimantha
Raktaadhimantha Raktaadhimantha
Sas`hopha Paaka Sas`hopha Paaka
AS`hopha Paaka AS`hopha Paaka
Hataadhimantha Hataadhimantha
ANilaparyaya Vaataparyaya
S`hushkaakshipaaka S`hushkaakshipaaka
Anyato Vaata Anyato Vaata
Amlaadhyushita Drisht`i



Generally, all the eye diseases are caused due to Abhishyanda. Therefore, it is to be treated quickly.


There is Nistoda, Stambhana, Romaharsha, Sangharsha, Paarushya, S`hirobhitaapa, S`hushkatva,S`his`hiraas`hrutaa (cold tears) in Vaataabhishyanda.

It is Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is less and dried Netra Mala. It gets pacified by Snigdha and Ushn`a.


There is Daaha, Paaka, demand for cold things (S`hiraabhinanda), Dhoomaayana, Baashpa Samuchchhraaya (more tears), Ushn`aas`hrutaa (hot tears), yellowish eyes (Peeta Netrataa). It is Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Daaha, Dhoomaayana, S`hopha, Vartma S`hyaavataa. There is wetness inside the eyelid.


A person demands for hot things. There is heaviness (Gurutaa), S`hopha, Kan`d`oo, Upadeha, whiteness of the eye (Sitataa), cold ness of the eye (Atis`haitya). There are frequent secretions. They are sticky. It is Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is heaviness (Jaad`ya), S`hopha, Kan`d`oo, Nidraa, Annaabhinandana. The tears are Saandra, Snigdha, abundant, like Pichchhaa.


The eye becomes copper and red coloured. There is manifestation of different lines which are highly red. There arePitta dominant symptoms. It is Raktaabhishyanda. It is Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there are symptoms of Pittaja Abhishyanda.


When the Abhishyanda is not properly treated, then they turn to Adhimantha with more severe pain. It manifests with the Utpaat`ana, Nirmathana of Netra and S`hiraardha.

According to Vaagbhat`a, in all the types of Adhimantha, pain gets aggravated. There is severe pain at Shamkha,Danta, and Kapaala.


There is Utpaat`ana, Manthana of the Netra and S`hira. There is Sangharsha, Toda, Bheda,MaamSasamrabdhataa, Aavila Netrataa (Muddy eyes). There is Kunchana, Sphot`ana, Aadhmaana, Vepathu,Vyathaa in the half of the head; this is Vaataadhimantha. It is Saadhya. It destroys the vision within 6 days if not treated or treated improperly.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Karn`anaada, Bhrama. There is a churning pain like Aran`i Manthana. It distorts the vision within 5 Nights.


There are red coloured lines on the eye. There are secretions. There is burning sensation as if it is being burnt by fire. Eye ball resembles to Yakrit Khan`d`a. inner side of the eye lids are odematous and suppurated. There is perspiration. There is Moorchchha, S`hirodaaha. It is Saadhya. It destroys the vision immediately if not treated or treated improperly.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is burning pain as if red hot coals are put on the skin. It resembles to the colour of the Yakrit. It distorts the vision immediately due to unwholesome food habbits and act.


There is Sraava, Kan`d`oo, S`haitya, Gaurava, Pichchhilataa, Dooshikaa. A person sees with difficulty. There is muddy view. There is Naasaa Aadhmaana, S`hiroduhkha. It is Saadhya. It destroys the vision within 7 days if not treated or treated improperly.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Krishn`aMan`d`ala is depressed while S`huklaMan`d`ala is elevated. There is Praseka,Naasaadhmaana. It distorts the vision within 7 days.


Eye ball looks like flower of Bandhujeeva. It can not tolerate touch. There is Raktasraava. There is Toda. A person looks red everywhere. The Krishn`a Man`d`ala looks like fruit of Arisht`a. it is Saadhya. It destroys the vision within 5 days if not treated or treated improperly.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is pain like tearing out. The Colour of the eye changes to Taamra. It resembles toBandhoojeeva. It can not tolerate touch. It distorts the vision within 3 Nights.

Sas`hopha Paakaa:

Eye ball resembles to the mature fruit of Udumbara. There is Kan`d`oo, Upadeha and As`hru (Tears). There isDaaha, Harsha, S`hopha, Toda, Gaurava. There are frequent secretions of hot blood (Ushn`a As`hru), cold water (S`heetaambu). The secretions are sticky. There is suppuration in the eyeball. It is Sas`hopha Paaka. It isTridoshaja and Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, it is caused due to all the three Dosha and Rakta. It resembles to the ripenendUdumbara Phala.

As`hopha Paakaa:

It manifests with the symptoms same as of S`hopha Paaka, but there is no S`hopha. It is Tridoshaja andSaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is less Oedema (Alpa S`hopha).


This is caused due to negligence in treating Adhimantha. This is Vaataja Vikaara. There is Ugra Rujaa (Severe Pain). It is Asaadhya. There is Avasaada of Netra. (Sinking of the eyeball). Vaayu harbours in to the Netragata Siraa. There is throwing out of the eyeball. It is Asaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there are different types of Vran`a on the Drisht`i.


Vitiated Vaayu causes pain while traversing through the Pakshma, Akshi (eyeballs), Bhroo (eyebrow). The pain is caused alternately in these regions. It is Vaataparyaaya. It is Vaataja and Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is squinting of the eye.


Vartma are closed. They are rough and dry (Daarun`a and Rooksha). A person looks muddy. A person can not open the eyelids or there is pain while opening the eyelids. It is Vaatja and Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, it manifests in the eyes which are suffered from Vaata and Pitta. Eyelids can not be opened easily. This is S`hushkaakshipaaka.

Anyatovaata / Paryas`hru:

Vaayu causes pain in the regions like Avat`u, Karn`a, S`hira, Hanu, Manyaa, Bhroo and Netra. It is called asAnyatovaata. It is Vaataja and Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Vaayu residing at Mannyaa, Akshi, S`hamkha causes pain. It is also called asParyas`hru.

Amlaadhyushita / Amloshita:

Amla Janita Pittadhyushitam Amlaadhyushita |

Due to Amla and Vidaahee food, eye gets covered by S`hopha. It becomes red and bluish. It is called asAmlaadhyushita. It is Pittaja and Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, due to vitiated and aggravated Pitta, Rakta, eyes turn to S`hyaavalohita colour. There isS`hopha, Daaha, Paaka, As`hru. A person sees muddy. It is Amloshita.


There is formation of copper coloured lines on the eyeball. There may or may not be pain. The lines get free from blood (Virajyanti). It is called as Sirotpaata. It is Raktaja and Saadhya. It is S`huklaMan`d`alastha Vikaaraaccording to Vaagbhat`a.

Siraaharsha / Siraapraharsha:

When Sirotpaata remains untreated it causes Siraaharsha. There are secretions of clean blood. A person can not see. It is Siraaharsha. It is Raktaja and Saadhya.

As per Vaagbhat`a, it is S`huklaMan`d`alastha Vikaara.


According to Vaagbhat`a, there is S`hopha, Samrambha, As`hrukaalushya, Kaphopadigdhatva. There are moving pains.


Drisht`igata Roga : (Su. U. 7)

There are 12 Drisht`igata diseases according to Sus`hruta.

Name of the diseases:


Su. U. 7 (12 diseases) A.H.U.12/32-33 (27 Diseases)

(A) Asaadhya

(Y) Yaapya

(S) – Saadhya

Vaataja Timira Vaataja Linganaas`ha (A)
Pittaja Timira Pittaja Linganaas`ha (A)
Kaphaja Timira Kaphaja Linganaas`ha (S)
Raktaja Timira Sandargaja Linganaas`ha (A)
Saannipaatika Timira Sannipaataja Linganaas`ha (A)
Parimlaayi Raktaja Linganaas`ha (A)
Pittavidagdha Drisht`i Aupasargika Linganaas`ha (A)
S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`i Gambheeraa Drisht`i (A)
Dhoomadars`hee Hrasvajaa Drisht`i / Hrasvadars`hinee (A)
Hrasvajaad`ya Vaataja Kaacha (Y)
Nakulaandhya Pittaja Kaacha (Y)
Gambheerikaa Kaphaja Kaacha (Y)
Samsargaja Kaacha (Y)
Sannipaataja Kaacha (Y)
Raktaja Kaacha (Y)
Nakulaandhya (Y)
Vaataja Timira (S)
Pittaja Timira (S)
Kaphaja Timira (S)
Raktaja Timira (S)
Samsargaja Timira (S)
Sannipaatja Timira (S)
Pittavidagdhaa Drisht`i (S)
Doshandha (S)
Ushn`avidagdhaa Drisht`i (S)
Vidagdhaamla Drisht`i (S)
Dhoomara (S)


  1. Prathama Pat`alagata Timira
  2. Dviteeya Pat`alagata Timira
  3. Triteeya Pat`alagata Timira
  4. Chaurtha Pat`alagata Timira

Prathama Pat`alagata Timira:

Dosha get harbored in to the Prathama Pat`ala of Drisht`i after traversing through the Siraa. The symptoms is that a person does not see clear. A person can see the objects unclearly.

Due to Vaata, person sees the objects of Arun`a Varn`a.

Due to Pitta, person sees the objects of Neela and Peeta Varn`a.

Due to Kapha, person sees the objects of Sita Varn`a.

Due to Rakta, person sees the objects of Rakta Varn`a.

Due to Sannipaata, person sees the objects of different Varn`a.

It is Saadhya.


Dviteeya Pat`alagata Timira:

This Pat`ala is harbored in the Medas. There is more loss of vision than in the Prathama Pat`ala. A person sees different things in front of him like hairs, net Jaalaka etc. a person feels longer object nearer and nearer object longer. A person can not see Soocheepaas`ha.

It is Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees absent objects also. A person can not see minute objects. Longer Onjectsare not seen properly. Dosha harboured in to Dviteeya Pat`ala cause to see rounded objects. This is also called asTimira.


Triteeya Pat`alagata Timira (Timira):

A person is unable to see the objects at the upper or lower side. Big object is seen as if it is covered by cloth. A person sees other without ear, nose and eyes.

Drisht`is is changed to the colour as per the dominance of the Dosha. When Dosha are resided at the lower side, a person can not see the nearer objects. When Dosha are resided at the upper side, a person can not see the longer objects. When Dosha are resided at the sides then a person can not see laterally. When Dosha are resided all over the eye, person sees the objects mixed (Sankula). When Dosha are at the center, a person sees an object as if it is bifurcated. This is called as Timira.

It is Saadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is formation of Kaacha in Drisht`i. a person sees as if the object is covered by thin clothe. The vision dimiNishes gradually. The Drisht`i gets Coloured as per the Dosha.


Chaturtha Pat`alagata Timira (Linganaas`ha / Neelikaa / Kaacha) :

Vision is completely blocked, which is called as Linganaas`ha. It is also called as Neelikaa or Kaacha.

It is Yaapya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, when Triteeya Pat`alagata Timira is not treated properly, then the Dosha get harbouredin to the Chaturtha Pat`ala. They cover the Drisht`iMan`d`ala. It manifests in the Linganaas`ha ultimately.


Vaataja Timira:

A person looks objects moving. The vision is muddy, Arun`aabha and Vyaaviddha.

According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees the objects distorted. (Vyaaviddham Iva) He sees the objects moving,Aavila (Muddy), Arun`a, clear frequently. An object which is straight is seen as if it is curved. Aggravated Kaachagives symptoms as if Drisht`i is covered by smoke and fog (Rajodhoomaavrita Drisht`i)

Pittaja Timira:

A person sees the objects blue and black coloured.

According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees lightining (Vidyut). A person sees generally blue coloured things. Drisht`iturns to blue coloured Kaacha and sees related things like Indradhanush etc.

Kaphaja Timira:

A person sees Snigdha, Sita (white coloured), as if water is accumulated in the eyes.

According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees objects unctuous and white. Kapha can be seen clearly in the Drisht`i. it hampers vision.

Raktaja Timira:

A person sees red, green, dark brown, black coloured objects.

According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees the object red coloured and darkened. Drisht`i becomes red and black (Raktaa and Krishn`a). The same coloured objects are seen by a person. In the Linganaas`ha, Drisht`i becomes dull and visionless.

Saannipaataja Timira / Samsargaja or Saannipaatika Timira:

A person looks objects different coloured and shattered. An object may be seen as divided into many parts.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there are mixed symptoms in the Samsargaja and Saannipaatika Timira. A person suddenly sees clearly and suddenly vision goes dull.



Pitta with Rakta causes Parimlaayi. A person sees yellow coloured all around. He sees as if it looks like at the time of sunrise. A person sees Khadyota all over.

Six types of Raagapraapta Linganaas`ha:

Due to Vaayu, vision turns to red colour;

Due to Pitta, Parimlaayi is manifested and it turns to blue coloured;

Due to Kapha, vision turns to white colour.

Due to Rakta, it turns to red colour.

Due to all the dosha, it turns to mixed colour.


Parimlaayi (Kaacha):

It is caused due to Pitta. The vision becomes like Sthoola Kaacha. The colour turns to dark red. Vision turns toMlaayi and slightly blue coloured. If the Dosha are depleted, then a person can see. It is Pittja and Yaapya.


In Linganaas`ha, Drisht`i Man`d`ala, turns to Arun`a Varn`a. it is rough and Chanchala due to Vaata Prakopa.

Due to Pitta Prakopa, it becomes, blue coloured, Kaamsyaabha or Peeta.

Due to Kapha, Drisht`i Man`d`ala becomes Bahala, Snigdha, and white like S`hankha.

In Tridoshaja Linganaas`ha, Drisht`iMan`d`ala turns to different colour.


Parimlaayi Kaacha (Araaga) = Timira

Parimlaayi Kaacha (Raaga) = Kaacha – Linganaas`ha


Pittavidagdha Drisht`i:

The vision turns to yellow colour due to Pitta. The objects look like yellow coloured. When Dosha are reached toTriteeya Pat`ala, a person sees only at the night and not at the day time; as Pitta gets pacified in the Night. It isSaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Drisht`i becomes Peeta (yellow coloured).

S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`i:

Due to this vision turns to white colour. When the Dosha are harbored in to the Triteeya Pat`ala, a person can not see in the Night but can see in the daytime. It is Saadhya. This is Naktaandhya according to Maadhava Nidaana.


A person sees the objects with the smoke (Dhooma) due to S`hoka, Jvara, Aayaasa, S`hirobhitaapa. It is Pittajaand Saadhya.


A person sees in the day with difficulty and the objects are seen smaller than they are. A person is visionless in the night. It is Pittaja and Asaadhya.


It is Tridoshaja and Asaadhya. Vision shines like the vision of Nakula. It is Tridoshaja and Asaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Drisht`i of a person gets lightened like Nakula (Mongoose) due to the accumulation of the Dosha in the Drisht`i. a person sees different colours in the daytime and unables to see in the night.

Gambheerikaa / Gambheeraa Drisht`i:

This is Vaataja and Asaadhya. The vision is constricted. There is pain. It is Vaataja and Asaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is constriction of Drisht`igata Siraa due to Vaayu. It enters in to the Drisht`i Man`d`ala. It is called as Antargambheeraa Drisht`i.

Hrasvaajaad`ya / Hrasvadars`hinee:

According to Vaagbhat`a, it is Pittaja. Drisht`i turns to blue colour. It becomes unctuous. It is possible to see nearer objects.


According to Vaagbhat`a, when sun sets down, Dosha become stagnant causing Stambha of Drisht`i. It is called as Doshandha.

When Dosha get displaced from the Drisht`i, then a person can see in the daytime.

Raatryandha / Ushn`a Vidagdha Drisht`i:

A person whose temperature is raised due to fire, sunlight etc; when sinks in to the cold water suddenly; heat in the body with the Tridosha and Rakta traverse to the upward direction towards eyes. There is muddyness on theS`huklaMan`d`ala. Vision is muddy in the daytime. This is called as Raatryandha which is caused due toUshn`avidagdha Drisht`i. It is named as Ushn`a Vidagdha Drisht`i by Arun`adatta.

Amlavidagdha Drisht`i:

Due to excessive sour food, Drisht`i gets accumulated by the Dosha with Rakta. There is Kan`d`oo, Kleda also. It is also called as Amlavidaghda Drisht`i.


A person suffering from S`hoka, Jvara, S`hiroroga; Vaayu etc Dosha cause the vision affected by smoke; due to which a person sees objects smoky. It is called as Dhoomara.

Aupasargika Linganaas`ha:

A person having less mental strength, when sees something miraculous; Dosha in the eyes dries out the Drisht`i. it resembles to the colour of Vaid`oorya. Drisht`i becomes stagnant. There is no pain (Prakritistha Iva). This is called as Aupasargika Linganaas`ha.

These symptoms are told by Maadhavanidaana in Animittaja Linganaas`ha.

There are 6 Upadravaa of Linganaas`ha: – A. H. U. 14.5-8

  1. Aavartakee
  2. S`harkaraa
  3. Raajeematee
  4. ChhinnamS`hukaa
  5. Chandrakee
  6. Chhatrakee


When Dosha or one of the Dosha, are harboured in to the Prathama Pat`ala, a person can not see the clear objects also without any cause. A.H.U.12/1

Baahya Kaaran`aja: – (S.U.7/42-46). It is of two types:

  1. Sanimittaja
  2. Animittaja



There is S`hirobhitaapa, Abhishyanda. It is Asaadhya.


Vision turns to Vaidoorya Varn`a. Vision turns to utmost clarity. It is Asaadhya.


Abhighaataja Drisht`i:

There is Vidaaran`a and Avasaada of Drisht`i. It is considered under Saannipaatika.



Due to the trauma, there is Samrambha (having inflamed), Raaga (Redness), and Tumulaa Rujaa (severe pain).


Netrarogasya Saamatva:

Saamataa of Netraroga manifests with Udeern`avedanaa, Raaga, S`hotha, Gharsha, Nistoda, S`hoola, and As`hru(tears)


Netrarogasya Niraamatva:

There is mild pain (Manda Vedanaa), Kan`d`oo, Samrambha. There are no tears (As`hrupras`haantataa). The colour of the eye becomes normal (Pras`hastavarn`ataa). These are the signs of Pakva Dosha.










Vaataja Kaacha Pittaja Kaacha Kaphaja Kaacha Saannipaatika Kaacha Raktaja Kaacha Parimlaayi Pittavidagdha Drisht`i S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`i Dhoomadars`hee/ Dhoomara Nakulaandhya Gambheerikaa Doshandha Ushn`avidagdha Drisht`i Amlavidagdha Drisht`i Aupasargika Linganaas`ha
Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya
Yaapya Yaapya Yaapya Yaapya Yaapya Yaapya Yaapya
Dosha Pittaja Pittaja

Pitta Vidagdha

Kaphaja Pittaja Tridoshaja

Dosha Nichita(V)

Vaataja Dosha Stambha(V) Tridosha Dosha Sarakta (V) Dosha Vaataadi
Dhaatu Raktaja

Rakta Dusht`i

Upadhaatu Drik Siraa SankochaA.H.U.12/12
Sarvagata Roga 1 Vaata














As`hopha Paakaa
Svabhaava Mithyaachaaraat

Shad`aaatraat Drisht`im HantiS.U.6/20


Sadya Eva Drisht`im Hanti S.U.6/20


Saptaraatraat Drisht`im HantiS.U.6/20

Avayava Netra










Upas`haya Snigdha


Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya
Dosha Vaataja Pittaja Kaphaja Vaataja Pittaja Kaphaja Tridoshaja
Dhaatu Raktaja
Mala Sveda Pravartana Netra Mala
Sarvagata Roga 2 Hataadhimantha Vaataparyaaya S`hushka


Anyatovaata Amla




Man`d`alastha as perVaagbhat`a)



Man`d`alasthaas perVaagbhat`a)

Avayava Pakshma










S`hamkha – (V)

Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya
Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya
Dosha Vaataja Vaataja Vaataja

Vaataja &Pittaja

Vaataja Pittaja Kapha Prakopa


Dhaatu Raktaja Raktaja
Upadhaatu Netragata Antah Siraa




Krishn`agata Roga Savran`a s`hukra

Kshata S`hukra (V) – it is of three types


Dviteeya Pat`alagata

Triteeya Pat`alagata

Avran`a Shukra Paakaatyaya Ajakaajaata Shuddha S`hukra Siraa S`hukra
Saadhya Drisht`i Asameepastha




Ayugma S`hukraS.U.5/5; M.Ni.59/23




S`hankhendukunda Pratimaa Avabhaasam

Vaihaayasa Abhra Pratanu Prakaas`ham M.NI.59/24

Saadhya S.U.5/8

Krichchhra Krishn`a Man`d`alagata Kshata S`hukra(Krichchhrasaadhya – V)

Dviteeya Man`d`alagata Kshata S`hukra (Y – V)

Triteeya Man`d`alagata(A – V)

Gambheera Jaata




Bahula S`hukla



Asaadhya Asaadhya

Vichchhinna Madhhya





Dvi Pat`alaas`hrita












Antatah Lohita



Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya Antardrisht`I Vinaas`ha

Antah S`hyaava Kinchit Lohita






Vichchhinnam (V) A.H.U.10/31


Dosha Tridoshaja Kaphaja Kaphaja Tridosha
Dhaatu Raktaja Raktaja Raktaja (V) Raktaja Raktaja



S`huklagata Roga Prastaari Arma S`hukla Arma Lohitaarma Maamsaja

Arma /Adhimaamsaja

Snaayu Arma S`hukti Arjuna Pisht`aka Siraa Jaala /Jaalasamdnyita Siraa Pid`akaa Balaasaka /Balaasagrathita
Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya
Krichchhra S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V) S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V) S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V) S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V) S`hastra Saadhya S`hastra Saadhya(V)
Asaadhya Asita Praapta






Asita Praapta






Asita Praapta






Asita Praapta






Asita Praapta






Dosha Tridoshaja Kaphaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Pittaja Kaphaja Tridoshaja Kaphaja
Dhaatu Maamsa Vriddhi (V) Maamsa Vriddhi (V) Raktaja

Maamsa PrachayaS.U.4/5





Mala S`hakrid Bheda(V)



Vartmagata Roga 1 Saamaanya


UtsangeeNi Kumbheekaa Pothakee Vartma S`harkaraa ArS`ho


S`hushkaars`ha Anjana


Bahala Vartma Vartma


Klisht`aVartma Pakshma S`haata Kapha Utklisht`a
Avayava Vartma
Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya
Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya
Dosha Dosha Prakopa Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Kaphaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja(Vaagbhat`a) Pittaja Kaphaja
Dhaatu Maamsa VriddhiS.U.3/3

Rakta VriddhiS.U.3/3

Raktaja(Vaagbhat`a) Raktaja Maamsa Vriddhi(V) Raktaja
Upadhaatu Vartmagata SiraaS.U.3/3




Vartmagata Roga 2 Vartma Kardama S`hyaava Vartma Klinna Vartma Aklinna Vartma /Pilla Vaatahata Vartma Arbuda Nimesha S`hon`itaars`ha Lagan`a Bisa Vartma Pakshmakopa Krichchhra


Upas`haya Pakshma Uddharan`a Mardana
Anupas`haya Vaayu



Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya
Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya(V) Asaadhya
Yaapya Yaapya
Dosha Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Kaphaja Tridoshaja Vaataja Tridoshaja Vaataja Kaphaja Tridoshaja Tridoshaja Vaataja Pittaja
Dhaatu Raktaja(Vaagbhat`a) Raktaja(V) Raktaja



Netra Roga

Sandhigata Roga (9)

Pooyaalasa Upanaaha Pooyaasraava S`hleshmaasraava Raktaasraava Pittaasraava


Parvan`ee Alajee Krimigranthi
Avayava Kaneenikaa Sandhi Drisht`iSandhi Kaneenikaa Kaneenikaa Kaneenikaa Kaneenikaa Krishn`aS`hukla Sandhi

Vartmas`hukla Sandhi (V)

Krishn`aS`hukla Sandhi


VartmaPakshma Sandhi VartmaS`hukla Sandhi

Kaneenikaa (V)

Apaanga (V)

Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya Saadhya
Krichchhra S`hastra Saadhya(V) S`hastra Saadhya(V) S`hastra Saadhya (V) S`hastra Saadhya (V)
Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya Asaadhya
Dosha Tridoshaja Kaphaja Tridoshaja Kaphaja Pitta? Pittaja

Vaata Prakopa (V)

Pitta? Tridosaja Kaphaja
Dhaatu Rakta Dusht`I (V)

Maamsa Paaka (V)

Rakta Sraava(V)

Rakta Dusht`I Rakta Dusht`i

Rakta Sraava(V)

Upadhaatu Tvak Paaka(V) Jalavaahee Siraa (V)


Netra Roga Vaataja Pittaja Kaphaja Saanni
Svabhaava Daarun`aS.U.1/20
Avayava Netra
Dosha Vaata Prakopa Pitta Prakopa Kapha Prakopa Tridosha Prakopa
Dosha_Gun`a Kapha =Pichchhila, Guru
Upadhaatu Siraa Dusht`iS.U.1/20
Mala Netra Mala AnupasthitiC.Chi.26/129 Netra Mala

Netra Mala Dusht`i

Netra Mala

Netra Mala Dusht`i

Netra Mala

Netra Mala Dusht`i





C.Chi.26, A.H.U.8-16, S.U.9-17, N.R. NetraRoga


NetraRoga are the diseases of the organ Netra.

These Vyaadhi are considered as MadhyamaMaargagataVyaadhi.


Abhishyanda Should be treated by Teekshn`aGan`d`oosha, Naavana and Langhana (except in Vaataja) in thePoorvaroopaavasthaa.


Administration of Saamyaakas`hana and S`hodhana Yoga to as to pacify Dosha like Vaata.

To avoid causative factors of diseases and which aggravate Dosha.

Aas`hchotana is useful in all type of ophthalmic disorders.


VaatajaAbhishyanda and VaatajaAdhimantha:

o Snehana (Puraan`a GhritaSvedana à Siraavyadha à Sneha Virechana àBasti

o Tarpan`a

o Put`apaaka

o Dhoomapaana

o Aas`hchotana

o Sneha Parisheka

o S`hirobasti

o Nasya

o Siraavedhana should be done at Lataat`a, Apaanga, Upanaasikaa region.

o Sechana should be done with decoction of AanoopaMaamsa , JalajaMaamsa

Amla and VaataghnaDravya

o Tarpan`a should be done with all Sneha except Taila.

Anyatovaata and Vaataparyaya:

o PoorvabhaktaGhritapaana

o SaksheeraBhojana

o VaatajaAbhishyandaChikitsaa


o Ghritapaana

o Anjana

o Nasya

o Tarpan`a

o Parisheka

Pittaja Abhishyanda and Pittaja Adhimantha:

o Raktamokshan`a

o Sramsana

o Nasya

o Lepa

o Anjana

o Seka

First Aamapaanchana should be achieved then Snehapaana should be given followed by Siraamoksha. GenerallyPittaghnaChikitsaa should be adopted. It should be treated as per PittajaVisarpaChikitsaa.

Amlaadhyushita and S`hukta:

o Amlaadhyushita should be treated by Chikitsaa similar to Pittaabhishyanda however, Raktamokshan`a is contraindicated.

o According to Vaagbhat`aS`hukti should be treated by Chikitsaa similar to Pittaabhishyanda.

o Nasya

o Anjana

o Lepa

o Seka

o Sramsana



o Ghrita should be used both internally as well as externally.

o Chikitsaa is similar to Raktaja and PittajaAbhishyanda, PittavidagdhaDrisht`i and PittajaVisarpa.

Kaphaja Abhishyanda and Kaphaja Adhimantha:

o RookshaChikitsaa.

o Sveda, Avapeed`a, Anjana, Dhooma, Seka, Pralepa, Kavalagraha, Aas`hchotana and Put`apaaka.

o TiktaDravya Siddha Ghritapaana (On every 4th day after Apatarpan`a)

o Raktamokshan`a.

o Followed with Kaphaghna dietary regime, Svedana and Anulepa.

Balaasagrathita, Pisht`aka and Praklinna Vartma:

o Chikitsaa is similar to KaphajaAbhishyanda and Adhimantha

o Nasya

o SamsarjanaKrama


o Vamana

o Virechana

o Shirovirechana

o Raktamokshan`a

o Kshaaranjana


o Anjana


Raktaabhishyanda, RaktajaAdhimantha, Sirotpaata, Siraaharsha, Siraajaala, Arjuna, Avran`aS`hukra:

o Snehana (Kaumbha Ghrita or Maamsarasa)

o Raktamokshan`a (Siraavedha)

o S`hirovirechana, VirechanaDravya Siddha Ghritapaana

o SthaanikaaUpachaara: Pradeha, Parisheka, Nasya, Dhooma, Aas`hchyotana, Anjana,Tarpan`a and SnigdhaPut`apaaka

o S`hatadhautaGhritaAbhyanga

Raktaabhishyanda, RaktajaAdhimantha, Sirotpaata and Siraaharsha with Vaatajanubandha

o MriduSveda

o Jalaukaavachaaran`a and Ghritapaana in MahateeMaatraa. (In Vaatavritta Rakta Bahus`hon`ita Avasthaa)

o VaatavrittaRaktaAlpas`hon`itaAvasthaa Should be treated by Chikitsaa similar to Pittaabhishyanda.

Avran`aShukra: should be treated with Raktamokshan`a and other procedures of RaktajaAbhishyanda and Lekhyaanajana.

Savran`aShukra: should be Kshaaranajana mentioned in Balaasagrathita

Dviteeyapat`alaAs`hritaSavran`aShukra( DvitvaggataSavran`aS`hukra + S`hoola ):

o This should be treated by NetraTarpan`a with VaataghnaDravya.


o Should be treated by Chikitsaa similar to Pittaabhishyanda.

o AmlavargaAshchotana


o UdakaVisraavan`a should be done by puncturing on lateral (Paars`hva) side. Then the cavity should be filled with GomaamsaChoorn`a.

o If the lids are getting elevated more due to this Ajakaajaata then Lekhana should be done frequently.

Sas`hophaPaaka and As`hophaPaaka:

o Snehana, Svedana

o Siraavyadha (ApaangaUpanaasikaaLalaat`a)

o Snehana à Virechana

o Nasya

o Seka

o Aas`hchyotana

o Put`apaaka

o Anjana

o Amloshita / Amlaadhyushita should be treated by PittaabhishyandaChikitsaa.

Pilla (Chikitsaa Similar to Praklinnavartma):

o Snehana followed by Vamana

o Siraavyadha, Virechana, S`hirovirechanaAsthaapana followed by VartmaLekhana

o Patient of Pilla should be treated by frequent VartmaLekhana, Siraavyadha, Virechana and regular SekaAas`hchyotana, Anjana, Naavana and Dhoomapaana.


o Raktamokshan`a After Snehana and Svedana

o Vran`aS`hodhana / ChakshushyaDravyaUpanaaha

o All the NetrapaakaharaKriyaa are advisable. (Antahs`huddhi and Bahihs`huddhi)

Praklinna Vartma and Aklinna Vartma:

o Snehana, Siraavyadha, Virechana, S`hirovirechana, Aasthaapana

o NetraTarpan`a

o Seka

o Anjana

o Aas`hchyotana

o Nasya

o Dhooma

LekhyaRoga Following Vyaadhi are included under this category as Lekhana is the first line of treatment for all these Vyaadhi.

  1. Utsangini
  2. BahalaVartma
  3. KardamaVartma
  4. S`hyaavaVartma
  5. BaddhaVartma
  6. Klisht`aVartma
  7. Pothaki
  8. VartmaS`harkaraa
  9. Kumbhikaa


  • Snehana should be administered followed by Vamana and Virechana.
  • The patient should be advised to sleep in a room devoid of excessive wind flow and sun.
  • The patient should be advised to lie in supine position. Then the diseased eyelid should be inverted by holding in left thumb and left index finger.
  • Fomentation should be done with the help of a cloth dipped in warm water.
  • The portion should be dried with the help of gauze.
  • Lekhana should be done with the help of Man`d`laagraS`hastra or Anus`hastra like S`hephaaliPatra etc.
  • When bleeding stops Svedana should be administered Manahs`hilaadiPratisaaran`a should be applied.
  • After some time the lids should be cleansed with warm water and Ghrita should be sprinkled.
  • Then the wound should be treated as mentioned in Vran`opakrama.
  • Svedana and Avapeed`aNasya should be administered after 3 days after Lekhana Karma.

DurlikhitaVartma: Snehana should be administered followed by Lekhana.

Atilikhita Vartma: Sneha Sveda etc Vaatahara Upakrama

Vartmaavabandha, Klisht`a Vartma, Bahala Vartma, Pothaki:

Prachchhaana followed by Lekhana with the help of an S`hastra.

S`hyaava Vartma / Kardama Vartma: Lekhana

Kumbhakini / Kumbheekaa, S`harkaraa, Utsangini


Kat`hinaVartmaPid`akaa Bhedana should be done in Pakvaavasthaa followed by Lekhana.

BhedyaRoga Following Vyaadhi are included in this category as Bhedana is the first line of treatment for all these Vyaadhi.

  1. Bisagranthi
  2. Lagan`a
  3. Anjananaamikaa
  4. Krimigranthi
  5. S`hleshmopanaaha


o All the five Vyaadhi should be treated by Snehana, then Svedana by (juice obtained from leaves after churning / fragmented leaves) Patrabhanga. Then they should be treated by general Vran`opakrama till they acquirePaakaavasthaa. After that Bhedana followed by Pratisaaran`a should be done in Paakaavasthaa.

o Also after BhedanaVran`aropan`a should be done.


o Svedana à Pakvaavasthaa

o Bhedana with the help of a S`hastra

o Avachoorn`ana with SaindhavaadiChoorn`a

o Then application of Ghrita + Madhu followed by Vran`aBandha.


o AlpaAvasthaa:

Bhedana by Pratisaaran`a

o MahaAvasthaa:

Bhedana by S`hastra

Kshaarakarma and Agnikarma




Chhedya Roga – FollowingVyaadhi are included in this category as Chhedana is the first line of treatment for all theseVyaadhi.

1. Prastaaree Arma

2. S`hushkaarma

3. Raktaarma

4. Adhimaamsaarma

5. Snaayvaarma

6. Siraajaala

7. Siraa Pid`akaa

8. Parvan`ikaa

9. Ars`ha

10. Arbuda

11. Pakshmakopa

Saamaanya Chkitsaa:

  • All these Chhedya Roga should be treated with Teekshn`a Gun`ayukta medicines that are also either Vaamaka orVirechaka.
  • Chikitsaa similar to Abhishyanda considering the Dosha Praadhaanya should be given.

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:

  • Panchavidha Arma: Arma Chhedana S`hastrakarma:

1. Vamana, Virechana and S`hirovirechana should be done as prerequisite of Arma Chhedana. Then afterSamsarjana Krama the patient should be advised Snigdha Bhojana the next day. Then the patient should be given a suitable sitting position. Then dusting with Laavan`a Choorn`a(Saindhava) should be done at the site of Arma. Arma S`hithilikaran`a is achieved by this process.

2. Svedana should be administered at the site of Arma.

3. Then the Arma should be moved about (Prighat`t`ana).

4. The upper and lower eyelids should be fixed properly.

5. Then the Arma should be held by a Bad`is`ha Yantra at the site of wrinkles. Then the patient should be advised to look laterally. Then the Arma should be lifted up with the help of a Muchun`d`ee (forceps) or a threaded needle.

6. Precaution should be taken not to cut the Arma while lifting up.

7. Then the Arma should be fixed with the help of three Bad`is`ha Yantra and cut with the help of a sharpMan`d`alaagra S`hastra.

8. Precaution should be taken while cutting so as not to incise the Kaneenaka. Kaneenaka Chheda may lead to excessive bleeding or Naad`ee Vran`a formation. 1/4th part of Arma should be retained at the site while cutting, as to avoid any harm to the eye sight.

9. Jaalavat Arma or an Arma which is touching the S`huklaman`d`ala should also be treated the same way.

10. Post-procedural regime Partisaaran`a followed by Vran`a Bandha. Then three days after Chhedana,Bandha should be opened, Karasvedana should be applied and then Vran`a S`hodhana and Ropan`a Chikitsaa should be done.

11. If some part of Arma is left over after Chhedana, it should be treated by Lekhana Anjana.

12. Alpa / Dadhinibha / Neelavarn`ee / Raktavarn`ee / Dhoosara Varn`ee / Tanu Arma should be treated byChikitsaa similar to S`hukra.


The Siraa which are Kat`hina, should be lifted up with the help of Bad`is`ha Yantra and then cut with Man`d`alaagra S`hastra. The Pratisaaran`a Yoga mentioned in Arma are also indicated in this and also all the Chikitsaa indicated in all Netra Roga should be followed by considering the Dosha Praadhaanya.

Siraa Pid`akaa:

If the Pid`akaa doesnt subside by medicines then these should be incised by the procedure similar to Arma Chhedana.The Pratisaaran`a Yoga mentioned in Arma are also indicated in this and also all the Chikitsaa indicated in all Netra Roga should be followed after considering the Dosha Praadhaanya.


This should be treated by Svedana at the site of Sandhi followed by Chhedana Karma. Then Pratisaaran`a of Saindhavaand Madhu should be applied. If still some part of the Pid`akaa is left over, it should be treated by Lekhana Pratisaaran`a or Lekhana Anjana.

Ars`ha (Vartmaars`ha, S`hushkaars`ha), Arbuda:

These should be treated by Svedana followed by Chhedana Karma. Then Pratisaaran`a of Saindhavaadi Pratisaaran`ashould be applied. If still some part of the Ars`ha is left over, then when the bleeding stops Agnikarma should be done with the help of S`halaakaa and also Avalrkhana with Kshaara should be done.



  • Adhikaara Netra Roga


Nasagatha Roga – Disease pertaining to nose in Ayurveda

Nasagatha Roga – Disease pertaining to nose in Ayurveda

Naasaa Rogaass are the diseases caused and manifested on the Nose. Especially, these diseases are related to theNaasaa Srotas.



o It is also called as Peenasa. C.Chi. 26/107


o Pratis`hyaaya is caused as Roopa in Raajayakshmaa. It is expalined as a symptom of Raajayakshmaa inCharaka Samhitaa Raajayakshmaa Chikitsaa Adhyaaya. In Chikitsaa Sthaana it is explained as separate disease (as Svatantra Vyaadhi) as a type of Naasaa Roga.

o Pratis`hyaaya is explained at the start of the Naasa Roga because there are so many other diseases which are casued due to the Pratis`hyaaya. Chakrapaan`i


o Apeenasa is a type of Peenasa (Pratis`hyaaya) – As per Charaka Chi. 26

o Due to the causative factors, Doshaa_s which are Vaata dominant, get solidified in the nasal tract. These cause Pratis`hyaaya which may lead to Kshaya.



o Due to the causative factors, Doshaa_s get solidified (Styaana) in the S`hiras (head).

o The Vaayu gets aggravated in the S`hiras (head).

o This aggravated Vaayu causes Pratis`hyaaya.



  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika

Dusht`a Pratis`hyaaya

When Pratis`hyaaya is increased due to unwholesome diet, it is called as Dusht`a Pratis`hyaaya. Due to obstruction in the Naasaa, due to trauma; Naasaa gets filled with the secretions (Svaara); it manifests with dryness (Naasaa S`hosha), suppuration in the nose (Naasaa Paaka). A person cannot detect different smells. There is foul smell to the mouth. There is recurrence of the Pratis`hyaaya.

If this Dusht`a Pratis`hyaaya is untreated or neglected, then it causes following diseases –


o Naasaa Kshavathu

o Naasaa S`hosha

o Naasaa Pratinaaha

o Naasaa Parisraava

o Pooti Naasaa (Ghraan`asya Pootitvam)

o Apeenasa

o Naasaa Paaka

o Naasaa S`hotha

o Naasaa Arbuda

o (Naasaa) PooyaRakta

o Arumshi

o S`heersha (S`hiro) Roga

o Karn`a Roga

o Akshi (Netra) Roga

o Khaalitya

o Harilomatva

o ArjunaLomatva

o Trit` (Trishn`aa)

o S`hvaasa

o Kaasa

o Jvara

o RaktaPitta

o Vaisvarya (Svara Bheda)

o S`hosha


Naasaa Kshavathu

  • Vaayu residing in S`hira, after going through Marma Sthaanaa causes Kshavathu (sneezing).
  • According to Sus`hruta, when Naasaa and Marma are vitiated by Vaayu coming out of the Naasaa; this Vaayucomes out with Kapha making sound is called as Kshavathu.
  • There is another type of Kshavathu as Aagantu Kshavathu explained by Sus`hruta. Due to use of Teekshn`a Aushadha, due to over smelling of a drug, Kat`u Dravya, staring at the sun, elevation of Naasaagra at the upper side causes Kshavathu; which is Aagantu Kshavathu.


Naasaa S`hosha

  • Aggravated Vaayu dries up the Kapha and S`hringaat`aka and Ghraan`a. This is called as Naasaa S`hoshan`a.
  • According to Sus`hruta, when Kapha at the Naasaa is dried by Vaata and Kapha, then it gets solidified and a person respirates with difficulty, then it is called as Naasaa S`hosha.


Naasaa Pratinaaha / Aanaaha

  • The Kapha obstructs the root of the exhalation, which is associated with Vaata. This is called as Naasaa Prateenaaha.
  • According to Sus`hruta, due to Kaphaavrita Udaana, Vaayu resides in the nasal tract. It gives feeling as if Naasaais covered by Vaayu. It is called as Naasaa Prateenaaha.


Naasaa Parisrava

  • A disease where solid, thick (Ghana), yellow colour (Peeta) Kapha is secreted from Naasaa is called as Naasaa Parisrava.
  • According to Sus`hruta, when there is continuous, clean and watery secretion without any special colour and the secretion is more at the night; then it is called as Naasaa Parisrava.



  • If Pratis`hyaaya is not treated properly or neglected then there is Vaivarn`ya, Daurgandhya, S`hvayathu andBhrama.
  • According to Sus`hruta, due to Vidagdha doshaa_s, in Gala and Taalu; Vaayu is excreted out through the nose. These secretions come out through mouth and nose this is called as PootiNaasaa.



A disease that manifests with Naasaa Aanaaha, Naasaa Vis`hosha, Naasaa Prakledana, Naasaa Dhoopana is called asAppenasa. A person cannot detect or judge the smell. This disease is caused due to the vitiation of Vaata and Kapha. This disease actually manifests with the symptoms as of Pratis`hyaaya.


Ghraan`a Paaka / Naasaa Paaka

  • Due to the vitiation of the Rakta Dhaatu and Pitta, there is Daaha, Raaga, S`hvayathu, Paaka; which is called asGhraan`a Paaka.
  • According to Sus`hruta, Pitta at Ghraan`a (Naasaa), causes Arumshi. There is severe suppuration.

Naasaa S`hvayathu

Doshaa_s vitiate the Rakta and other Dhaatu at the site of Ghraan`a causing the oedema; which is called as Naasaa S`hvayathu.


Naasaa Arbuda:

In the nasal tract, there is manifestation of tumor (Arbuda), which obstructs the exhalation (Uchchhvaasa Nirodha).This is caused due to the vitiation of Maamsa and Rakta by Dosha. Difference between Naasaa S`hopha and Naasaa Arbuda is that Naasaa Arbuda has Kos`ha but in Naasaa S`hotha has no Kos`ha.


  • There is secretion of Pitta enriched Rakta through nose, ear and mouth. This is called as Pooya Rakta.
  • According to Sus`hruta, due to Vidagdha Dosha, or due to trauma on the forhead; there is secretion of Pooya andRakta; then it is called as Pooya Rakta.

Naasaa Arumshi:

Due to Pitta and Vaata, skin gets vitiated, causing Arumshi. There is suppuration also.


Naasaa Deepta

  • This is a disease in which a person feels as if its nose is inflamed or burned. This is called as Deepta.
  • According to Sus`hruta, when there is Daaha in the Naasaa, Vaayu is exhaled through the nose, like Dhooma is called as Naasaa deepta.


S`hon`ita Pitta:-

S`hon`ita Pitta is of four types:-

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Sannipaataja

Origin of S`hon`ita Pitta

Organ Gun`a Organ
Yakritaja Snigdhaja Aamaas`hayaja
Pleehaaja Rookshajka Pakvaas`hayaja

Route of S`hon`ita Pitta:

  1. Adhara Maargaja
  2. Uttara Maargaja



There is secretion of Saandra, Vidagdha and Lavan`a Kapha. This is already accumulated in the head which secrets out through the nose due to heat of Pitta. This is called as Bhrams`hathu.



Types of Naasaars`ha:

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika

Naasaa S`hopha:

Types of Naasaa S`hopha:

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika


Types of Naasaarbuda


  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Raktaja
  5. Maamsaja
  6. Medoja
  7. Saannipaatika






C.Chi.26, A.H.U.20, S.U.23, 24, N.R. NaasaaRoga


  • Naasaa Roga is diseases manifested in the nose. Especially, these diseases are related to the NaasaaSrotas.
  • These are MadhyamaMaargagataVyaadhi.

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa

Nava Pratis`hyaaya Chikitsaa

  1. Svedana
  2. Ghritapaana
  3. Vamana
  4. Avapeed`a Nasya

Nava Pratis`hyaaya: Apachyamaana Avasthaa


  • Kat`uTeekshn`aNasya
  • Kavala
  • Teekshn`aDhoomapaana


The patient should be advised diet having following properties Snigdha, Amla, Ushn`a and Laghu.


Parisheka and Pradeha with S`heetaDravya and application should also be in cold state.

Dusht`aPratis`hyaaya should be treated like Raajayakshmaa and KrimiRoga.


Snehana & Svedana

Vamana / Virechana


Avapeed`a Nasya


o Ushn`aJala

o Teekshn`a

o Laghu

o AlpaBhojana


Pittaghna Chikitsaa




Kshavathu and Bhrams`hathu

Pradhamana Nasya (S`hirovirechana) à Snigdha Dhoomapaana





PittaghnaChikitsaa (Madhura and S`heetaGun`ayuktaChikitsaa)


Auttarabhaktika Snehapaana

Snigdha Dhoomapaana






Snigdha Dhoomapaana

Antaraabhakta Ghritapaana

Snehana & Svedana


Put`aka à Teekshan`aPradhamana

Pootinaasaa should be treated by Chikitsaa similar to KaphajaPeenasa.

Pooyarakta should be treated by Chikitsaa similar to Raktapitta. It should be treated with Madhura and S`heetaKashaaya_s.

Pratis`hyaa + Manda Pitta àSnigdha Virechana.

Kaphaja Pratis`hyaaya + Utklisht`a Kapha

Vamana should be administered with KaphaghnaDravya.


If Kan`d`oo is associated with Apeenasa, Pootinasya, KaphajaPeenasa and Naasaasraava then it should be treated by Dhoomapaana and Avapeed`a by Kat`uDravya like Maricha, Pippalee etc.



Rasa- Kat`u, Amla, Lavan`a

Gun`a/Karma- Snigdha, Ushn`a, Laghu

S`haaka- S`higruphala, Pat`ola, Vrintaaka, Pat`ola, Kaaravellaka, Nava Moolaka, Las`hoona, S`hun`t`hee,Maricha, Pippalee

Maamsa- JaangalaMaamsarasa

Dugdha- Dugdha, Dadhi

Drava- Ushn`a Jala, Vaarun`ee, Madhu

Other- Jeern`a Yava, S`haalee, Kulattha Yoosha, Mudga Yoosha, Sneha, Sveda,Dhoomapaana,Gan`d`oosha, S`hirobhyanga

Apathya –

Gun`a/ Karma- Drava

OtherSnaana, Krodha, S`hakritmootravaataVegaavarodha, S`hoka, DravapadaarthaSeka



Mukharogas in Ayurveda – Diseases of Face

Mukharogas in Ayurveda – Diseases of Face


S.Ni.16, C.Su.18, C.Chi.12, C.Chi.26, A.H.U.21


Vadana RogaD`alhan`a.


Mukharoga are the diseases related to the Mukha i.e. Mouth.


Mukharoga – Aayatanaani (Sthaana):

  1. Osht`ha
  2. Danta Moola
  3. Danta
  4. Jihvaa
  5. Taalu
  6. Kan`t`ha
  7. Mukha (CompleteMukha)


In Charaka Samhitaa, following diseases related to Mukha etc. are explained in Chikitsaasthaana

  1. S`haalooka
  2. Bid`aalikaa
  3. Taalu Vidradhi
  4. Upjihvikaa.
  5. Adhijihvikaa
  6. Upakus`ha
  7. DantaVidradhi
  8. Galas`hun`d`ikaa
  9. Galagan`d`a




These all diseases are explained by Charaka, under the S`hotha Prakaran`a, as they all manifest with the Utsedha(elevation due to oedema). This is extraordinary thinking by Charaka.

Rogaas`hchotsedha Saamaanyaad Adhimaamsaarbudaadayah |

Vis`hisht`aa Naama Roopaabhyaam Nirdes`hyaah S`hotha Sangrahe ||



Charaka has explained Mukharoga in Trimarmeeya Chikitsaa Adhyaaya.


According to Vaagbhat`a all the Dosha predominant with Kapha cause Mukharoga.


According to Charaka, Mukharoga are 64 in number.

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika

According to Chakrapaan`i, though 64 Mukharoga are explained in S`haalaakya Tantra (According to Sus`hruta they are 65); Charaka has considered them all under these 4 types.



There is S`hosha, Kaarkas`hya, Raukshya in Vaataja Mukharoga. There is moving pain (Chala Rujaa). The colour of the mouth turns to black or reddish (Krishn`a and Arun`a). There is coldness in the mouth. There is Prasramsana, Spandana, Toda and Bheda.



There is Trishn`aa, Jvara, Sphot`aka, Taalu Daaha, Dhoomaayana and Avadeern`ataa, Moorchchhaa, varied types ofRujaa. The colour of the mouth changes to the colours other than S`hukla, Arun`a Varn`a.



There is Kan`d`oo, Gurutva, Sita, Vijjalatva, Sneha (unctuousness), Aruchi, Jaad`ya, Kapha Praseka, Utkles`ha, Mandaanalataa (Agni Maandya), Tandraa and Manda Rujaa (Mild pain).



All the symptoms and signs appear in this type of Mukharoga.



According to Sus`hruta, Mukharoga are 65 in number.

Osht`ha Roga = 8

Danta Moola = 15

Danta = 8

Jihvaa = 5

Taalu = 9

Kan`t`ha = 17

Sarva Mukha = 3

Total = 65


  • Types:

According to Vaagbhat`a, Mukharoga are 75 in number.

Osht`hagata = 11

Gan`d`agata = 1

Dantagata = 10

Dantamoolagata = 13

Jihvaagata = 6

Taalugata = 8

Galagata = 18

Vaktragata = 8

Total = 75


All Mukharoga are caused due to Kapha dominant Tridosha.


Mukharoga: According to Sus`hruta Samhitaa:

Ost`ha (8) Danta Moola(15) Danta (8) Jihvaa (5) Taalu (9) Kan`t`ha (17) Sarva Mukha (3)
Vaataja S`heetaada Daalana Kan`t`aka (3)

Ø Vaataja

Ø Kaphaja

Ø Pittaja

Galas`hun`d`ikaa Rohin`ee (5)


Pittaja DantaPupput`aka Krimidantaka Alaasa Tun`d`ikeree Kan`t`haS`haalooka Pittaja
Kaphaja DantaVesht`aka DantaHarsha Upajihvikaa Adhrusha Adhijihvaa Kaphaja
Saannipaataja S`haushira Bhanjanaka Kachchhapa Valaya S`hon`itaja
Raktaja MahaaS`haushira DantaS`harkaraa Arbuda Balaasa
Maamsaja Paridara Kapaalikaa MaamsaSanghaata Ekavrinda
Medohja Upakus`ha S`hyaavaDantaka TaaluPupput`a Vrinda
Abhighaataja DantaVaidarbha Hanumoksha TaaluS`hosha S`hataghnee
Vardhana TaaluPaaka Gilaayu
Adhimaamsa Galavidradhi
Naad`ee (5) Galaugha




Mukharoga: According to Asht`aanga Hridaya:


Osht`ha (11) Gan`d`a (1) Danta (10) DantaMoola(13) Jihvaa (6) Taalu (8) Gala (18) Vaktra (8)
Khan`d`ausht`ha Gan`d`aalajee S`heetaakhya / Daalana S`heetaada VaataDooshita Taalu Pit`ikaa Rohin`ee – Vaataja Sarvasara – Vaataja
Osht`hakopa DantaHarsha Upakus`ha PittaDooshita GalaS`hun`d`ikaa Rohin`ee – Pittaja Savasara – Pittaja


DantaBheda DantaPupput`a KaphaDooshita TaaluSamhati Rohin`ee – Kaphaja Sarvasara – Kaphaja


(Danta) Chaala DantaVidradhi Alasa (Taalu) Arbuda Rohin`ee – Raktaja Sarvasara – Raktaja


Karaala Sushira Adhijihva Kachchhapa Rohin`ee – Sannipaataja Sarvasara – Sarvaja


Adhidanta (Vardhana) MahaaSushira Upajihva (Taalu) Pupput`a Kan`t`haS`haalooka Kaphaarbuda


(Danta)S`harkaraa Adhimaamsaka Taalu Paaka Vrinda PootiVaktra


(Danta) Kapaalikaa Vidarbha Taalu S`hosha Tun`d`ikerikaa OordhvaGuda


(Danta) S`hyaava Danta Gati (Naad`ee) – 5 types Galaugha


Krimidantaka Valaya
Jalaarbuda (Vaata Kaphaja Gilaayuka
Galagan`d`a – Vaataja
Galagan`d`a – Kaphaja
Galagan`d`a – Medoja



According to Maadhava Nidaana, Mukharoga are 65 in number.


According to Maadhava Nidaana, Mukharoga are caused due to the dominance of Kapha Dosha.

Maadhava Nidaana has explained it as per Sus`hruta Samhitaa.


Osht`hagata = 8

Dantamoolagata = 15

Dantagata = 8

Jihvaagata = 5

Taalugata = 9

Kan`t`hagata = 17

Sarvasara = 3

Total = 65




According to Maadhava Nidaana:

Osht`hagata (8) Dantamoolagata (15) Dantagata (8) Jihvaagata (5) Taalugata (9) Kant`hagata (17) Sarvasara (3)
Vaataja S`heetaada Daalana (A) Vaataja Kan`t`haS`hun`d`ee Rohin`ee – Vaataja Sarvasara – Vaataja
Pittaja DantaPupput`a Krimidantaka Pittaja Tun`d`ikeree Rohin`ee – Pittaja Savasara – Pittaja
Kaphaja DantaVesht`a Bhanjanaka (A) Kaphaja Adhrusha Rohin`ee – Kaphaja Sarvasara – Kaphaja
Saannipaatika (A) S`haushira Dantaharsha Alaasa (A) Kachchhapa Rohin`ee – Tridoshaja (A)
Raktaja (A) Maha S`haushira (A) DantaS`harkaraa Upajihvikaa Taalvarbuda (A) Rohin`ee – Raktaja
Maamsaja (A) Paridara Kapaalikaa MaamsaSanghaata Kan`t`haS`haalooka
Medoja Upakus`ha S`hyaavaDantaka (A) Taalu Pupput`a Adhijihvikaa
Abhighaataja Vaidarbha DantaVidradhi Taalu S`hosha Valaya (A)
Khalivardhana Taalu Paaka Balaas`ha (A)
Karaala Ekavrinda
Dantamoolagata Naad`ee – 5 types

Tridoshaja Naad`ee (A)

Vrinda (A)
S`hataghnee (A)
Galaugha (A)
Svaraghna (A)
Maamsataana (A)
(A): Asaadhya Vidaaree (A)



Osht`ha Gata Roga:


Diseases related to lips. Osht`ha Prakopaah Osht`ha Rogaah | D`alhan`a.


Osht`ha become Karkas`ha, Parusha, Stabdha, Krishn`a. There is severe pain (Mahaarujaa) like Daalana (as if the lips are dividing) and Paripaat`ana.


The lips get suffered by Pid`akaa which are in shape of Sarshapa. There is Daaha, Paaka, Sraava. The lips becomeNeela and Peeta in colour.



There are Pid`akaa on the lips; but there is no pain. There is Kan`d`oo, S`hotha, Pichchhilatva, S`heetala (coldness) and Gurutaa (heaviness). The person cannot tolerate cold things.


The colour of the lips changes from Krishn`a, Peeta to S`hveta. There are Pid`akaa also.

As per Vaagbhat`a, there is Durgandha (foul smell), Pichchhila Sraava (sticky secretions), there is S`hotha, Rujaa andVishama Paakitva.



The lips resemble to the colour of Kharjoora Phala. There are also Pid`akaa. There is blood secretion from the lips and looks like colour of blood.



The lips become heavy (Guru), large in size (Sthoola) and elevated like muscular growth. There is formation of Krimifrom the lip region (Srikka).



The lips look like Ghrita Maan`d`a (according to Vaagbhat`a it looks like Taila). There is itching. They are steady (Sthira) and Mridu (soft). They look clean like Sphat`ika. There is secretion also.



There is Vidaaran`a and Paat`ana (tearing) of lips. There is formation of Granthi on the lips.

As per Vaagbhat`a, there is Kan`d`oo and Granthi.


The lips are bifurcated in to two parts due to Vaayu.


Like bubble water, there is a blister on the lips caused due to Vaata and Kapha.


Gan`d`agata Roga:


This is steady oedema (Sthira S`hopha) on the Gan`d`a (cheek), which is associated with Daaha and Jvara.


Danta Moolagata Roga


These are the diseases related to the root of the teeth.


This is a disease where there is sudden bleeding from the gums (DantaVesht`a). There is foul smell from the gums. They become wet and soft. The Maamsa gets shattered. The gums cause suppuration of other gums also. This isS`heetaada. This is caused by vitiation of Kapha and Rakta.


Danta Pupput`aka

When there is severe S`hotha with severe pain in the gums of 2 or 3 teeth; then it is called as Danta Pupput`aka. This is caused due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta. As per Vaagbhat`a, it resembles the seed of Badara.

Danta Vesht`a

There is secretion of pus and blood through gums. The teeth get loosened from their roots. This is caused due to vitiated Rakta Dhaatu.

S`haushira / Sushira

This is S`hotha at the root of the teeth, there is pain, and Laalaasraava and Kan`d`oo. This disease is caused byKapha and Rakta.

This is named as Sushira by Vaagbhat`a and it is caused by Pitta and Rakta.

Mahaa S`haushira

The teeth are loosened. There is shattering of Taalu. There is suppuration of gums (Danta Maamsa). There is pain in the mouth. This disease is called as Mahaa S`haushira.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Sannipaata Jvara in Mahaa Sushira. There is secretion of Pooya, Rakta. The roots of the teeth get loosened. Vaagbhat`a called it as Mahaa Sushira.


DantaMaamsa Paridaran`aat Paridarah | Gayadaasa


The gums are shattered (S`heeryante). There is Sht`heevana of blood (spitting of blood). This disease is caused by vitiated Pitta, Rakta and Kapha.



There is Daaha and Paaka at the gums causing loosening of the teeth. When they are moved, there is secretion of blood. There is mild pain. There is inflation of the gums when the blood is secreted out. There is foul smell to the mouth. This Upakus`ha is caused due to the vitiated Pitta and Rakta.

Danta Vaidarbha

When the gums are rubbed, there is formation of S`hotha and the teeth get loosened. This is DantaVaidarbha. This is caused due to trauma (Abhighaataja)


Danta Vardhana

Due to extra tooth there is Vaata Prakopa, which causes severe pain. When the tooth gets erupted completely, the pain gets pacified.

According to Vaagbhat`a, this is a disease of teeth and not of DantaMoola. According to him, it is also called asAdhidanta.



In the mandible joint, at the end of the teeth line, there is severe oedema (S`hotha) and pain. There is Laalaasraava.This is caused due to vitiated Kapha.

As per Vaagbhat`a, there is S`hotha like Keela (nail) at the end of the teeth line. There is pain in Hanu, Karn`a. it obstructs the food activities.


DantaMoolagata Naad`ee

In the gums the sinus is formed due to vitiated Dosha and Aagantu cause. They are thus of five types.

According to Vaagbhat`a, a person who neglects the curable diseases of DantaMaamsa; then the Dosha get accumulated in it causing Gati in it. It secrets Pooya. It causes splitting of skin, Maamsa, Asthi. These are of 5 types.



In the gums, there is formation of S`hotha, due to Dosha and Rakta. This S`hotha manifests internally and externally. There is heaviness, pain, burning sensation. When it opens out, there are secretions of pus and blood; this isDantaVidradhi.


Dantagata Roga

These are the diseases related to teeth.



There is breaking of the teeth with severe pain. This is caused due to vitiated Vaata.

It is also called as S`heetaakhya (S`heetaDanta) according to Vaagbhat`a. According to Vaagbhat`a, teeth can not tolerate cold touch but can tolerate hot touch. It splits due to S`hoola (pain). It is called as Daalana or S`heetaakhya.


There is pain without any cause. The tooth becomes black coloured. It becomes porous. There are secretions through it. There is S`hotha and severe pain. This is caused due to vitiated Vaata.

According to Vaagbhat`a, Vaata dominated Dosha harbor in to the Danta and Danta Moola. They dry out Majjaacausing porosity in the tooth. In this cavity, food gets filled. When this food putrefies, there is formation of Krimi. There is pacification of S`hoola suddenly without any cause. There is Samrambha and teeth are loosened. The colour of the teeth becomes Asita. The Krimi is called as Praloona. There is secretion of Pooya and Rakta. This is called asKrimiDantaka.


Teeth cannot tolerate cold and hot touch. This is caused due to Vaayu.

As per Vaagbhat`a, teeth cannot tolerate Pravaata, Amla (sour), cold, anything that is difficult to break by teeth. Due to sour things, there is manifestation of pain and teeth get loosened.



There is splitting of teeth. The mouth becomes Vakra. There is severe pain. This is cause due to Kapha and Vaata.



When tartar of the teeth becomes stable on the teeth this causes derangement of the functions of the teeth.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is S`hoshan`a of Kapha by Vaayu on Danta. It gives foul smell.



When the coverings of the tooth, are separated, it is called as Kapaalikaa. It leads to the end of the teeth.



When a tooth is completely blackened due to Pitta and Rakta, it is called as S`hyaavadantaka.

Vaagbhat`a has added Vaata Prakopa in the pathogenesis.


Due to Vaayu, when mandible joint is loosened, then it is called as Hanumoksha. This manifests with the symptoms ofArdita.


There is Toda, Bheda, Ruk and Sput`ana.


As the Teeth are loosened, when a person eats there is pain.



There is gaping of the teeth.


Jihvaagata Roga:

These are the diseases related to tongue.



It is of three types –

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja

Vaataja Jihvaakan`t`aka:

Tongue gets shattered, numbed. It appears like the leaf of S`haaka (Tectona grandis)


Pittaja Jihvaakan`t`aka:

Tongue becomes yellow. It appears as if it is burned out. It becomes thorny and red coloured.


Kaphaja Jihvaakan`t`aka:

Tongue becomes heavy, dense (Bahala). There are thorny eruptions of muscular thorns like thorns ofS`haalmalee (Salmalia malabarica).




There is oedema at the root of the tongue. This oedema is severe. It is caused due to the vitiation of Kapha andRakta. At the end there is suppuration of the root of the tongue.

According to Vaagbhat`a, it is caused due to Kapha and Pitta. The oedema is manifested on the lower side of the tongue. It causes JihvaaStambha. There is foul smell (Matsya Gandha) when it is suppurated. It ultimately leads to the shattering of the Maamsa (Maamsa S`haatana)


The oedema manifests on the tip of the tongue. This is caused due to Kapha and Rakta Dusht`i.

There is Praseka, Kan`d`oo, Paridaaha on the tongue.

As per Vaagbhat`a, it is same as of Adhijihva but manifested on the upper side of the tongue.



At the Prabandhana of the Jihvaa, S`hotha gets manifested. It appears as if it is on the tip of the tongue. There is muscular growth. It is caused due to Kapha, Pitta and Rakta. There is Laalaasraava, Ushaa and Daaha. Tongue becomes rough. There is Kan`d`oo also.


Taalugata Roga

These are the diseases related to the palate.



Due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta, the oedema is manifested from the root of the Taalu, like inflated Basti (Matsya Basti – Vaagbhat`a). There is S`hvaasa, Kaasa, Trishn`aa. This is called as Galas`hun`d`ee (Kan`t`ha S`hun`d`ee)


This is oedema of Taalu which is large. There is Daaha, Paaka and Toda. This is caused due to Kapha and Rakta Dusht`i.



Steady and red coloured oedema on the Taalu which manifests with Vedanaa (pain) and Jvara. This is caused due toRakta Dusht`i.


This manifests very slowly. There is no pain. S`hotha resembles to the back of tortoise (Koormavat). This is caused due to Kapha Dusht`i.



The S`hotha resembles to Padma and is caused due to Rakta Dusht`i.



Kapha vitiates Maamsa causing oedema in the Taalu, which is painless called as MaamsaSanghaata.


It is a S`hopha in shape of Kola (Zizipus jujuba). It is painless. It is stable. It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha andMeda.


Taalu S`hosha

Taalu gets dried up and thus there is splitting of Taalu. There is S`hvaasa also. It is caused due to Vaata and Pitta Dusht`i.



Due to vitiation of Pitta, there is severe suppuration of Taalu called as TaaluPaaka.


Taalu Pit`ikaa

In the muscular tissue of the palate, there is manifestation of Pit`ikaa. There is pain also. It is rough to touch. ThesePit`ikaa are more in number. They are dense and with secretions. This is Taalu Pit`ikaa.



When there is formation of dense Maamsa in the Taalu, it is called as Taalu Samhati.


Kan`t`hagata Roga

These are the diseases related to Kan`t`ha (throat)



In the throat all the three Dosha and Rakta, singly or simultaneously, cause vitiation of Maamsa. It causes obstruction of the throat. There is manifestation of muscular outgrowths. This is a serious disease and may lead to death.

It is of 5 types

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika
  5. Raktaja

Vaataja Rohin`ee

There is pain all over the tongue. Muscular outgrowths cause obstruction of the throat. This is Vaataja Rohin`ee. It causes complications due to Vaata vitiation.


Pittaja Rohin`ee

This type of Rohin`ee manifests very quickly. There is suppuration of Rohin`ee. There is Teevra Jvara (high grade fever). This is caused due to vitiation of Pitta.

Kaphaja Rohin`ee

It causes obstruction. It suppurates very slowly. It is steady and heavy. It is caused due to vitiation of Kapha.


Saannipaatika Rohin`ee

This is Asaadhya. It suppurates deeply. It is caused due to vitiation of all the three Dosha.


Raktaja Rohin`ee

It manifests with Sphot`a (blisters) and symptoms same as of Pittaja Rohin`ee. This is also Asaadhya.


Kan`t`ha S`haalooka

This is caused due to vitiated Kapha. This is a glandular growth in the Gala (Kan`t`ha). It is Khara, Sthira and can be cured by use of S`hastra. It is Kan`t`haS`haalooka. It is in shape of seed of Kola.



There is S`hopha at the tip of the tongue due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta. It is Asaadhya, if it is suppurated.


Kapha causes wide and elevated S`hotha causing obstruction of the Annavaha Srotas. This is Valaya, which isAsaadhya.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is less pain.



Aggravated Kapha and Rakta cause S`hopha in the Gala resulting S`hvaasa and Rujaa (pain). There is pain in theMarma. It is Krichchhrasaadhya.



S`hotha which is Vritta (circular), Unnata (elevated), with Daaha (burning sensation), with Kan`d`oo (itching), which never suppurates, which is Mridu (soft), Guru (heavy) is called as Ekavrinda. It is caused due to Kapha and Rakta.


In Vrinda, there is Teevra Daaha. There is severe Jvara. This is caused due to Pitta and Rakta Prakopa.

As per Vaagbhat`a, it is manifested at the side of Gala. There is Daaha and Jvara.


Due to muscular growth in shape of Varti, it obstructs Kan`t`ha. It causes different types of pains. This is Asaadhyaand caused due to all the three Dosha.


This is a Granthi in shape of seed of Aamalakee. It is steady and with relatively less pain. It is caused due to Kaphaand Rakta vitiation. It is S`hastra Saadhya.

As per Vaagbhat`a, it may form due to single or two or all the three Dosha. There is difficulty in S`hvasana(respiration). The root of it is wide.



This S`hotha manifests all over the throat. There is pain also. It is caused due to all the three Dosha. It resembles toSaannipaatika Vidradhi.


This is big oedema, which obstructs food and water being entered in to the digestive tract. There is high-grade fever (Teevra Jvara). This is caused due to Kapha and Rakta Dusht`i called as Galaugha.


Here patient suffers from TamaPraves`ha and S`hvaasa. Svara is broken (Bhinna Svara). Throat gets dried. There isKapha Upadigdhataa (coating of Kapha) on the channel carrying Vaayu. This is Svaraghna.

As per Vaagbhat`a, it is Svarahaa.


S`hotha which is wide (like Prataana) causing obstruction of the Kan`t`ha. It hangs in the throat. This is caused due to all the three Dosha. It is Asaadhya.


S`hotha with Daaha, Toda manifests with blood and pus where the Maamsa is shattered. This is caused due to Pitta. This manifests on that side by which patient sleeps more.


This manifests on the joint of the Hanu. It resembles to the fruit of Kaarpaasee (Gossypium herbacium). It is sticky. There is mild pain. It is hard to touch.


At the end of the tongue and at the start of the Kan`t`ha, there is manifestation of the S`hotha due to vitiation of all the three Dosha. It is red coloured, steady and without pain.


This is described separately elsewhere.

It is of three types –

  1. Vaataja
  2. Kaphaja
  3. Medoja

Sarva Mukharoga (Sarvasara)

These are the diseases, which manifest all over the mouth.

Sarvasara is also called as Mukhapaaka.


This manifest with Sphot`a, Toda; this is Vaataja Sarvasara.


It is caused due to Rakta. There is Daaha. Mukha becomes yellow coloured. This is Pittaja Sarvasara.


There is Kan`d`oo, Alpa Rujaa in Kaphaja Sarvasara.

Raktaja Sarvasara:

This is caused due to Rakta and Pitta. It is Raktaja Sarvasara.


Inside the mouth (cheek), there is manifestation of grey and white coloured Arbuda. If it is manipulated by any way, it gets increased.



There is foul smell to the mouth caused due to the Dosha.


Mukha Roga Chikitsaa:


  1. Chi. 12, S. Chi. 22, A.H. U. 22, N.R.Mukharoga, Dantaroga



Mukha Roga are the diseases of the Mukha i. e. Mouth. Kapha is the predominant Dosha in all the Mukha Roga and their number varies according to different authors.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa





Pradhamana Nasya

Doshavat Chikitsaa



Osht`ha Roga Chikitsaa

Khan`d`ausht`a Chikitsaa

Lekhana à Seevana à Vran`a Chikitsaa


Vaataja Khan`d`ausht`ha Chikitsaa


S`hiro Tarpan`a / Abhyanga

Osht`ha Abhyanga



Vaatahara Taila Nasya

Pittaja and Abhighaataja Khan`d`ausht`ha Chikitsaa:


Osht`ha Abhyanga


Treatment similar to Pittaja Vidradhi

Raktaja Khan`d`ausht`ha Chikitsaa:

Similar to Pittaja Khan`d`ausht`ha Chikitsaa.

Kaphaja Khan`d`ausht`ha Chikitsaa

Kaphaghna Dravya




Nasya (S`hirovirechana)


Medoja Khan`d`ausht`ha Chikitsaa

Osht`a Svedana


Agni Karma


Jalaarbuda Chikitsaa

Bhedana, S`hodhana, Gharshan`a

Avgaadha & Ativridha: Kshaara Karma / Agni Karma

Gan`d`aalaji Chikitsaa

Chikitsaa Aama / Pachyamaana / Pakva Avasthaa should be determined.

Vran`a S`hopha Chikitsaa to be followed.



Danta Roga Chikitsaa

S`heeta Danta Chikitsaa

S`heeta Danta Chikitsaa

Svedana of Danta Paalee


Agni Karma




Danta Harsha and Danta Bheda Chikitsaa

Vaatahara Chikitsaa (Snigdha Dhooma, Nasya)


Snigdha Bhojana

Danta Chaala Chikitsaa

Danta Chaala Chikitsaa



Snigdha Nasya, Anna and Kavala

Adhi Danta Chikitsaa

Application of Kshaara

Similar to Krimidanta Chikitsaa i.e. extraction

If bleeding persists then Agni Karma should be done at the site followed by Vran`a Ropan`a

Danta S`harkaraa Chikitsaa

Removal of deposits.

Aaharan`a (scraping) without damaging Dant`a Moola.

Similar treatment to Danta Harsha Chikitsaa


Danta Kapaalikaa Chikitsaa

Danta S`harkaraa Chikitsaa followed by Danta Harsha Chikitsaa.

Krimi Danta Chikitsaa

  1. If the tooth is not loose then Svedana should be done.
  2. Raktavisraavan`a from the root (Moola).
  3. Snigdha Lepa, Gan`d`oosha, Nasya and Aahaara
  4. Danta Pooran`a: If there is a cavity then, It should be filled with Gud`a or Madhuchchhisht`a and Agni Karma should be done.
  5. Gan`d`oosha
  6. If the Pain still persists then though the tooth is Drid`ha it should be extracted followed by Gan`d`osha and Nasya.
  7. Tooth extraction is contraindicated in Kris`ha , Durbala and Vaatavyaadhita Rugn`a, if tooth extraction is done in these individuals then Madhura S`heeta Snigdha Aahaara and Vihaara should be administered.



Danta S`hoola Chikitsaa


S`heetaada Chikitsaa

  1. Raktavisraavan`a
  2. Madhu Pratisaaran`a
  3. Kavala
  4. Nasya



Vaayu obstructed in the downward channel due to Ars`ha, Gulma etc. traverses upward causing bad smell to mouth; this is called as OordhvaGuda.

Saannipaatika Sarvasara:

It manifests with all the symptoms of Dosha types.


Vyaadhi Galagan`d`a



  1. Su.18, C. Chi.12, S. Ni.11, M. Ni. 38



Yasya S`hleshmaa Prakupito Galabaahye Avatisht`hate |

S`hanaih Sanjanayet S`hopham Galagan`d`o Asya Jaayate || C. Su. 18/21


Nibaddha S`hvayathuh Yasya Mushkavat Lambate Gale |

Mahaan vaa Yadi Hrasco Galagan`d`am TamAadis`het ||

S.Ni. 11/29; M. Ni. 38/1


Mahaantam S`hopham Alpam vaa Hanu Manyaa Gala Aas`hrayam |

Lambantam Mushkavad Drisht`vaa Galagan`d`am Vinirdis`het || S.Ni. 11/29 D`alhan`a (Bhoja Quotation); M. Ni. 38/1 Madhukos`ha


Galagan`d`a is an S`hopha which manifests on the Hanu, Manyaa and Gala and which hangs down like scrotum.Galagan`d`a is Asaadhya, when associated with Peenasa, Paars`hvas`hoola, Kaasa, Jvara, Chhardi. When aggravatedKapha harbours outside Gala causing oedema it is called as Galagan`d`a.



Aggravated Vaata and Kapha harbour in the Gala and spread in the Manyaa. Meda Dhaatu is also gets aggravated.

Kapha and Vaata both are the causative Dosha of Galagan`d`a.

There is no involvement of Pitta Dosha in Galagan`d`a.



  1. Vaataja
  2. Kaphaja
  3. Medoja



  1. Toda
  2. Krishn`a siraanavaddha: There is black colored vessels on Galagan`d`a.
  3. It is Krishn`aor Arun`a.
  4. When Vaataja Galagan`d`aassociated with Medas, it is bulky.
  5. With due course of time, it becomes unctuous.
  6. There is no pain.
  7. It grows very slowly
  8. It does not suppurate
  9. It may suppurate due to Yadrichchhaa.



  1. It is Sthira.
  2. It resembles to the color of Kapha.
  3. There is relatively less pain.
  4. There is severe itching.
  5. It is cold to touch.
  6. It grows very slowly.
  7. It suppurates very slowly.
  8. There is relatively less pain.



  1. It is Snigdha, Mridu, Paan`d`u.
  2. It has foul smell.
  3. There is no pain.
  4. There is severe itching.
  5. It hangs down like Alaabu(Bottle Groud)
  6. It has small root.

  • Asaadhya Criteria
  1. Krichchhra S`hvasana
  2. Mridu Gaatratva
  3. Samvatsaraateetaafter one year
  4. Arochakaanvita
  5. Ksheen`a
  6. Bhinna Svara