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Toothache Ayurvedic Home Remedies


Home Remedies for Toothache

Ayurveda has mentioned different Methodologies like Dantha Dhavana, Kavala, Gandusha for protection of Oral Cavity

Chewing Khadiradi Gulika, Keeping Cotton dipped in Arimedadi Taila in the affected tooth, Gandoosha or Gargling using Saptacchadadi Kashaya has excellent action in Toothache as a remedy

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Toothache

Mouthwash should be done using solution prepared by Boiling Gauva leaves in water, added with a little bit of salt.

Paste made by mixing powder of Pepper and Common Salt with water should be applied over the affected tooth and should be retained for some time.

Garlic clove powder mixed with Table salt can be directly applied on the affected tooth.

Grinded Cloves mixed in little Olive oil or Vegetable oil can be applied on the affected tooth.

Chewing raw onion for some time will help us to get relief from pain.

Cotton dipped in the warm mixture of powdered Asafetida(Half spoon) and Lemon Juice(Two Tea Spoons) should applied on the affected area.


Vomiting During Pregnancy Ayurvedic Home Remedy


Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Vomiting During Pregnancy

There are 5 types of Vomiting mentioned in Ayurveda

  1. Vataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Sannipatika
  5. Agantuja

Vomiting during pregnancy called Douhrdaja Chardi comes under the sub division of Agantuja Chardi.

Vomiting as Morning Sickness in Pregnant women is also mentioned in Modern Science.

Madhiphala Rasayana is one good remedy for Pregnant women in Ayurveda. Also Other Medicinal Formulations like Dashamoolarishta, Jeerakarishta, Abhayarishta, Vilwadi Lehya etc has a good control over Vomiting in Pregnancy or Morning Sickness in Pregnancy.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Vomiting during Pregnancy


  1. Frequent Sipping of (Swarasa of Lemon) or Lemon Juice mixed with a little amount of Lukewarm water.
  2. Lemon Slices should be dried in Sun after burning in a low flame. Powder made from this Slices should be taken by after mixing it with Water.
  3. 2 tea spoons of Lemon Juice is mixed with Curry leaf juice made up of 15 Curry Leaves. One can have this 3 times a day after adding proper amount of Sugar to it.
  4. In the afternoon meals One can have Cooked Rice mixed with 3 tea spoons of Bael Fruit Swarasa or Bael Fruit Juice.
  5. After Meals can Chew 1 teaspoon of Fennel seeds.
  6. 250 mg of Ginger Powder can be taken 3 times a day

Bites Ayurvedic Home remedies

Bites Ayurvedic Home remedies

Bites ayurvedic home remedies

Bites from insects or mosquitoes or bees may produce local irritation. The site of bite may be reddish in color ,painful,itchy and swollen for 1-2 days.some bites and stings are harmless but some may create severe allergic reactions.


  • Itching in the area of bite
  • Burning sensation
  • Reddish colour
  • Swelling
  • Fever and chills etc…

Bites Ayurvedic Home remedies:-

  1. Take hand full of tulsi leaves and crush it or make a paste of it.applu this paste over the site of bite.
  2. Take aloevera juice and kept it on refrigerator for 5-10 mins.later rub this chilled aloevera juice over the affected area.
  3. Make thick paste of finelyground salt and water.applt this over the area of bite.
  4. The affected area rubbed with lemon peel will produce soothing sensation.
  5. Rub the affected area with a piece of garlic.
  6. Take onion and make small slices.place these sliced onion pieces over the area of bite for some time until the itching is reduced.
  7. Make a paste of grounded cinnamon,honey and warm water apply it over the site of bite.

Boil Ayurvedic Home Remedies


Boil Ayurvedic Home Remedies


A boil is a pus filled infection of the skin which begins as a small,red,painful lump under the skin.usually it starts in a hair-follicle or oil gland.face,neck,buttocks,thighs and armpits are the common sites of boil.boil appeared in the eyelid called as sty.when more boils appear together the condition go to serious type of infection called carbuncle.most of the boils comes out the skin later it burst open and release pus ,then the skin start to heal.but some boils subside under the skin with out bursting.it mostly seen in young adults and teenagers.


  • Poor hygiene
  • Poor nutrition
  • Diabetes
  • Exposure to chemicals which is harsh and irritate the skin.


  • Skin become reddish in color
  • The area will be painful
  • Swollen skin
  • Fever
  • Lymph nodes become swollen

Boil Ayurveda Home Remedies:-

  1. Make paste of neem leaves and apply on the affected area.
  2. Take black pepper and make paste of it.apply this paste over the affected area for 10-15 mins then wash.
  3. Apply paste of Garlic or onion externally on boils.help to ripe and burst the boil.
  4. Make paste of cumin and apply it over boil.
  5. Take black seeds and make paste of it and apply this on the affected area.
  6. Take some neem leaves and put it in water.boil it till reduce to 1/3 rd.later use this water to rince the area which is affected.
  7. Soak cotton ball in honey and apply it over boil.

Bed wetting(enuresis) Ayurvedic Home remedies


Bed wetting(enuresis) Ayurvedic Home remedies

bedwetting enuresis ayurvedic home remedies

Bedwetting or enuresis is a condition in which normal urinary bladder emptying at wrong place and time atleast twice a month after age of 5 yrs.1/4 of children suffered by this condition.most children will stop wetting the bed as they get olde,but some are not.it is considered as an embarrassing situation for both parents and kids.bedwetting is common at night . boys suffer more than girls.


  • Genetic factors
  • Developmental and Neuro maturation delay
  • Sleep disorder
  • Improper training by parents
  • Stress
  • Intestinal parasite
  • Urinary tract infection etc.


Bed wetting(enuresis) Ayurvedic Home remedies:-

  1. Take little powder of BlackBerry seeds put it on hot water.consume this water will help to cure bedwetting.
  2. In night before going to bed take dry dates with milk.
  3. Intake two walnuts with few raisins every day helps to cure enuresis.
  4. Before going to bed take 1 tsp of honey every day.
  5. Take 5 grams of sesame seeds and chew this seeds before going to bed every day.
  6. Take 1 tsp of gooseberry powder and add 1/8 tsp of black pepper to it.consume this mixture everyday.
  7. Consume the mixture of amla and sugarcandy every day.
  8. Take 1 tsp of fried coriander seeds and 1 tsp of pomegranate flowers,sesame seed and babul gum mix it well.then grind all these in to fine powder add little sugar candy to this powder and take 1 tsp of it before going to bed.


  1. In summer times – 10 grams of coriander powder mix with sugar.intake of this mixture 3-4 times a day help to cure bedwetting.
  2. Take a cup of milk added wiyh mustard powder before going to bed.
  3. Take cranberry juice before bed time help to reduce bedwetting.
  4. Eat 1 amla( gooseberry)every day is very much beneficial for control the bedwetting problem.

Bad breath(halitosis) Ayurvedic Home Remedies


Bad breath(halitosis) Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Bad breath halitosis ayurvedic home remedy

Bad breath medically called as halitosis. It is characterised by unpleasant odour of mouth.if you dont brush and floss the teeth daily,the food particles remain between your teeth will promote bacterial growth.sulpher compounds released by this bacteria gives the bad breath in mouth.bad breath can also be made worse by the types of food you eat and by unhealthy life style.

Bad breath result from poor dental health. There are many other things that can cause badbreath including poor dental hygine,types of food you eat,dry mouth,dental caries(cavity),tobacco product, yeast infection in mouth,gum infection, local infection in respiratory tract,throat infection, smoking etc…

If bacteria accumulated in the mouth overnight will cause bad breath,refered to as’ morning breath’ some people take breath through mouth during night which cause dry mouth and worse morning breath.


  • unpleasant smell of mouth
  • Reduced ability to taste food
  • Coating on the tongue
  • Dryness of mouth


Bad breath(halitosis) Ayurvedic Home Remedies:-

  1. Chew mint leaves will help you to decrease bad breath.
  2. Take the tea made from fenugreek.
  3. Take bakul(mimuspos elengi), khadir(acacia catechu),clove,betel nut,maya phal(quercur infectoria),cumin seeds,vidanga( embelia ribes),black pepper,camphor make powder.mix all the above powder and store.add 1 tsp of powder to warm water .gargle this decoction will help to cure bad breath.
  4. 3-4 drops of tree tea oil is put in a cup of warm water.gargle the mouth with this help to reduce the halitosis.
  5. Chew 3-4 coriander in the morning.
  6. Gargle with decoction of triphala( make powder of dry harithaki(chebulic myobalan),vibhithaki(belleric myobalan), and amalaki(gooseberry) put it on water and boil it.take this decoction and gargle)
  7. Salt watet gargle help to remove bacteria from tonsils and throat.
  8. Rince mouth with lemon juice help you to reduce bad breath.
  9. Take little honey with cinnamon powder mix it in hot water and gargle every day.
  10. Chew liquorice ( mulethi root)