Daily, Seasonal & Night Regimens In Ayurveda


Dinacarya advocated by Ayurvedic texts as

“Man should get up from the bed early the morning before sun rise

This time is termed in Sanskrit as Brahma Muhurtha

Ayurveda explains many regimens which are to be followed for the maintenance of health and also for the prevention from diseases. These are mainly told in the headings Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Ratricharya, which means Daily, Seasonal, and Night Regimens respectively

Then Ushajala pane , Mala visarjana ,Shouchavidhi, dantadhavana, jihwanirlekahana, gandushadharana, Ahara, TambulaSevana, SandhyaVidhi, Ratribhojana, Nidra etc.,

Apart form this cutting of hairs & nails should be done once in five days


or regimen of life in different seasons has been described, it is postulated that if an individual follows the prescribed rutucharya, he will overcome the stresses of seasonal variations and as such may not suffer from ill health ordi­narily produced by kalaparinama (time change)

The practice described for mental hygiene & promotion of mental health in Ayurveda includes, Sadvritta, Ahararasayana, Dharaniyavegavidhana.

Besides, the prescribed mode of life & dietetics, Ayurveda also advocates the appropri­ate use of rasayana & vajikarana remedies as restorative agents for promotion of health and prevention of diseases. Idea of contagious and infectious disease were also mentioned. It is said that Kushta, Jwara, Sosha, Netrabhishyanda and other such infectious disorders spread from man to man In such cases all possible contacts with the diseased ones are to be avoided. To prevent such occurrences, air, water, food and place have to be purified , air was effected by sacrifices, perfomed particularly during confluence of seasons. Fumigation with guggulu, nimba leaves.. Jatamamasi etc., destroy the micro-organisms causing infections.


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