This Particular Formulation is mentioned in Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakar 5/7555, It has excellent action over disease like Ajeerna(Indigestion), Udarashoola(Abdominal Pain), Parinama Shoola(Pain resulting from an another disease), with its actions like Deepnana – Pchana(Increase Appetite and Digestive capacity), Shoolanashana(Pain Relieving action), Vatanulomana(Proper movement of Vata) and Clears any Intestinal obstruction and improves intestinal activity.
Ingredients:- Chinchakshara, Saindhava, Souvarchala lavana, Vida Lavana, Shankha Bhasma, Shunti Maricha, Pippali, Hingu, Parada, Gandhaka, Vatsanabha.
Shankha Vati
Agnitundi Vati
This Particular Formulation is Mentioned in Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakar:1/98, Due to its Deepana – Pachana action(Increase Appetite and Digestive Power) it is one best remedy for Agnimandya(Less Digestive Power), Less Appetite, Ajeerna(Indigestion).
Along with all the above mentioned action, its Shoolaghna(Pain Relieving) action makes it the best remedy for Udarashoola(Abdominal Pain). It also shows excellent action over Amavata due to its Ama Pachana action.
Relieves Constipation by increasing Intestinal Laxity
Indications:- for Agnimandya(Less Digestive Power), Less Appetite, Ajeerna(Indigestion), Udarashoola(Abdominal Pain), Amavata(Rheumatic Arthritis), Grahani(Git Disorders), Yakrt Vikara(Liver Disorders), Constipation
Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Chitraka, Ajamoda, Saindhava, Vatsanabha, Haritaki, Vibheetaki, Vidanga, Sauvarchala Lavana, Samudra Lavana, Amalaki, Tankana, Sarjjikshara, Yavakshara.
Brhat Vata Chintamani Rasa
This Particular Formulation is mentioned Bhaishajya Ratnavali: Vata Vyadhi Adhikar.
Indications:- Sarva Roga(All Diseases) especiallyVataja & Pittaja Roga, Pittanubanda Pakshaghata(Paralysis of Pittaja Origin), Mastishka Roga(Disease affecting Brain), Sannipata Jwara, Hrd Roga(Heart Disease), Sutika Vaishamya, Old age weakness, Napumsakatwa(Infertility) even due to Vata Vahini Nadi, Balakshaya(Loss of Strength), Sukra Kshaya(less Sperm Count), Kampa Vata, Chronic Joint Disorders.
Ingredients:- Swarna Bhasma, Roupya Bhasma, Abhra Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, Pravala Bhasma, Mukta bhasma, Parada, Rasa Sindura
Ananda Bhairava Rasa
It has excellent action in Jwara, due to its actions like Kapha Samsoshana, Deepana – Pachana(Increase Appetite and Digestive Power), Swedala(Induces Sweating), Curtails Excessive Secretion of Phlegm,.
Indications:- Ashta Vidha Jwara(8 Types of Jwara), Sannipata Jwara, Atisara(Diarrhea), Chronic Fever, Amavata(Rheumatoid Arthritis), Pratishyaya( Rhinitis), Shirogourava(Heaviness of Head), Aruchi(Tactlessness’), Gala Shotha(Inflammation of Throat), Reduce Inflamation of Swasa Nalika, Kasa(Cough), Swasa(Dyspnoea), Urashoola, Teething Disorders in Children like Fever, Cough, Diarrhea.
Ingredients:- Hingula, Vatsanabha, Tankana, Maricha, Pippali, Shunti, Gandhaka.
Maha Vata Vidhwamsa Rasa
Maha Vata Vidhwamsa Rasa is mention in RC – Vata Roga Chikitsa – It is Recommended to be taken in Conditions like Daha(Burning Sensation), Trushna(Thirst in excess), Rakta Pitta(Bleeding Disorders) due to Virtue of its properties like Ushna , Teekshna, Pitta Prakopaka.
It has Jayapala as one of its ingredient which cause Strong Purgation(Virechana) helps to relieve Shotha(Inflamation), Vata Vaha Nadi Balya(Strengthens Vata Vahaini Nadi), Cause Srotoshodhana, Ama shoshana, Sula Prasamana(Relieves Pain), Relieves disease caused due to Vata dosa afflicting Joints, Muscles, Ligaments, Bone Marrow, Relieves Pain due to Nervine Irritation.
Indications:- Pakshaghata(Paralysis), Vatavyadhi, Amavata, Grdhrasi(Sciatica), Avabahuka(Frozen Shoulder), Unmada(Mental Disorders), Apasmara(Epilepsy).
Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Naga Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Pippali, Tankana Bhasma, Maricha, Sunthi, Bhavana Dravya’s
VataVidhwamsa Rasa
This Particular Formulation is mentioned in Bharath Bhaishajya Ratnakar, It has excellent Sula Prasamana action(Relieves Pain), Vatanulomaka, Relieves disease caused due to Vata dosha involved in Snayu(Ligaments), Sandhi(Joints), Mamsa(Muscles), Majja(Bone Marrow), Cures disease caused due to Vata Nadi Dushti, Relieves Pain in Aamavata by causeing effecting digestion of Aama.
Indications:- Vatavikara(Disease due to Vata Vitiation, Amavata, Pakshaghata(Paralysis), Apatantraka, Akshepaka, Headache of Vataja Origin, Sutika Vata Vaishamya, Symptoms of Vata in Post Natal Period, Akshepaka.
Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Vatsanabha, Tankana, Haratala, Kaparda Bhasma, Shunti, Maricha, Pippali, Pashana Bheda.