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Lodhradi Gana Kashaya


Lodhradi Gana Kashaya is mentioned in Ashtanga Hrudaya Sootrasthana, it has got actions like Rakta Stambhana, Yoni Prasadana, Lekhana, Medohara

Indications:- Yonidoshahara, Visha(Poisoned), Kushta (Skin Disorders), Luta Visha(Spider Poison), Mukhadushika

Ingredients:- Lodhra, Palasa, Jingini, Sarala, Katphala, Sala, Kutsitamba, Katali, Ashoka, Elavaluka, Moca


Lodhradi Kashaya


Lodhradhi Kashaya has properties like Vishagna(Anti – Poisonous action), Kushtaghna(Action on Skin disorders), Relieves burning Sensation.

Indications:- Mandali Visha(Rat Poison), Other Poison

Ingredients:- Lodhra, Rajani. Chandana, Haridra, Arka, Vilwa, Manjishta,

Chavutti thirummu, Chavutti Uzhichil/Padaghatha

Chavutti thirummu, Chavutti Uzhichil/Padaghatha


According to Ayurveda, just before doing Panchakarma – Patient should be undergone some of the Purvaroopa’s that is preparatory procedures. Under this we can include 4 such preparatory procedures:-

  1. Deepana
  2. Pachana
  3. Snehana
  4. Swedana

These procedures makes the patient ready to undergo the 5 Therapeutic procedures collectively called as Panchakarma

Now for the question that how these preparatory treatment acts and helps the body ready to eliminate Dosha’s during panchakarama, the answer is that:-

Deepana causes Kindling of Aama, Paachana causes Digestion of Aama, Snehana causes the dosha, utkleshana(Gives an Excitation action for Dosha), Swedana liquefies the dosha and allow it to move to Koshta(Git) from all the Shakha’s(Extrimities of body)

Now after preparatory procedures, during panchakarma it is easy to eliminate the dosha’s present in the Koshta through the nearby orifices.

For instances it can be through the upper Orifice in Vamana and through the lower Orifice in Virechana.

Now Samvahana is one such procedure that come under Snehana(Oleation).


General Benefits of Abhyanga

According to Ashtanga Hrudaya Sootrasthana, those who undergo Abhyanga daily will get benefits like:-

  1. Jara hara:- Prevents ageing, provides youthfulness, prevents greying of hair
  2. Sramahara:- It relieves tiredness, fatigue
  3. Vatahara:- Since Oil has opposite properties of Vata, it corrects vata dosha vitiation and the disease cuased by Vata Dosha.
  4. Drushti Prasada Kara:- Good for eyes, it has a good action on Sandhi’s of Akshi(Joints of eyes mentioned in Ayurveda)
  5. Pushtikara:- Nourishes skin and all other tissues
  6. Ayushya:- Increase the life span
  7. Svapnakara:- Imparts good sleep
  8. Twak Dhardyakara:- Increases sturdiness of body, imparts flexibility of body, increase skin tone


Classic Method of Performing Abhyanga

Abhyanga should be commenced with Shiro abhyanga(Head massage) with lukewarm oil and later warm oil is applied to the whole body parts including head, ear, nose, feet and Mardana is done because mere application of oil will not nourish the body.

When Abhyanga(Massage) is done in Anuloma direction, it cures vata dushti. If done in Pratiloma ghati it will cure Kapha dosha. If massage is done in alternate Anuloma – Pratiloma ghati it will cure Pitta dosha.

For performing Abhyanga procedure, patient should lie down in Taila Droni Table, Oil with a temperature of 39 to 41 degree Celsius should be applied on the anterior fontanellae of the head, followed by applying over the whole scalp. Then slowly massaging of Ear, Palm,Feet is done



In Samvahana after the application of Oil, a gentle pressure that makes the patients to relax in comfort is given


Indications:- Vata Rakta, Nidranasha, and other disease.


Preethikara:- Induces Affection

Nidrakara:- Induces Sleep

Acts as an Aphrodiasic

Relieves Tiredness (Shrama)

Cause Prasadana(Normalisation) of Mamsa, Rakta and Twak(Muscles, Blood tissue and Skin)

Mitigates Kapha and Vata Dosha






Chavutti thirummu, Chavutti Uzhichil/Padaghatha


According to Ayurveda, just before doing Panchakarma – Patient should be undergone some of the Purvaroopa’s that is preparatory procedures. Under this we can include 4 such preparatory procedures:-

  1. Deepana
  2. Pachana
  3. Snehana
  4. Swedana

These procedures makes the patient ready to undergo the 5 Therapeutic procedures collectively called as Panchakarma

Now for the question that how these preparatory treatment acts and helps the body ready to eliminate Dosha’s during panchakarama, the answer is that:-

Deepana causes Kindling of Aama, Paachana causes Digestion of Aama, Snehana causes the dosha, utkleshana(Gives an Excitation action for Dosha), Swedana liquefies the dosha and allow it to move to Koshta(Git) from all the Shakha’s(Extrimities of body)

Now after preparatory procedures, during panchakarma it is easy to eliminate the dosha’s present in the Koshta through the nearby orifices.

For instances it can be through the upper Orifice in Vamana and through the lower Orifice in Virechana.

Now Chavutti thirummu, Chavutti Uzhichil/Padaghatha is one such procedure that come under Snehana(Oleation).


General Benefits of Abhyanga

According to Ashtanga Hrudaya Sootrasthana, those who undergo Abhyanga daily will get benefits like:-

  1. Jara hara:- Prevents ageing, provides youthfulness, prevents greying of hair
  2. Sramahara:- It relieves tiredness, fatigue
  3. Vatahara:- Since Oil has opposite properties of Vata, it corrects vata dosha vitiation and the disease cuased by Vata Dosha.
  4. Drushti Prasada Kara:- Good for eyes, it has a good action on Sandhi’s of Akshi(Joints of eyes mentioned in Ayurveda)
  5. Pushtikara:- Nourishes skin and all other tissues
  6. Ayushya:- Increase the life span
  7. Svapnakara:- Imparts good sleep
  8. Twak Dhardyakara:- Increases sturdiness of body, imparts flexibility of body, increase skin tone


Classic Method of Performing Abhyanga

Abhyanga should be commenced with Shiro abhyanga(Head massage) with lukewarm oil and later warm oil is applied to the whole body parts including head, ear, nose, feet and Mardana is done because mere application of oil will not nourish the body.

When Abhyanga(Massage) is done in Anuloma direction, it cures vata dushti. If done in Pratiloma ghati it will cure Kapha dosha. If massage is done in alternate Anuloma – Pratiloma ghati it will cure Pitta dosha.

For performing Abhyanga procedure, patient should lie down in Taila Droni Table, Oil with a temperature of 39 to 41 degree Celsius should be applied on the anterior fontanellae of the head, followed by applying over the whole scalp. Then slowly massaging of Ear, Palm,Feet is done


Chavutti thirummu, Chavutti Uzhichil/Padaghatha Procedure

In Padghatha, massage with deep pressure is done using the foot of the masseur.

For Performing this masseur should have some of the qualities like, he should not have any cracks in feet (since it might injury patients body), His feet should be smooth, He should not be too lean or obese

In this particular procedure one rope is hanged from the roof, masseur should catch hold the rope. Patient will be lying on the floor. After holding the rope standing beside the patient the masseur should dip his feet in oil that is warm and then he should massage the patient with proper balance using his feet.

Masseur with proper balance should apply controlled pressure on patients body, like abdomen, Chest, Limbs, and then on back side.





Mardana and Unmardana


According to Ayurveda, just before doing Panchakarma – Patient should be undergone some of the Purvaroopa’s that is preparatory procedures. Under this we can include 4 such preparatory procedures:-

  1. Deepana
  2. Pachana
  3. Snehana
  4. Swedana

These procedures makes the patient ready to undergo the 5 Therapeutic procedures collectively called as Panchakarma

Now for the question that how these preparatory treatment acts and helps the body ready to eliminate Dosha’s during panchakarama, the answer is that:-

Deepana causes Kindling of Aama, Paachana causes Digestion of Aama, Snehana causes the dosha, utkleshana(Gives an Excitation action for Dosha), Swedana liquefies the dosha and allow it to move to Koshta(Git) from all the Shakha’s(Extrimities of body)

Now after preparatory procedures, during panchakarma it is easy to eliminate the dosha’s present in the Koshta through the nearby orifices.

For instances it can be through the upper Orifice in Vamana and through the lower Orifice in Virechana.

Now Mardana and Unmardana are the two such procedures that come under Snehana(Oleation).


General Benefits of Abhyanga

According to Ashtanga Hrudaya Sootrasthana, those who undergo Abhyanga daily will get benefits like:-

  1. Jara hara:- Prevents ageing, provides youthfulness, prevents greying of hair
  2. Sramahara:- It relieves tiredness, fatigue
  3. Vatahara:- Since Oil has opposite properties of Vata, it corrects vata dosha vitiation and the disease cuased by Vata Dosha.
  4. Drushti Prasada Kara:- Good for eyes, it has a good action on Sandhi’s of Akshi(Joints of eyes mentioned in Ayurveda)
  5. Pushtikara:- Nourishes skin and all other tissues
  6. Ayushya:- Increase the life span
  7. Svapnakara:- Imparts good sleep
  8. Twak Dhardyakara:- Increases sturdiness of body, imparts flexibility of body, increase skin tone


Classic Method of Performing Abhyanga

Abhyanga should be commenced with Shiro abhyanga(Head massage) with lukewarm oil and later warm oil is applied to the whole body parts including head, ear, nose, feet and Mardana is done because mere application of oil will not nourish the body.

When Abhyanga(Massage) is done in Anuloma direction, it cures vata dushti. If done in Pratiloma ghati it will cure Kapha dosha. If massage is done in alternate Anuloma – Pratiloma ghati it will cure Pitta dosha.

For performing Abhyanga procedure, patient should lie down in Taila Droni Table, Oil with a temperature of 39 to 41 degree Celsius should be applied on the anterior fontanellae of the head, followed by applying over the whole scalp. Then slowly massaging of Ear, Palm,Feet is done

Mardana and Unmardana Procedure


In Both Mardana and Unmardana, deep pressure is applied after appliying oil, but the Difference is comes in the direction of application of pressure


In Mardana, after applying oil pressure is applied in Downward direction


In Unmardana, after applying Oil, pressure is applied in upward direction



It cures Twak – Rakta – Mamsa – Sandhi – Asthi – Sira – Snayu ghata Vata that is Vata located in Skin, Blood, Muscle tissue, Joints, Bones, Blood Vessels, Ligaments etc.a








According to Ayurveda, just before doing Panchakarma – Patient should be undergone some of the Purvaroopa’s that is preparatory procedures. Under this we can include 4 such preparatory procedures:-

  1. Deepana
  2. Pachana
  3. Snehana
  4. Swedana

These procedures makes the patient ready to undergo the 5 Therapeutic procedures collectively called as Panchakarma

Now for the question that how these preparatory treatment acts and helps the body ready to eliminate Dosha’s during panchakarama, the answer is that:-

Deepana causes Kindling of Aama, Paachana causes Digestion of Aama, Snehana causes the dosha, utkleshana(Gives an Excitation action for Dosha), Swedana liquefies the dosha and allow it to move to Koshta(Git) from all the Shakha’s(Extrimities of body)

Now after preparatory procedures, during panchakarma it is easy to eliminate the dosha’s present in the Koshta through the nearby orifices.

For instances it can be through the upper Orifice in Vamana and through the lower Orifice in Virechana.

Now Udvartana is one such procedure that come under Snehana(Oleation).


Rubbing body of patient using Choorna(Powder) with a specific force so as to provide a friction is called Udvartana

It is of two types

  1. Udgharshana
  2. Utsadana

In Utasadana body is rubbed with some drugs containing sneha, or Oil mixed medicine or some other liquids in semi solid form(Kalka)


It helps to increase the complexion there by enhance one’s beauty and provides them a good appearance.

Whereas in Udgharshana, only powdered medicine is used without mixing it with oil etc.

Benefits of Udgharshana

It stimulates Bhrajaka Pitta, causes vata Shamana, Relieves Kandu(Itcthing), Sphota, Pidika Nasaka.

Both Udgharshana and Utsadana cuase dialation of Sira Mukha(Arteries) there by enhancing the circulation and stimulates Bhrajaka Pitta.


Udvartana Procedure


In Dhina Charya(Daily regimen said in Ayurveda) Udvartana is mentioned to be done before Snana(Bathing), so it should be done at a time of Morning 5:00am and before Morning 9:00am.

One should be devoid of natural urges when this particular procedure is being done

Udvartana can be started from legs, arms, chest, abdomen, back and gluteal region where a reinforced rubbing using powdered medicine with or without oil is done. Usually Udvartana is done in the upward direction for a duration of 50min

Later patients is asked to bath in hot water after a relaxation period of 15 min


Indications and Benefits of Udvartana

  1. Neurological conditions
  2. Skin Disease
  3. Obesity
  4. Eczema
  5. Diabetes mellitus with itching
  6. Skin diseases like Dadru, Pama
  7. Excessive sweating
  8. Parkinsonism
  9. Muscular Dystrophy
  10. Multiple Sclerosis
  11. Cerebral Palsy
  12. Kustha(Skin Disease) with Kapha and Pitta Dosha Predominance
  13. Relieves excess fat from body
  14. Relieves heaviness of body
  15. Bad Body Odour
  16. Sleepiness or drowsiness
  17. Gives good skin tone