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Oorustambha Chikitsa/Stiffness of Thighs Treatment in Ayurveda


Characteristic feature of Oorustambha is stiff and stable thighs. Oorustambha is a single disease caused by the vitiation of all the three Dosha. It is not divided into types in accordance with the Dosha. In this disease Panchakarma is totally contraindicated.


Synonym: Aad`hyavaata



Stambhayet Sthairya S`haityabhyaam Oorustambhah tatah tu Sah | Ch. Chi. 27.14

(When both the thighs become stiff due to stability and coldness, this is Oorustambha)



Causative factors of Oorustambha are

o Consumption of unctuous, hot, Laghu (easy to digest), cold food when earlier food is undigested.

o Consumption of liquid, dry, curd, milk, meat

o Liquor prepared from Pisht`a (Starchy) material

o Sleep in day time, suppressing natural urges etc.

(These factors aggravate Aama and provoke Dosha, especially Kapha)



  1. Aamais aggravated due above causative factors.
  2. Aamaaccumulates in Kosht`ha. It further coats internal organs.
  3. This Aamagets associated with Meda and obstructs Vaata, Pitta and Kapha.

Due to the heaviness, this Aama with Meda and Tridosha traverse to the thighs (Ooru) quickly through the channels going downward (Adhogaami Siraa) filling the channels in the thigh and leg.

  1. Kaphawith Meda defeating Vaata and Pitta causes stiffness, stability, and coldness in the thighs.

Lakshan`a (Clinical presentation):

Patient can not lift up the limb or can lift it with difficulty or pain.

Other signs and symptoms are heaviness, stiffness, burning sensation, pain, numbness, and tremors in the thighs.



Status of Sampraapti related factors Oorustambha


Avayava Kosht`ha (Aama Upalepana)
Asaadhya Daaha Yukta, Arti Yukta, Toda Yukta, Vepana Yukta
Dosha Vaata Aamasamruddha, Pitta Aamasamruddha, Kapha Aamasamruddha Dosha Meda Bala Utkat`a, Kapha Sameda, Vaata Kaphaavrita, Vaata Medaavrita
Dosha & Gun`a Kapha (Guru, Sthira, S`heeta, Stimita)
Dhaatu Medas Sahita Aama
Indriya Avidheyaparispanda (Asvaadheena) Indriya
Effect on other Aama Sakapha, Aama Samedas, Aama Savaata




Oorustambha Chikitsaa


Oosrustambha (Oorugraha) is the disease in which the movement of the thigh muscles is hampered due to severe stiffness. Kapha and Medas along withVaata are the responsible factors.


Oosrustambha (Oorugraha) is the only disease where Panchakarma like Basti, Virechana and Vamana are contraindicated. Poorvakarma like Snehana is also contra-indicated.

The reason for contraindication is that, Snehana (Oleation therapy) and Anuvaasana Basti; both aggravate Kapha. In the pathogenesis of Oosrustambha,Kapha and Medas are the two mainly involved entities. As has been explained by Charaka, Kapha, Aama and Medas are accumulated in the Ooroo andJanghaa (thighs and leg) causing their stiffness due to their Sthira and S`heeta attributes. Therefore, if Snehana and Basti are done in the patients suffering from Oosrustambha, it will again aggravate Kapha, which in turn will boost up the pathogenesis of Oosrustambha. The prognosis will become graver then before in this situation.

Virechana is also contraindicated as Virechana acts on Pitta dominated Dosha. As in the Oosrustambha, Kapha is the main vitiated Dosha, Virechana has got no potency to remove Kapha, which is vitiated and harboured in the thighs.

Vamana and Virechana, both the Karma are potent to root out the vitiated Kapha and Pitta in their own sites (Kosht`ha). But when Dosha are aggravated in the thighs (other than their own sites), they are unable to expel them out making any Panchakarma useless in this disease as it becomes very difficult to get the water from deep well. Therefore, Poorvakarma Snehana and Panchakarma like Basti, Vamana and Virechana are contraindicated in Oosrustambha.

In Oosrustambha, it is necessary to do the Kshapan`a, S`hoshan`a and Sams`hamana continuously, as there is dominance of Kapha.

There should be all the Rooksha Upachaara i.e. use of food and drug having dry attributes.

After doing the Rooksha Upachaara (Apatarpan`a), if it has happened in excess, it is necessary to do the Santarpan`a. It is because while doingApatarpan`a to deplete the Kapha, Vaidya should take care of strength of patient. There should not be the depletion of strength while carrying out the depletion of Kapha. If debility appears, then Charaka has given the food regime to get back the strength.


Saamaanya Chikitsaa:

Aabhyantara and Baahya both are mentioned.


Baahya Chikitsaa:

  1. Utsaadana
  2. Pralepana
  3. Sechana

Vishesha Chikitsaa:

o Associated with excess of Kapha and Aama Dosha Sams`hamana, Ksapan`a , S`hoshan`a and Yuktyapeksha should be the line of treatment


  1. Vyaayaama
  2. Yathaa S`hakti Naaree S`heelana(sexual gratification as per Bala)
  3. Swimming
  4. A special treatment has been mentioned as jumping, walking etc in sand as these bring about Rookshan`aof Kapha


o Generally, it has been said that Kapha should be depleted (Kapha Kshapan`a) but without aggravation of Vaayu. Anything that can achieve this principle can be done as treatment of Oosrustambha. Digestive capacity (Agni) and physical strength (Bala) should be maintained in the treatment procedure.

o According to Sus`hruta, Kapha Medaavrita Vaayu is the causative factor in Oosrustambha. Sus`hruta has advised to treat Oosrustambha as per Kapha Medaavrita Vaata. He also says to treat it as S`hotha (specifically Apakva S`hotha).

o When Kapha and Meda get depleted in substantial amount, then Karma like Snehana can be done.

o Sus`hruta has advised to use Guggulu in Oosrustambha. The reasons are:-

  1. Gugguluis Kaphavaataghna due to its Teekshn`a and Ushn`a attribute.
  2. Guggulupacifies Mala and Pitta due to its Sara attribute.
  3. It is Sugandhi(having aroma), therefore it cures Pooti Kosht`ha Vaataghna.
  4. It increases Agniby its Sookshma attribute. (Su. Chi. 5.30)



Rasa- Kat`u, Tikta, Kashaaya, Lavan`a,

Gun`a- Rooksha

S`hooka- Yava, Rakta S`haalee

S`haaka- S`higru, Kaaravellaka, Pat`ola, Vaastuka, Sunnishan`n`aka, S`haalee, Kaakamaachee, Vetraagra, Rasona, Nimba, Haritakee, Arka

S`himbee- Kulattha, S`hyaamaaka, Kodrava

Maamsa- Krita Jaangala Maamsa

Drava- Ushn`odaka, Arisht`a, Gomootra, Kshaara

Other- Saktu, Svedana, Kshaara, Lavan`a Varjita S`haaka, Lekhaneeya Aahaara


Gun`a- Guru, S`heeta, Drava, Snigdha

Other- Viruddhaanna, Asaatmya Bhojana, Virechana, Snehana, Vamana, Raktmokshan`a, Basti


Ojas Chikitsa/Immuntiy



Ojas is a vital entity to maintain healthy and younger status. Ojas is an entity which provides the site to harbor the Praan`a. It is said to be one of thePraan`aayatana.

Ojas gets nourishment after digestion of food. Ultimately, maintenance of Ojas is dependent on Ojas nourishing food and its proper digestion. Even if the food is having good nourishing qualities but not lacking in digestive energy (Jaat`haraagni), then also vitiation in the Ojas can be seen.

Ojas has very close relation with Hridaya, Manas, Indriya (especially Sense Organs i. e. Dnyaanendriyaan`i), all 7 Dhaatu (especially Rasa and S`hukra Dhaatu) and the Chaitanya Sangraha. It is essence of all Dhaatu from Rasa to S`hukra. It is Saarabhaaga (ultimate essence) of all the Dhaatu; also it is described as Mala orUpadhaatu of S`hukra. Thus, it is the purest and ultimate entity, which is responsible to hold the Praan`a.

Rasa Dhaatu is also named as Ojas.

Sus`hrutaachaarya has designated the strength of body to Ojas considering all these qualities. It is called as Bala.

Properties of Ojas

  1. Somaatmaka (nourished by the moonlight)
  2. Snigdha (unctuous)
  3. S`hukla (bright colored)
  4. S`heeta (cold in nature)
  5. Sthira (steady by its qualitative and quantitative aspect. It does not get easily vitiated unless and until there is strong and long lasting Sampraapti or Hetu Sevanato disturb its normal physiology; therefore any vitiation in the Ojas needs to be given proper attention so as to put it in its normal status)
  6. Sara (moving and liquid in nature)
  7. Vivikta (solitary entity though it is an ultimate essence of all Dhaatu)
  8. Mridu (soft in nature)
  9. Mritsna (bright lustrous Chakahakaayamaana)
  10. Madhura Svabhaavee (sweet in taste)


Functions of Ojas

  1. Sthira Upachita Maamsataa (balanced muscular growth).
  2. Sarva Chesht`aasu Apratighaatah (mental and physical power to carry out any task without getting defeated by the obstacles).
  3. Svara Varn`a Prasaadah (Deep commanding voice and glorious skin luster).
  4. Karan`aanaam Aatma Kaarya Pratipattih (proper and utmost efficiency in the sense and action organs i.e. Dnyaanendriya an`i and Karmendriyaan`i.

Signs of Ojas

Attributes of Ojas are seen in Kapha Prakriti. Those person are Ojasvee, S`haanta (calm and cool), Aayushmanta (having longer life).

Aindra Sattva person have presence of all the attributes of Ojas, hence called as Ojasvee.

A person having equal Aayaaama and Vistaara, is said to be Ojasvee.

Any qualitative enrichment in the Ojas can be inferred by the signs and symptoms observed on Hridaya, Manas, Indriya and all Dhaatu.


Types of Ojas:

Ayurveda explains two types of Ojas: Para Ojas and Apara Ojas.


Para Ojas:

The quantity of Para Ojas is 8 Bindu. It resides in the Hridaya. It is highly pure (without any waste ingredient S`huddha). It is red in colour with yellow tinge (Raktam Ishat Sapeetakam). This Para Ojas is responsible for continuation of life; therefore it is called as Praanaas`hraya Ojas.


Whenever, there is depletion of this Para (Great) Ojas, it is the indication of death which reflects in form of Arisht`a Lakshn`a described in Indriyasthaana of Charaka Samhitaa. Therefore, one can infer that unless and until there is vitiation of Para Ojas, the Arisht`a Lakshan`a can not be manifested.


Apara Ojas:

Whereas, Apara Ojas is Anjalee in quantity and resides in the Hridaya and Hridayastha 10 Dhamanee. All these Dhamanee carries Ojas which is having qualities same asRasa (Rasaatmaka). Whenever there is vitiation in Apara Ojas, it is treatable and curable; but as explained earlier vitiation in Para Ojas is a sign for death which reflects in terms of Arisht`a.




The vitiation in this Apara Ojas happens in three ways:

  1. Ojas Kshaya (decrease in terms of quantity)
  2. Ojas Visramsa (falling asunder, dropping down, relaxation, weakness of Ojas)
  3. Ojas Vyaapad (derangement in terms of quality of Ojas)

(Ojas Kshaya, Visramsa and Vyaapad are also termed as Bala – Kshaya, Visramsa and Vyaapad respectively as Ojas is also considered as Bala.)


Causative factors for Oja Kshaya and Ojo Visramsa

Abhighaata (trauma)

Kshaya (depletion in body tissues)

Kopa (anger)

Dhyaana (mental representation at one subject)

S`hrama (exertion)

Kshudhaa (hunger)




In the 8th month of pregnancy, Sthira Gun`a of Ojas is not established completely; therefore it is moving from baby to mother and mother to baby; so this is not the proper month for delivery. If Ojas resides in mother, then mother remains fresh and vice versa.



Signs and symptoms of Ojovikriti

Ojo Visramsa

  1. Sandhi Vis`hlesha
  2. Gaatra Saada
  3. Dosha Chyavana
  4. Kriyaa Asannirodha


Ojo Vyaapad

  1. Stabdha Gaatrataa
  2. Guru Gaatrataa
  3. Vaata S`hopha
  4. Varn`a Bheda
  5. Glaani
  6. Tandraa
  7. Nidraa


Oja Kshaya

  1. Adnyaanam
  2. Bhaya (Trastatva)
  3. Chintaa
  4. Durbalatva
  5. Durbalatva
  6. Durmanastvam
  7. Dus`hchhaayatvam
  8. Ichchhaa (Ojavardhaka Annapaana)
  9. Indriya Daurbalya
  10. Kris`hatva
  11. Kshaamatva
  12. Maamsa Kshaya
  13. Malina Kaanti
  14. Maran`a (Mrityu)
  15. Moha
  16. Moorchchhaa
  17. Pralaapa
  18. Rookshatva
  19. Utsaaha Haani



In Oja Kshaya, if a person in Mood`ha Samdnya (Nasht`a Samdnya), then it is Asaadhya condition.




Treatment of Ojo Vikriti (Visramsa / Vyaapad / Kshaya)

Food and drugs having same qualities to Ojas should be used to enhance quality and quantity of Ojas. Some of such diet and drugs are mentioned as example:


Diet: Milk, Maamsa Rasa, Ghrita Paana

Drugs: Jeevaneeya Gan`a, Tugaaksheeryaadi Choorn`a Su.U.58/65, Aindra Rasaayanam, Naagabalaa Ghrita, Punarnavaadyarisht`a, also Rasaayana mentioned inPraan`akaameeya Rasaayana.

Panchakarma: Sneha Basti – this is Balaprada and indicated in Nirojastva.


Vihaara: Behavioral regimen to treat Ojo Vikriti includes S`heetaambu Seka,

Langhana (for Aama Paachana), Snaana and Ratna Dhaaran`a (appropriate precious stones)


Contraindicated diet/lifestyle: Madyapaana, other causative factors of Ojo Vikriti.

Mootraghatha / Mootrakrichraa Chikitsaa – Dysuria Treatmkent in Ayurveda

Mootrakrichchhra (Dysuria)

Saamanya Chikitsaa:

All such measures i.e. formulations and procedures which are employed in the treatment of As`hmaari and Mootrodaavarta should be adopted here.

Vaataja Mootrakrichchhra

Vaataahara Chikitsaa

  • Snehana
  • Svedana
  • Abhyanga
  • Aasthaapana Basti / Nirooha Basti
  • Anuvaasana Basti
  • Avagaaha Sveda
  • Uttara Basti
  • Parisheka
  • Sankara Sveda
  • Upanaaha Sveda
  • Shamana Kalpana

Pittaja Mootrakrichchhra:

S`heeta Dravya

  • Avagaaha S`heeta
  • Basti
  • Lepana
  • Parisheka
  • Parisheka S`heeta
  • Virechana
  • Shamana Kalpana
  • Seasonal regime like Greeshma Ritu

Kaphaja Mootrakrichchhra

Ushn`a and Teekshn`a

  • Abhyanga
  • Svedana
  • Vamana
  • Nirooha Basti
  • Kshaara
  • Kat`u rasa Pradhaana Annapaana
  • S`hamana Kalpana

Sannipaataja Mootrakrichchhra

The line of treatment should be decided after assessing the Sthaana of Vaata, i.e.

  • If Kapha Dosha is predominant then Vamana is to be administered first,
  • If Pitta Dosha is predominant then Virechana is to be administered first,
  • If Vaata Dosha is predominant then Basti is to be administered first,


S`hukraja Mootrakrichchhra

  • Avagaaha Sveda
  • Abhyanga
  • Basti
  • Choorn`a Kriya as mentioned in Vaatavyaadhi
  • Uttara Basti

Mootra Dosha Chikitsaa:

  • Snehana
  • Svedana
  • Virechana
  • After proper S`hodhana Uttara Basti

Pathya –

Gun`a – Ushn`a

Dhaanya – Puraan`a S`haalee, Yava

S`haaka –Pat`ola, Gokshura, Aardraka, Kumaaree, Tand`uleeyaka, Karkat`ee

S`himbee – Mudga

Maamsa – Jaangala Pas`hu Maamsa

Phala – Kushmaan`d`a, Kharjoora, Naarikela

Kritaanna – Mudga Yoosha

Other –S`harkaraa, S`heeta Jala, Saktu, Kaanjika

Apathya –

Rasa – Amla, Lavan`a

Gun`a – Teekshn`a, Vidaahee, Rooksha

S`haaka – Aardraka, Hingu, Vetraagra

S`himbee –Tila, Maasha

Maamsa – Matsya

Drava – Madya

Other –Pin`yaaka, Taamboola, Saindhava, Vishamaas`hana, Vidaahee, Viruddhaanna, Mootravegaavarodha, Shrama, Maithuna, Pravaasa



Mootraaghaata Chikitsaa


A.H.Chi.11, C.Si.9, S.U.58, N.R. Mootraaghaata


Mootraaghaata is a disease where Mootra is depleted or its formation is hampered.

13 types of Mootraaghaata are described by Charaka while 12 types according to Sus`hruta and Vaagbhat`a. ( in Mootraghaata the obstruction to passage of urine is the cardinal sign formation is depleted in Mootrakricchra)

Mootraaghaata is a disease where Mootra is depleted or its formation is hampered.



Mootraaghaata Types


  Charaka Samhitaa

13 types according toCharaka

Sus`hruta Samhitaa

12 types according toSus`hruta

Vaagbhat`a A

12 types according toVaagbhat`a

Maadhava Nidaana

13 types according toMaadhava Nidaana

1 Mootraukasaada Mootraukasaada 2

– Vaataja and Pittaja


Mootra Saada Mootra Saada
2 Mootra Jat`hara Mootra Jat`hara Mootra Jat`hara Mootra Jat`hara
3 Mootra Krichchhra      
4 Mootrotsanga Mootrotsanga Mootrotsanga Mootrotsanga
5 Mootra Samkshaya Mootra Kshaya Mootra Kshaya Mootra Kshaya
6 Mootraateeta Mootraateeta Mootraateeta Mootraateeta
7 Anilaasht`heelaa Asht`heelaa (Vaataasht`heelaa – D`alhan`a) Vaataasht`heelaa Asht`heelaa
8 Vaata Basti Vaata Basti Vaata Basti Vaata Basti
9 Ushn`amaaruta Ushn`avaata Ushn`avaata Ushn`avaata
10 Vaatakun`d`alikaa Vaatakun`dalikaa Vaatakun`dalikaa Vaatakun`dalikaa
11 Mootra granthi Mootra granthi Mootra granthi Mootra granthi
12 Vid`ghaata   Vid`vighaata Vid`vighaata
13 Bastikun`d`ala     Bastikun`d`ala
14   Mootra S`hukra Mootra S`hukra Mootra S`hukra


Saamaaanya Chikitsaa


  • S`hodhana
    • Svedana
    • Uttarabasti
  • S`hamana

o Kashaaya

o Kalka

o Ghrita

o Siddha Ksheera

o Kshaara

o Madya

o Aasava

o Leha

All such measures i.e. formulations and procedures which are employed in the treatment of As`hmaari and Mootrodaavarta should be adopted here.

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa

Mootra Dosha Chikitsaa:

  • Snehana
  • Svedana
  • Virechana
  • After proper S`hodhanaUttara Basti


Kaphaghna and Pittaghna Dravya should be used

Mootra Jat`hara

Mootravirechaneeka Chikitsaa and Hingudviruttara choorn`a should be used


Basti /Uttara basti and Chikitsaa similar to Mootrakrichchhra.

Vaataja Mootraaghaata

Vaataja Mootraaghaata

o Vaataghna Taila Abhyaanga

o Snehana

o Avagaaha Svedana

o Upanaaha

Pittaja mootraaghaata

Pittaja mootraaghaata

Sheeta Lepa Seka Avagaaha

Kaphaja Mootraaghaata

Kaphaja Mootraghaata

  • Vamana
  • Svedana
  • Teekshn`a ,Kat`u Bhojana
  • Yavaana
  • Takra

Saanipaatika Mootraaghaata

In this condition the patient should be treated as per the status of Dosha.

Pathya –

  • Dhaanya – Yava, Puraan`a S`haalee
  • S`haaka – Pat`ola, Aardraka, Karakat`ee, Kushmaan`d`a
  • S`himbee –Kulattha
  • Maamsa –Jaangala Pas`hu Maamsa, Kukkut`a Maamsa
  • Dugdha – Dugdha, Takra, Dadhi, Ghrita, Dadhimand`a
  • Drava –Madya, Gaud`eeka, Kaanjika, Suraa, Maardvika, Paryusheeta Jala, Taila
  • Phala –Kushmaan`d`a, Karkat`ee, Kharjoora, Naarikela, Mridvikaa, Draakshaa, Badara, Aamalakee, Daad`ima
  • Kritaanna – Maasha Yoosha/Man`d`a, Leha, Ksheera Vikritee, Tan`d`ulodaka, Man`d`a, Draakshaa Kalka/ Siddha Jala( Anupaana – Paryusheeta Jala)

Other –Abhyanga, Basti, Seka, Svedana, Virechana, Kesara, Kachoraa, S`hataavaree, Das`hamoola, Gomootra, Elaa, Tvak

Apathya –

  • Gun`a – Rooksha, Vidaahee, Visht`hambhee
  • Other – Viruddhaanna, Vyaayaama, Maithuna, Mala Mootra Avarodha, Vetraagra, Vamana

Moorcha Chikitsa/Treatment for fainting in Ayurveda



It is also known as fainting. It is caused by Pitta and Tama. Pitta is in dominance in all types of Moorchchhaa. It is of following types

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. S`hon`itaja
  5. Madyaja


Saamaanya Chikitsaa:

Pittaghna + Vaataghna


o S`heeta Dravya

o Lepa, Snaana, Vihaara,

o Rasaayana


o Vamana

o Virechana

o Raktamokshan`a

o Nasya


o Madhuravarga Siddha Yoosha

o Daad`ima

o Shasht`ika

o Rakta S`haalee

o Yava

o Ghrita


o S`heeta Seka

o Man`i Dhaaran`a

o S`heeta Vaayu Sevana

Aavasthika Chikitsaa

  • Prasakta Vega Avasthaa

Mukha-Naasaavarodhana (Close the orifice of mouth and nose) Followed by Nasya, S`hamana

  • Based on the predominance of the Dosha the treatment should be adopted accordingly.
  • Satvaavajaya Chikitsaa should be adopted as and when necessary.
  • Chikitsaa Similar to – Sannyaasa in Pravridha Avasthaa

If this is due to Visha, then Visha Chikitsaa should be adopted.



Rasa – Madhura

Gun`a – Ushn`a Veerya, Ladhu, Teekshn`a

Dhaanya – Yava, Shasht`ika S`haalee, Lohita S`haalee

S`haaka – Pat`ola, Haritakee, Madhooka Pushpa, Tan`d`uleeyaka, Upodikaa, S`hveta Chandana, Karpoora

S`himbee – Mudga

Maamsa – Jaangala Maamsarasa

Dugdha – Godugdha, S`hatadhuata Ghrita, Puraan`a Ghrita

Drava – Naadeya Jala

Phala – Kushmaan`d`a, Kadalee, Daad`ima, Naarikela, Nimbuka, Parushaka, Amlikaaka

Kritaanna – Puraan`a Yava, Raktas`haalee, Mudga, Sateena Yoosha, Laajaa Mand`a, Raaga, Khaand`ava

Other S`harkaraa, Dhoomapaana, Anjana, Nasya, Raktamokshan`a, Virechana, Vamana, Langhana, S`hatadhuata Ghrita Lepa


Rasa – Kat`u

S`haaka – Patra S`haaka

Dugdha – Takra

Other Viruddhaanna Sevana,Taambula, Dantadhaavana, Aatapa Sevana, Maithuna, Svedana, Mala Mootra Avarodha


Madaatyayta, Dhvamsaka, Vikshaya – Alcohol addiction


These are diseases caused by inappropriate consumption of Madya (alcohol or liquor). If any of the Madya (Suraa)should be prepared and consumed as per rules and regulations for its benefits and to avoid unwanted effects.


Though there are different types of liquors mentioned in the text (Naama Vis`hesha), though they are prepared from different origins like leaves, roots etc. (Madya Yoni), though they are prepared with various processes (Samskaara), they all can be categorized as a single entity, as they produce Mada (hilarity)

Mythological origin:

Suraa (wine or spirituous liquor) was used for Havana in Sautraaman`i Yadnya which was carried out in honor of Indra.He fell down after consuming Suraa in excessive amount. He became devoid of Ojas, felt as if he was entering into the darkness (Tamasaa Aavisht`ah).






  1. Mada Saamaanya Lakshan`aat Madah| C.Chi.24/6 Chakrapaan`i


  1. Mada Eva Aatyayiko Madaatyaya Iti Niruchyate| C.Chi.24/101-106


  1. Jaayante Mohanidraantaa Madyasyaatinishevan`aat|

Sa MadyaVibhramo Naamnaa Mada Iti Abhidheyate || C.Chi.24/40


Due to excessive consumption of Madya (alcohol), Moha and Nidraa are manifested. This is perversion in mental traits, so called as Mada. It is cardinal sign of consumption of any liquor.


The disease manifested needs to be treated immediately without passing time, so it is called as Aatyayika (should be treated as emergency)


Considering social effects, Madaatyaya is a cause of disgrace, bad character of a person.


Effects of Madya:

Suraa offers benefits and included as a formulation type. It has potent effects on body and mind. It is effective forS`hoka (sorrow), Arati (dulness), Bhaya (fear), Udvega (anxiety).

It also causes Preeti (pleasure), Rati (the pleasure of love), Vaag (speech), Pusht`i (nourishment), Nirvritti(completion) in gods, Gandharva, Yaksha, Raakshasa and human beings.

Madya Sevana Vidhi:

Before having liquor, a person should bath and wear nice, clean clothes. He can apply scents etc. fragrances. He can become beautiful with garlands of flowers and precious stones etc. he should pray to god and chant Stotra.


After spreading the flowers, burning Dhoopa etc., arranging pillows and bed for comfort, a person can sit or have any comfortable position. He should drink the liquor using the clean pots of gold, silver etc. He should consume fruits, meat with liquor.


Madya and Ojas:

Madya with its 10 attributes irritates all the 10 attributes of Ojas after entering into the Hridaya. It causes perversion in the functions of mind. (Cheto Vikraya)


Attributes ofMadya Attributes ofOjas
Laghu Guru
Ushn`a S`heeta
Teekshn`a Mridu
Sookshma Bahala
Amla Madhura
Vyavaayee Sthira
Vikaas`hi Pichchhila
Vis`hada Saandra

Madya after entering in Hridaya, irritates Sattva (mind) causing hilarity, exitement. It depletes all the attributes ofOja. Hridaya is a site of Rasa etc. Dhaatu, Sattva (Manas), Buddhi, Indriya, Aatman and Ojas. When Madya is consumed in excessive amount, the Ojas is destroyed. There is vitiation of Hridaya and the Dhaatu (Sattva, Buddhi, Indriya, Aatman etc. Chakrapaan`i) related to it.


Types of Madaaatyaya:

  1. Prathama Mada
  2. Madhyama Mada
  3. Antya Mada


  1. Prathama (Poorva) Mada:

When the Madya is consumed, Buddhi, Sattva, Indriya, Aatman etc get awakened and stimulated. This is stage ofPrathama Mada. This Mada makes a person happy and gives pleasure.

  1. Madhyama (Dviteeya) Mada:

Madya hampers the attributes of the Ojas relatively at high level; this is Madhyama Mada. In this state, there is mild perversion in Smriti, Moha, speech etc. A person cannot enjoy the immediate effective pleasure of the things (Taadaatvaka Sukha Na Anubhavati).


  1. Uttama (Triteeya / Antya / Pas`hchima) Mada:

There is severe destruction of the attributes of Ojas in this stage. When person reaches in this state, there is nothing that cannot be done by Raajasa or Taamaasa person. He can act like an elephant that is not controlled and hilarious. This stage correlates with Unmaada.


A person becomes helpless like a broken pillar. Though he is living, he is as much as dead whose mind is covered byMada and Moha. He cannot get satisfaction or pleasure from the things for which he had Madya.


He cannot differentiate between the dos and donts; happiness and pleasure, Hitaka anda Ahitakara. He becomes disgraced and refused by all others. He becomes passionate for the Madya (Vyasana). Ultimately, suffers from the disease Madaatyaya. In this stage person becomes calm like a dead. Madya is responsible for Smriti Vibhrams`ha,which is a cause of Pradnyaaparaadha and all the sinful and bad acts.


Madya leads to the Moha, Bhaya, S`hoka, Krodha, Apasmaara, Unmaada, Mada, Moorchchhaa and death. If only Madyais consumed without food, it causes the difficultly curable diseases and the death. Madya consumed by a person who is angry, feared, thirsty, sorrowed, hungry, exercised, carried load on his head, walked a long distance, suppressing natural urges, eaten sour things in excess, having indigestion, unhealthy, got hot in the sunlight suffers with the diseases like Paanaatyaya, Paramada, Paanaajeern`a, Paanavibhrama.


Actually, if Madya is consumed with the proper way it is good for health; otherwise it causes death.


Conditions not prone to Madaatyaya:

Madaatyaya is not manifested or mildly manifested in the persons who are strong, whose intake is high, who are unctuous, whose mental ability is high (Sattvayukta), who are young, who consume Madya regularly, persons having aggravated Medas and Kapha, in whom Vaata and Pitta are not dominant.

Paisht`ika Madya is not opposite to the attributes of Ojas and Vikaas`hee, Rooksha and Vis`hada attributes are not too dominant; therefore it does not cause Mada

Triteeya Mada is counted as Chaturtha Mada by Maadhava Nidaana and Triteeya Mada separately explained.


Triteeya Mada – explained by Maadhava Nidaana :

Actually, this state is explained by Charaka as the mediator phase of Dviteeya and Triteeya Mada. In this state, a person disgraces or dishonors the teachers (Guru), travels with the defected vehicles, he does the things which he doesnt do otherwise, eats uneatable things, loses his senses, talks out the secrets.


The transitory phase between Dviteeya and Triteeya Mada is explained as Triteeya Mada by Sus`hruta; whereasTriteeya Mada explained by Charaka is Chaturtha Mada explained by Sus`hruta.

Other Types:

Actually, Madya causes vitiation of all the three Dosha. Considering the dominance of the symptoms Madaatyaya is denoted by that Dosha. It should be treated as per dominance of Dosha or manifestation of the symptoms.

  1. Vaataja Madaatyaya
  2. Pittaja Madaatyaya
  3. Kaphaja Madaatyaya
  4. Saannipaatika Maadaatyaya


Dhvamsaka and Vikshaya:

A person, who kept himself away from Madya for long days, consumes it suddenly and excessively; it leads to the diseases like Dhvamsaka and Vikshaya.


They are very difficult to cure; especially in a person who is emaciated due to the disease. One who is averted fromMadya, has control on his senses, remains always free from the somatic and psychic diseases.


Asaadhya Madaatyayta:

Amandadaaha (Teevra Daaha)

Asita Danta

Asita Jihvaa

Asita Osht`ha


Heenottarausht`ha (Pralambamaana Uparitana Osht`ha)

Neela Danta

Neela Jihvaa

Neela Osht`ha

Peeta Nayana

Rakta Nayana

Tail Praabhaasya (Tailaakta Mukha)

Madaatyayta Upadrava:









Kushtha Chikitsa/Treatment for Skin disease in Ayurveda



In pathogenesis of Kusht`ha, all three Dosha are involved which in turn vitiate Tvak (skin), Rakta (blood), Maamsa (muscle tissue) and Ambu. Considering dominance ofDosha, treatment should be planned. This disease requires It is Nitya S`hodhanaarha Vyaadhi.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:

All the types of Kusht`ha are Tridoshaja. The treatment is depends upon the symptom and condition of the Dosha which is more predominant and the Anubandhita Dosha is treated consequently.

S`hodhana is indicated in Bahudosha Avasthaa.

Physician should be vigilant about the life of the patient, as excessive elimination makes the patient weak, hence the aggravated Vaata can be dangerous.

In this condition Vamana procedure should be done once in 15 days, Virechana procedure once in a month, S`hirovirechana once in 3 days and Rakta mokshan`a once in 6 months.

S`hamana is indicated in Alpa Doshaavasthaa.

o Vaatakaphaja Kusht`ha: Kaphaghna + Vaataghna + Rakta Dusht`ighna

o Pittaja Kusht`ha: Kaphaghna + Pittaghna + Rakta Dusht`ighna



After Blood letting, when the patient regains strength should be oleated and carefully subjected to Vamana with drastic formulations, followed by purgation and bloodletting.

In case where in the indicated S`hodhana is not done, the aggravated Dosha permeate the whole body and the disease becomes incurable; hence Dosha should be eliminated completely. Every morning suitable purgatives should be used for 5, 6, 7 or 8 days so that the Dosha do not raise their heads again.

Similar Chikitsaa: Visarpa

Avasthika Chikitsaa:

Alpa Dosha Avasthaa: – Prachchanna

After only the Dosha are eliminated from the Kosht`a and Rakta, the patient should be administered oleation therapy as Vaayu gets aggravated after the elimination therapies.


Rakta Visraavan`a in Lalat`a (forehead), Hasta (hand) and Paada (legs). By administering proper blood letting, internal and external alleviation therapies and oleation at appropriate time Kusht`ha which are curable finally get cured.


Kusht`ha is very difficult to cure. To get rid of this disease it is necessary to have faith in the dietary and behavioral regimen as told by Ayurveda. It is also necessary to consume specific treatment, to get in to religious austerity. Then only, person become free from the disease and also attains the perpetual happiness (peace or calmness of mind, absence of passion)


Dhaatugata Kusht`ha Chikitsaa:

o Tvakgata(Rasagata)Kusht`ha: S`hodhana and Lepana

o Raktagata Kusht`ha: S`hodhana, Lepana, Kashaaya Paana, S`hon`itaavasechana

o Maamsagata Kusht`ha: S`hodhana, Lepana, Kashaaya Paana, S`hon`itaavasechana, Arisht`a, Mantha, Praasha.

o Medagata Kusht`ha: The disease becomes manageable if the patient has self -control and has all adequate means of treatment. In such case use ofBhallataka, S`hilaajatu, Maaks`hika etc. should be adopted.


If the disease proceeds to Asthi Dhaatu it is considered as incurable, hence should not be treated.



Rasa – Tikta

Gun`a – Laghu

Dhaanya – Yava, Jeern`a Shasht`ika S`haalee, Godhuma

S`haaka – Vetraagra, Pat`ola, Vaartaaka, Nimba, Krishn`a Saarivaa, Rasona, Vaastuka, Punarnavaa, Meshas`hringee, Khaira, Chitraka, Haritakee, Bibhitakee, Aamalakee, Jaatiphala, Naagakes`hara, Karanja, Sarala, Devadaaru, Aguru, Kasturee, Chandana, Kut`akee, Chakramarda, Bhallaataka, Dhaamaargava, Sarshapa, S`hinshapaa

S`himbee – Mudga, Masoora, Kulattha

Maamsa – Jaangala Maamsarasa

Dugdha – Takra + Baakuchee, Ghrita

Drava – Sneha, Gomootra, Gardabha Mootra, Usht`ra Mootra, Ashva Mootra, Maahisha Mootra, Khadira/Vid`anga Siddha Jala

Phala – Taad`aphala, Aamalakee, Aashaadha Phala

Kritaanna – Siddha Takra, Nimba, Khadira Siddha Yavaagoo, Kulattha Siddha Bhakta, Yava Vikriti, Kulmaasha, Apoopa, Utkaarikaa, S`hashkulee, Mantha, Ladduka

Other Vamana after every 15 days, Virechana after every one month, Nasya after every three months and Raktamokshan`a after every six months, Kshaarakarma, Madhu, Gandhaka


Rasa – Amla, Lavan`a

Gun`a/ Karma – Ushn`a, Drava, Visht`hambhee, Snigdha, Guru

S`hooka – Tila, Maasha, Navaanna

S`haaka – Moolaka

Maamsa – Aanoopa Maamsa, Matsya

Dugdha – Dadhi, Dugdha

Drava – Madya

Kritaanna – Pisht`aanna

Other – S`heetoshn`a Krama Sevana, Viruddhaanna, Nava Dhaanya, Gud`a, Ikshu, Svedana, Maithuna, Chchhardi Vegaavarodha, Krodha, Vyaayaamottara Bhojana, Shrama, Bhaya, Aatapa Sevanoparaanta S`heeta Jala Sevana