


    What Ayurveda says about Trivrut

    Trivrut, also known as Indian jalap, is a purgative in Ayurveda. It is useful for ulcers, rheumatism, and breathing disorders. Read on to find out what it is and what it does for you. There are also two types of this herb, Shyama and Krishna. Both are a potent herb used for various ailments.

    Trivrut is classified as an herb in Ayurveda because of its anti-inflammatory and purgative properties. It helps cleanse the digestive system and is effective for worm infestation, constipation, and wound healing. It also contains 10% glycosidium resin. Generally, it is taken in powder form. A decoction of this herb is made from Trivrut, honey, and Trijatha.

    Morphology of Operculina turpethum

    Operculina turpethum is a species of morning glory, found only in India. This species has alternate leaves and large, conspicuous sepals. Its seed is ellipsoidal-globular and black, with few hairs. This plant has a unique pheromone that attracts bees. It is also a mild laxative.

    This plant is a perennial grass native to tropical Asia. The stems of O. turpethum are twining, prostrate, and branched. It grows in a variety of degraded environments and is found throughout the Mauritius island. It has a similar morphology to I. nil, with stems up to 8 cm long and simple, alternate leaves. The flowers are white and funnel-shaped.

    The plants are commonly traded and used in traditional medicine. Its roots are a valuable source of the drug Turpeth. It grows throughout India and is sometimes used in gardens as an ornamental plant. Phytochemical analyses of Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso revealed its medicinal value in many countries. It is a thermogenic, purgative, antihelmintic, expectorant, stimulant, and carminative. The plant is also used in the formulation of drugs.

    Medicinal uses of Trivrut

    The wide range of Medicinal uses of Trivrut includes in Constipation, Piles, Acidity, Abdominal Distension, Burping, Stomach Ulcer, Abdominal Pian, Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis, IBS, Pittaja Skin disorders, Worm infestation, Jaundice, Ascites, Inflammation.

    Trivrut can be used either to pacify vitiated pitta dosha from the body or it can be used to eliminate pitta dosha from the body. As we all know one of the best ways to eliminate pitta dosha from the body is through purgation. And Trivrut is one of the medicines available in Ayurveda to do purgation. By managing Pitta dosha many diseases can be cured or managed.\

    Aggrevated Pitta is the main reason for certain conditions like Hair fall, lack of proper sleep due to excess heat in the body, excessive sweating, excess anger, different skin related conditions starting from pimples to ulcers, for all these disorders Trivrut works brilliantly.

    Usually Ayurvedic Doctors suggests Trivrut Lehya to patients for doing Purgative therapies from home, since its very safe when consumed in the recommended dosages.

    Trivrut Lehyam

    One of the best Ayurvedic laxative is Trivrut lehyam, it is also widely used in Virechana Therapy. It is a potent herb that is used to expel doshas through purgation. Trivrut lehyam is also known as Hridya Virechanam Leham. This lehya is also taken as a remedy for other heart and gastrointestinal ailments, constipation, and a number of other pitta-predominant conditions.

    Its dosage is different for different people. The strength of your digestive system plays a big role in the dosage. Taking too much of the herb can cause severe diarrhea. Pregnant women and elderly people should avoid taking lehyam. Your physician may recommend you to take it once or twice a day. The recommended dosage depends on your your Koshta, Digestive capacity, appetite, disease, prakruti etc. You can also use honey or milk to consume it.


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