In Keraliya Panchakarma, Masthishkya is mentioned as Thalam. In case of Thalam Kalka(Paste) medicated with medicinal herbs is applied on the Scalp for a particular period of time.
Indications:- Psychiatric Disorders, Insomnia, Skin Disease, Dandruff, Psychosomatic Disease, Headache, Migraine, Sinusitis, Facial Palsy.
Ingredients:- Amalaki Choorna(Powder of Gooseberry), Butter Milk
Preparation:- A paste is made by boiling Powder of Gooseberry(Amalaki Choorna) in Buttermilk till the whole buttermilk is evaporated.
Before Starting the procedure, patient is anointed with Sneha(Oleation) on Head and body.
After proper Oleation he should be seated in a stool and the mixture is applied over the vertex of the head in 3 – 5 cms thick in diameter.
It is recommended that while applying the medicated paste slight body massage can be done to the patient meanwhile.
This should be retained for 45 – 90 mins, and after this stipulated time the paste is removed from head and the Vertex is rubbed with dry cloth. In Patients who are contra indicated for bathing, Rasnadi Choorna is applied on the head.