Virataradi Kashaya/Vellantaradi Kashaya is prepared with drugs of Shodhaniya gana mentioned in Ashtanga Hrudaya(Groups of drugs that helps to eliminate bodily wastes).
Virataradi Kashaya/Vellantaradi Kashaya by virtue of its like actions like:- Vayu Anulomana(Corrects the proper movement of vata), Mutrala(Acts as diuretic) is a one good remedy for urinary calculi and related difficulties felt while micturition. it acts against pathological conditions affecting Kidney, Urinary tract etc.
Indications:- Ashmari – Urinary Calculi, Sarkara – Kidney Stones, Mutrakrchra – Difficulty while micturition, Mutraghatha, Gout.
Ingredients:- Vellantara, Arani, Katuka, Vrsha, Ashmabheda, Punnarnava, Gokshura, Sahachara, Kasa, Vrkshadani.