It has excellent action on Jwara(Fever) due to its action like Kaphagna(Pacifies Kapha Dosha), Pacivates Amadosha, Depana – Pachana action(Increase Appetite and Digestive Capacity), Sweda Pravartka(Induces Sweating), Anga Marda Nashaka(Relieves Body Pain).
Indications:- Jwara(Fever), Kaphaja Jwara, Vataja Jwara, Vata – Kaphaja Jwara, Sannipata Jwara, Joint Pain due to Fever, Headache, Throat Pain, Kaphaja Sopha(Oedema due to Kapha Dosha), Nasal Discharge.
Ingredients:- Hingula, Vatsanabha, Tankana, Shunti, Maricha, Pippali, ippali Mula