
This is a variety of Moordhnitaila, where in cotton/gauze soaked with oil is kept on the head(Anterior Fontanelle) by tying for a prescribed time. It is indicated in most of the shirorogas, especially of vataja type, hair loss, graying of hair and psychological diseases.


Indications:- Hairfall, Itching, Cracking of the Skin, Burning Sensation, Netra Stambha(Stiffness of Eyes), Disease of Head, Paralysis, Facial Palsy, Cerebellar Dysfunction, Disease of Eyes, Insomnia, Darunaka.


Materials required:

  1. Suitable sneha-50-100 ml.(just above body temperature.)
  2. Cotton- Q.S.
  3. Hot waterbath- Q.S.
  4. Gauze (60cm)- 1
  5. Vessel (200ml)- 1
  6. Rasnadi choorna- 5g
  7. Soft towel- 1
  8. Attendant-1
  9. Armed chair-1


Pre operative procedure:

Remove hair completely from the head for better therapeutic efficacy. It may also be done without removing the hair. Do Abhyanga over Head, Neck and Shoulders.


Patient should sit comfortably. Massage the head with lukewarm oil (around 40oC). Place the cotton over the scalp uniformly with a thickness of 2 cm. Gauze piece is tied around the head above the eyebrows, to hold the cotton in place and to prevent oozing of oil into the face. Pour the lukewarm oil (around 40oC) over the Bregma region so that sufficient quantity reaches the scalp.


Post operative procedure:

After the prescribed time, gauze and cotton should be removed. Wipe the head and Rasnadi choorna should be applied. Bathing can be done after 1hour.


Duration: 30minutes -1hour, for required number of days.


Complication and management:

Peenasa– Stop the procedure and treat accordingly.






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