Punnarnavadi Guggulu is mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali – Shotha Roga Adhikara.
Due to the presence of Punarnnava, this particular Guggulu Kalpana is Mutrala (Diuretic), and thus it reduces Inflammation and Swelling (Shotha) from the body.
It has Durmedohara (Relieves excess body fat) and Lekhana Action, and is good for Sthoulya (Obesity) and Mootravaha Sroto Vikara (Relieves disease pertaining to Urinary Tract), Eliminates Kleda (Lipid) and Jala (Fluid) through Mootra Marga (Urinary Tract), Kaphotklesa hara (Eliminates Kapha), Kapha Samaka, It has Lakhu Ruksha Ushna Virya.
Indications:- Shotha, Udara, Kushta Skin Disease), Sthoulya (Obesity), Pandu (Anaemia), Mootra Vaha Sroto Vikara, Vata Rakta (Gout), Sapta Vidha Vridhi roga, Sciatica, Disease Pertaining to Jangha, Uru (Thigh), Prista (Gluteal Region), Trika (Low Back), Vasti (Bladder).
Ingredients:- Punnarnava, Guggulu, Devadaru, Haritaki, Guduchi, Eranda Taila.