Nabhi Chikitsa

Nabhi Chikitsa
Nabhi Chikitsa

Nabhi Chikitsa

If you’re wondering what Nabhi Chikitsa is, then read this article. You’ll learn the benefits and importance of this ancient practice, as well as how it’s done. This daily self-care ritual is a great way to boost your general well-being and balance your doshas. Here are some ways to give yourself this treatment:

what is nabhi chikitsa in Ayurveda

The Nabhi is an important part of the body, primarily composed of Siras, or blood vessels. It is a sensitive area in the body and is regarded as a ‘Sadhyo Pranahara Marma’, one may die very soon if this marma is afflicted . Nabhi acts as a portal to access different parts So through Nabhi Chikitsa a wide range of treatments can be treated.

The nabhi is the gateway to life and an important point of circulation in the human body. The nabhi connects 72,000 nadis in the body. In Ayurveda, oiling the navel promotes better digestion, a nourishing and grounding feeling for the body and mind.

Importance of Nabhi

The navel is considered to be the centre of consciousness, or the second brain of our body, and pampering it can lead to a feeling of well-being. The navel and its treatment have been mentioned in age-old texts and Ayurveda. Ayurvedic practitioners have been practicing pechoti for centuries, a practice in which warm oil is poured into the navel and gently massaged with the thumb. The process of nabhi chikitsa is known to detoxify the body and promote general wellbeing.

The nabhi is one of the most important parts of the body. It is mainly made up of Siras, which are veins. If injured or damaged, the Nabhi is said to cause immediate death. As such, it is very important to take care of it to stay healthy. Nabhi Chikitsa is used for various purposes, including hair care, skin care, brain development, and joint pain relief.

Benefits of Nabhi chikitsa

Several ancient healing practices have been proven to have beneficial effects on the human body, including the application of oil to the navel. Pechoti (meaning navel in Sanskrit), Medicated oils are applied to the navel and pool there. They work to help the body absorb essential substances and fight certain diseases. Acharya Charaka and Sushruta mention nabhi among the 15 koshtangas, or “essential” substances, to be consumed through the skin.

The benefits of Nabhi Chikitsa can be felt on a daily basis. The warm oil massage, which should be performed on a daily basis, soothes the vata dosha, the element responsible for all imbalance in the body. Because vata influences pitta and kapha, it disrupts these other elements and leads to unrest. Using an herbal oil to massage the navel can promote overall wellbeing, relieve symptoms of constipation, and increase appetite and reduce bloating.

How is Nabhi Chikitsa done

Ayurvedic medicine believes that the navel is the origin of life, connecting the mother and child before birth, and is the hub for all vital nutrients in the body. The richness of blood veins in the navel, and the pathways it provides to the extremities, contribute to a feeling of general wellbeing. Medicated oils are applied to the navel and pool in the pechoti gland to treat certain diseases.

The ancient Ayurvedic practice of Nabhi Chikitsa is performed using medicated oils on the navel and pit. Nabhi Chikitsa involves massage of the belly with these medicated oils. Some of the most common oils used in Nabhi Chikitsa are Brihat Masha Taila and Hingu Triguna. These oils are applied in drop by drop to the navel and pit. The oil used for this treatment is lukewarm.


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