It is having Mamsaprasadana action along with Durmmedohara action (Eliminates excess fat from body), It is Rasayana(Rejenuvative), Vajeekarana(Aphrodiasic), Swasa – Kasa hara(Relieves Dypnoea and cough).
It has a stimulating action on heart and thus regulates blood circulation all over body.
Indications:- Hrdroga(Heart Disease), Shleepada(Elephantiasis), Nadivrna(Pilonidal Sinus), Agnimandya(less digestive capacity), Atisara(Diarrhoea), 8types of Kushta(Skin Disorders), Vimshati Prameha(Diabetes), Bhagandara(Fistula in ano), Gala sopha(Tonsillitis), Amavata(Rheumatic Arthritis), Jihwa Stamba(Stiffness of tongue), Jatur urdhwa roga’s(Disease afftected to organs above neck), Swasa – Kasa (Dypnoea and cough), Prathishyaya(Rhinitis).
Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Abhraka Bhasma, Dhattur beeja, Jatipatri, Shatavari, Atibala, Jalavetasa, Tatiphala.