Bola(Commiphora myrrha)
The drug Bola is not described in the Brihathrayi texts. It is introduced through the Rasashasthra granthas and Yoga Shasthra granthas at the later times.
Commiphora myrrha is actually a nature African Plant and P.V Sharma is of opinion that the gum of Commiphora crythrae(zhrb)English is the Bola of Bhava Mishra. The later one is found in Somaliya which is known as Bissabol Myrrh.
The oleo gum resin of this plant is mixture of resin, gum and volatile oil and it contains tespens, esters etc. and is used in Vata Rogas, Anemia and Asthma etc.
Common myrrha orgum myrrh is a tree in the Burseraceae family. It is one of the primary trees used in the production of myrrh, a resin made from dried tree sap. The tree is native to Arabian peninsula and to Africa.
- Ganda Rasa:- It has a strong odour
- Pinda
- Prana:- used as a blood purifier
- Goparasa
This plant is not mentioned in classical Ayurvedic literature.
Kula: – guggulu kula
English : Myrrh
Hindi : Bol, Nisabal
Kannada : Bola, Gandha rasa
Sanskrit : Bola, Rasa gandha
Malayalam : Nasumbashamasam, Nasumbasa
Tamil : Vellaippapolam
Telugu : Balimtra-polam
- Commiphora myrrha
- Family: Burseraceae
Gum – Resin
Choorna: – half to 1g.
Niryasa: – 50 to 125 mg.
- Bola Parpati
- Bola Badha rasa.
Commiferin, alfa and beta amyrones.
Oleo resin is a mixture of Resin, gum and volatile oil known as myrrhol, a hitter extract, Calcium, Phosphate, Carbonate and Other substance. It contains terpenes, sequeterpenes, esters, cumiti aldehyde and eugency.
The gum resin of Commiphora myrrha was found to contain 4.6% foreign impurities, 3.2% gum, 19.5% mineral matter consisting chiefly of Silicon dioxide, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Aluminum. It also contains 1.45% of essential oil. The essential oil was found to contain 6.4% myrcene, 11% dimycrene and some polymyrcene. On systemic chromatographic sensation, the petroleum ether extract of the gum resin yielded Sesamin, Cholestrol and a few other steroids.
Guggulu has been found to be a complex mixture of a variety of Organic compounds and inorganic ions. The material was neutral in Character and free Organic acids were found only to the extent of less than 0-5%. On steam distillation it yielded an essential oil (11.5%) which was conveniently Segragated into hexane – soluble(9 to 11%), ethyl acetate – soluble fractions were found to be a complex blend of steroidal ketone, alcohols and aliphatic triols.
Many of a No: of steroids have been isolated and characterized. The structure elucidation of steroidal constituents viz, z- guggulsterone and ∑- guggulsterol, I, II and III have been established. Partial synthesis of guggulsterol II from diosgenin has also been reported. In addition, ditespenoid constituent’s cemsulene A and mubulol were isolated and their structures elucidated. Some fatty tetrols were also isolated.
Rasa: – Tiktha, Katu, Kashaya.
Guna: -Laghu, Rooksha
Veerya: – Ushna
Vipaka: – Katu.
Doshagna: – Tridosha shamaka mainly Kapha Nisaraka and Pitta virachaka.
- Dhatu: – Rakta, Rasa
- Mala: – Mutra
- Organ: – Joints
- Shleshmahara
- Putihara
- Rakta shodhana
- Mutrala
- Anulomana
- Krimigna
- Shothahara
- Stambhana
- Swedajanana
- Jwaragna
- Netrya
- Vata shamaka
- Vrna ropana
- Garbhashaya
- Vishudeekarana
- Medhya
- Vrishya
- Graahya
- Graha vatahara
- Sandaneeya
- Kushtagna
- Twachha
- Rudhi nashaka
- Agni deepaka
- Daha shamaka
- Apasmarahara
- Artava janana
- Uttejaka
- Anarthava
- Garbhashaya shathilya
- Sweda prathara
- Basthi shotha
- Kasa
- Swasa
- Kusta
- Vataroga
- Vatarakta
- Parsva soola
- Netra roga and Netra abhisyanda.
- Agnimandya, Vibhanda
- Apasmara
- Grdhrasi
Internal Uses
The gum resin is useful in dysentery, chlorosis, amenorrhoea and uterine affections. It is blood purifier, anti-helminthic, stomachachic, wound healer, aphrodisiac, anti desmatosis, diaphoretic and antipyretic, diuretic and emmenogogue. The gum resin is effective in respirative troubles.
It is also used as a blood purifier, cough, asthma, cattrhal affection, anaemia, dysmenorrhea, nerve complaints, gout, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, epilepsy, piles, and ulcers, diseases of vocal cavity, ears and eyes. Used in dyspepsia, abdominal troubles and flatulence.
In condition of conjunctivitis the gum is applied after mixing with mother latex
External Uses
Used in Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, sciatica and in Oral diseases for gargling.
Bolam rubbed in human milk is used as eye drops in Conjunctivitis and purulent discharges.
The gum resin is applied over body parts affected with gout, joint pain, and rheumatism and sciatica complaints.
It is applied to wound and ulcers.
The gargle of warmmixed with resin is used in mouth and dental complaints.
- In traditional medicine, myrrh is classified as bitter and spicy, with a neutral temperature.
- It is used to have special efficacy on the heart, liver and spleen meridians, as well as blood making powers to purge stagnant blood from the uterus. It is therefore recommended for rheumatic arthritis and is circulatory problems and for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause and uterine tumors.
- Myrrh’s uses are similar to those of frankincense, with which it is often combined in decoction, liniments and incene. When used in Concest, myrrh is blood moving while frankincense moves the, making it more useful for arthritic conditions.
- It is combined with such herbs a notoginseng, safflower petals, angelica sinesis, Cinnamom and saliva miltiorrhiza, usually in alcohol and used both internally and externally.