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Kanchnar Guggul : Benefits, Uses, and Dosage

Kanchnar Guggul

Kanchnar Guggul Benefits, Uses, and Dosage

This article discusses kanchnar guggul benefits, uses, and dosage. This herb is helpful for treating a variety of conditions, from pcos and thyroid to nasal polyps and sinus congestion. We will also explain how kanchnar guggul tablets work and how to safely and effectively take them. Let’s get started! What is kanchnar guggul?


Kanchanara Guggulu is mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali Galganda Rogadhikara. This particular formulation has its action mainly on Manas and Kleda.

It is one excellent remedy for Glandular Abnormalities, Tumours, Adenoma, Polyps, Goitre, Hypothyroidism

With its Lekhana – Chedana, Pachana property in Medo Dhatwagni level – it is very effective in Sthoulya, Thyroid Disease, It is Adhi Mamsa Hara (Has effective action on extra muscle growth), Granthi hara(Glandulara Growth), Gulma hara, Krimighna (Reduces worms), Along with all the above mentioned properties, it has also got Vrana Shodhana – Ropana (Wound Healing)


kanchnar guggul uses


Kanchnar Guggul is a natural remedy for treating a variety of ailments. It contains a combination of ingredients, including Haritaki, Achyranthes aspera, Cinnamon, Pippali, and Varun Bark. It is highly effective in treating tumors of all types and is completely safe for pregnant women. Depending on the disease that you have, you may need to take a few tablets each day.

As it works to balance all three doshas, Kanchnar Guggul is a great remedy for this condition. It is said to relieve pain and reduce the size of the tumor, and it can be used to control excessive weight. Its special properties also help with indigestion, which can cause accumulation of Ama in the digestive system. It is a good treatment for endometriosis.


kanchnar guggul Indications:-


Obesity due to hypothyroidism, Arbuda (Cancer), Gandamala, Apachi, Granthi, Vrana ,Gulma, Kushta, Bhaganadara(Fistula in ano).


kanchnar guggul Ingredients


Kanchanara Twak, Varuna Twak, Triphala, Trikatu, Tamal Patra, Dalchini, Ela, Guggulu


kanchanar guggulu for pcos


The bark of the kachnar tree, a deciduous tree native to China and India, is used for many medicinal purposes. Its main constituent, guggulu, is a natural antioxidant that contains a wide variety of phytochemicals, fatty acids, proteins, lactones, and terpenoids. In addition to helping the body balance its kapha dosha, kanchanar guggulu may also aid in the elimination of toxins and help with digestion.

Kanchanar Guggulu is a classic Ayurvedic preparation that promotes a mature ovum, reducing the chance of PCOS. The Ayurvedic system views PCOS as a symptom of a chronic aggravation of Kapha. As such, Kanchnar Guggulu enhances the functioning of Agni, the energy that is responsible for regulating hormone levels. It also supports healthy thyroid function.


kanchanar guggulu for thyroid


The use of Kanchanar guggulu for the treatment of thyroid problems is traditionally practiced in Ayurveda. Its benefits include balancing thyroxine levels in the blood and clearing out accumulated liquids in the body. It also benefits the lymphatic system and promotes the elimination of toxins, making it beneficial for the treatment of swollen lymph nodes, tumors, and ulcers.

The ayurvedic herb Kanchanar guggulu can regulate the function of the thyroid gland and reduce swelling in cases of goitre. It can also be used for treating polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition where hormone levels are out of whack and causing an irregular menstrual cycle. Combined with proper diet, Kanchanar guggulu can help restore the natural hormonal balance.


kanchanar guggulu tablets


Kanchanar guggul, also known as kachnar guggul, is an Ayurvedic herb with a long history of use in cancer treatment. It is an efficient remedy for a variety of health conditions, including benign and malignant tumors. Its use in medicine extends beyond cancer treatment, as it is also effective for treating a variety of other ailments, including kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and hormonal imbalance. This product is safe for pregnant women and is effective in treating a variety of other ailments, including thyroid and gastrointestinal disorders.

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that usually occur on the breasts and can cause severe pain during menstruation and a higher risk of infertility. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of kanchnar guggulu may help improve the symptoms of fibroids. The herb’s ability to control the Vata dosha helps to reduce the swelling and pain associated with fibroids.


what does the research say about kanchnar guggul


Known also as kanchanar guggulu, kanchnar is an ayurvedic herb that inhibits cell division and reduces cell proliferation. This ayurvedic herb has a wide range of potential uses, from preventing liver damage to treating cancer. However, what does the research say about kanchnar guggulu?

In a study, it was found that guggul reduced colon inflammation by up to 45%. It also reduced inflammatory markers in rat tissues and inhibited the migration of white blood cells. It also increased type I collagen and inhibited the production of enzymes that cause skin damage. Although the research is preliminary, guggul has several positive effects on the body.

Gokshuradi Guggulu


Due to the presence of Gokshura, this particular Guggulu Kalpana is Mutrala (Diuretic), and thus it also helps to reduces Inflammation and Swelling (Shotha) from the body.

It has Durmedohara (Relieves excess body fat) and Slight Lekhana Action, and is good for Mootravaha Sroto Vikara (Relieves disease pertaining to Urinary Tract), Mootrakruchra hara(Reduces difficulty in Micturition), Eliminates Kleda (Lipid), Vatahara, Reduces Painful Micturition, Ashmarighna (Relieves Calculi), Sukla Dosha Hara (Reduces Impurity in Sperm), Rasayana and Vrushya(Rejenuvative and Aphrodiasic), Jantughnaproperty


Indications:- Shotha, Udara, Kushta Skin Disease), Sthoulya (Obesity), Mootra Vaha Sroto Vikara, Vata Rakta (Gout), Prameha, Mutrakrchchra, Calculi, Rheumatic Arthritis (Aama Vata)

Ingredients:- Trikatu, Triphala, Musta, Gokshura, Guggulu.

Trayodashanga Guggulu


It is an Excellent Guggulu Preparation that has action on Dathu Kshaya Janya Vata Vikara ( Disease caused due to detoriation of bodily tissues), Kati Kasherukagata Vata Vikara (Lumbar Spondylosis), Sandhi Astha Majja gata Vata Vyadhi ( Has action on Bones, Bone Marrow affected with Vata dosha).

It acts on Asthi Sousheerya by virtue of its Balya Rasayan and Asthi Dhatvagni Vardhan Property (Has excellent action on deleterious effect on bone by its nutritious action on bone)

Indications:- Acute Pain, Sciatica with stiffness in back and Ankle Joint, Kati Shoola (Low back ache), Katigraha( Stiffness of Low back), Bahu Sula, Prshta Sula( Pain in the Gluteal Region, Hanugraha( Stiffness of Jaw), Janu Graha ( Stiffness of Knee Joint), Yoni Roga (Disease related to Female Reproductive tract), Khanja Vata.

Ingredients:- Baboola Twak, Ashwaganda, Hapusha, Guduchi, Shatavari, Gokshura, Vrudhadaru, Rasna, Shatapuspa, Ajamoda, Shunti.

Lakshadi Guggulu


It is an excellent formulation that has Asthi Dhatu Sandhanakara action( Re mineralisation of Bones), Asthi Dhatu Vardhaka ( Bone Tissue growth).

Thus can be used in Kshata (Bone Injury), Bhagna(Fracture).

Indications:- Sandishoola (Joint Pains), Sula Prasaman (Relieves Pain), Sopha hara (Relieves Inflammation), Bhagna (Fractures), Asthibhagnotthara Sula( Pain due to bone fracture, Asthi Sousheerya Janya Sula( Pain due to detoriation of bones), Effective in Rebuiding and re- forming of bones, Rakta Pitta (Bleeding Disorders).

Ingredients:- Laksha, Asthi Shrunkhala, Ashwaganda, Nagabala, Arjuna Twak, Guggulu.

Amrutadi Guggulu


This Particular Guggulu preparataion has excellent actions like Raktashodana(Eliminates blood Impurities), Kledahara, Durmedohara(Eliminates excess lipid in body)

It has excellent action on Sravi Kushta( Skin disorders having watery discharge), Pittanubandhi Kushta(Kushta caused due to Vitiation of Pitta), Foul Smelling Ulcer, Santarpana Janya Kushta, Uttana Vata Rakta( Superficial Gout), does Aama Pachana and decrease the production of excess sweat from body.

Indications:- Paama, Mandala, Vicharchika, Vatarakta, Aama Vata, Arsha(Piles), Bhangandara(Fistula in ano), Nadi Vrna (Pilonidal Sinus), Shotha( Swelling), Amla Pitta

Ingredients:- Guduchi, Guggulu, Triphala, Trikatu, Danti, Vidanga, Dalchini, Nischottar.

Can be taken along with Mahamanjishtadi Kashaya or Amrutharishta, for abscess take along with Nimbadi or trayantyadi Kashaya, For obesity take with Varanadi Kashaya, For Fistula take with Guggulu Tiktakakam Kashaya.


Warts – Agnikarma Treatment in Ayurveda

Agnikarma in Warts


Incase of Warts a very effective treatment is cauterizing wartz using a Probe called PanchaLohaShalaka.

This Shalaka is made up of 5 metals.

For this treatment, the Warts Area that should be cauterized should be marked first, the PanchaLohaShalaka is heated and made to Red Hot.

The Shalaka’s smaller pointed edge is made into contact with the particular Warts Area for micro seconds rapidly changing the sites so as to cover the whole Area that is marked.

After each contact Tails’s like JathyadiTaila should be applied followed by the next contact.