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Ashwagandha Bala Lakshadi Taila/Balaswagandha Lakshadi Taila


An Excellent formulation used to Control Dhatu Level Vata Roga’s, It is Brmhana , Vrshya, Medhya, Strengthens Muscle Tissues, Strengthens Nervous tissues.

Indication: – Jwara (Fever), Unmada (Mental Disorders), Kshaya(Debility), Vata Vyadhi, Dry Cough.

This Particular formulation can be applied on Head for fever etc

Ingredients:- Bala, Ashwaganda, Laksha, Dadhi Masthu, Rasna, Manjishta, Murva, Madhuka, Sariba, Usheera, Musta, Haridra, Shatahwa

Arogyavardhini Rasa


Arogyavardhini Rasa has actions like Rakta Prasadana(Blood), Durmedohara(Eradicates low density lipid), Mala Suddhikara(Purifies body from waste products), Mutrala(Diuretic), Srodhoshodhaka(Clears all vessels of Body), Lekhana, Twachya(Good for skin), Twak & Mamsa Sthairyakrt, Pachaka Pitta Saraka, Deepana – Pachaka, Rasayana (Rejenuvative), Kushta hara(Relieves Skin Disease), Visha hara( Neutralise Poison), Vrana Sodhana.

Indications:- With all the above said action, it is indicated in Ekakushta, Vicharchika, Vipadika, Shwitra(White patches in skin), Enlargement of liver and spleen, Obesity, Jwara( Fever), Malabadha(Constipation), Accumulation of Mala(Waste) in genetilia. Pandu( Anaemia),

Yogaraja Guggulu


It is explained in Bhaishajya Ratnavali Aamavat Adhikara, It has Aama Pacahana, Ushna, Agni Deepana properties through which it acts in Srotorodhatmaka Samprapti of Sandhigata Vata.

It has Medohara, Kledahara (Eliminates excess low density lipid), Lekhana, Sandi, Asthi, Majja gatha Vata hara property (Relieves Vata from Joints, Bone marrow, bones), Sula Prashamana(Relieves Pain), Sopha Hara(eradicates inflammation, swelling), Stambha Hara(Relieves Stiffnes), Vrishya, Balya(Enhance Strength), Rasayana (rejenuvative), Vrana Ropana action.

Indications:- Vata Vyadhi, Kushta(Skin Disease), Grahani, Vatarakta(Gout), Arsha(Piles), Bhagandara(Fistula in ano), Aruchi(Tastlesness), Agnimandya(Indigestion), Udarashoola, Krimi Roga(worm infestation), Dushta Vrana(Ulcer), Pleeha Roga(Splenic Disorders), Gulma, Udara, Anaha(Abdominal Distension), Hanu graha(Lock Jaw), Karna graha, Karna Sula(Ear Pain), Sira Soola(Headache)

Ingredients:- Triphala, Trikatu, Pippalimoola, Ajamoda, Chavya, Chitraka, Sarshapa, Jeeraka, Indrayava, Pata, Vidanga, Hingu, Ativisha, Bharangi, Vacha, Moorva

Simhanada Guggulu


Due to the Presence of Eranda Taila, it is an excellent remedy remedy for Amavata by its Aama Pachana – Aama Nashana action, It Relieves Inflammation and Swelling(Shotha), It relieves pain(Sula), It is excellent for Vata Vyadhi caused due to Marga Avarana(Obstruction), Durmedohara (Relieves excess fat)

It has Kapha hara action along with Vata – Kapha Samana action, Dhatu Vrudhikara( enhance tissue growth), Balya – Rasayana(Provides strength and rejenuvation).

Indications:- Amavata (Rheumatic Arthritis), Vata vyadi, Shwasa(Respiratory distress), Kasa(Cough), Kushta(Skin Disorders), Vata Rakta( Gout), Udara, Gulma, Sirovata, Sandi Vata – Joint disease, Janu Jankasrita Vata (Disease affecting Knee Joint, Kati Graha (Stiffness of Low Back), Ashmari( Calculi), Mutra Krchhra (Difficulty in Micturition), Fracture, Timira, Amla Pitta( Heart Burn), Fever, Splenic Disorders, Slipata, Arsa (Piles)

Ingredients:- Triphala, Gandaka, Eranda Taila, Musta, Trikatu, Vidanga, Devadaru, Guduchi, Danti, Trivrt, Chavya, Amalaki, Jayapala

Punarnnavadi Guggulu


Punnarnavadi Guggulu is mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali – Shotha Roga Adhikara.

Due to the presence of Punarnnava, this particular Guggulu Kalpana is Mutrala (Diuretic), and thus it reduces Inflammation and Swelling (Shotha) from the body.

It has Durmedohara (Relieves excess body fat) and Lekhana Action, and is good for Sthoulya (Obesity) and Mootravaha Sroto Vikara (Relieves disease pertaining to Urinary Tract), Eliminates Kleda (Lipid) and Jala (Fluid) through Mootra Marga (Urinary Tract), Kaphotklesa hara (Eliminates Kapha), Kapha Samaka, It has Lakhu Ruksha Ushna Virya.

Indications:- Shotha, Udara, Kushta Skin Disease), Sthoulya (Obesity), Pandu (Anaemia), Mootra Vaha Sroto Vikara, Vata Rakta (Gout), Sapta Vidha Vridhi roga, Sciatica, Disease Pertaining to Jangha, Uru (Thigh), Prista (Gluteal Region), Trika (Low Back), Vasti (Bladder).

Ingredients:- Punnarnava, Guggulu, Devadaru, Haritaki, Guduchi, Eranda Taila.

Panchamrut Loha Guggulu


Panchamrut Loha Guggulu is mentioned in Baishajya Ratnavai Masthishka Roga Adhikara (Brain Disease), It is an Excellent Vata Shamaka or Avarana Vatahara (Removes the obstructed Vata), Vata Nadi Balya (Strengthens the Vata Nadi), Majja Vardhaka (Increase Bone Marrow), Snayu Balya( Strengthens Ligaments) Rasayana( Rejenuvative), Rakta Pushtikara( Nourishes Blood), Reduces Stiffness and Shivering.

Indications:- Mastishka Roga (Disease related to brain), Manyastamba, Majja Kshaya (Bone Marrow Depletion), Manya Kasherughata Vata ( Cervical Spondylosis, Snayugata Vata( Disease affecting Ligaments)Ligament Avabahuka (Frozen Shoulder), Grudhrasi( Sciatica), Sandi Vata( Joint Disorders), Headache, Insomnia, Heaviness of Body, Tremors, Tingling and Numbness due to Majja Kshaya, Mamsa Sosha (Reduction in Muscle Tissue).

Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Roupya Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Suvarna Makshika Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, Katu Taila.