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Asanadi Gana Kashaya



This Particular Formulation has Kapha Soshana and Durmedohara action mainly by Virtue of which it can cure Prameha, Sthoulya, Medo Vrdhikara Disorders (Disease caused due to increased Cholestrol), Skin Disorders and Worm Infestations.

Indications:- Swithra(Leucoderma), Kushta(Skin Disorders), Krimi(Worm Infestation), Prameha( Diabeties), Anaemia and Other Kaphaja Roga’s

Ingredients:- Asana, Amalaki, Haritaki, Shweta Sariva, Rakta Punnarnava, Ashwagndha, Manjishta, Gokshura, Usheera, Asana, Shweta Chandana, Saptarangi


Guluchyadi Kashaya


Guluchyadi Kashaya is mentioned in Ashtanga Hrudaya Sootrasthana, It is Proven excellent in increasing Hb count, It is Pitta – Kapha samana in nature, and has Deepana and Pachana(Increase Digestion), Relieves Excess thirst, and is good for Skin Ailments due to its action like Rakta Prasadana, Varna Prasadana(Increase Skin Tone), Kushtaghna(Relieves Skin Disorders)

Indications:- Jwara(Fever), Chardi(Vomiting), Trishna(Thirst), Visarpa(Erysipelas), Raktapitta(Bleeding Disorders), Paittika Yoni Vyapat, Madatyaya(Drug Addiction), Kamala(Jaundice), Mukhapaka(Stomatitis).

Ingredients:- Guduchi, Padmaka, Arishta, Nimba, Dhanyaka, Rakta Chandana

Guggulutiktaka Kashaya


It is Vata Kapha Samaka in nature, it strengthens the Asthi(Bones), its actions like Durmedohara(Eliminates excess Low Density Lipid), Rakta Prasaana, Lekhana, Chedana, etc makes it powerful in Kushta(Skin Disease), Vrana Ropana(Fast healing of wounds etc), Krimighna(Action against worms)

Indications:- Sandhyasthi Majjagatha Vata( Vata dosha afflicting Joints, Bones, Bone marrow), Kushta(Skin Disorders), Nadi Vrana(Pilonidal Sinus), Arbuda(Cancer), Bhagandara(Fistula in ano), Gandamala, Sarva Jatururdhwa Roga(Disease affecting above neck region), Gulma, Arsha (Piles), Prameha(Diabetes), Yakshma(Tuberculosis), Aruchi(Tastelessness), Swasa(Dyspnoea), Kasa(Cough), Sula(Pain), Pandu(Anaemia), Vidrathi, Vata – Rakta(Gouty Arthritis)

Ingredients:- Nimba, Amrta, Vrsa, Patola, Nigidhaka, Vidanga, Suradharu, Sarjikshara, Yavakshara, Nisha, Mishi, Chavya, Kushta, Tejohvati, Maricha, Manjishta, Ativisha.

Gandharva Hastadi Kashaya


Gandharvahastadi Kashaya has Sookshma, Vyavayi guna and is Vata – Kapha Samaka in nature, it has Malanulomana and Vatanulomana(allows proper movement of wastes and vata), and cause elimination of mala(waste products)from body, Removes Koshtagatha Vata(Vata in Koshta), Swedala(Imparts Sweating).

Indications:- Agnimandya(Less Digestive Capacity), Vata Roga, Mala Sanga(Constipation or Difficulty to pass stools), Pakwashaya Vata Kopa(Aggrevation of Vata in Intestinal region), Kati graha(Stiffness of Low back – ache), Grdhrasi(Sciatica), Arsha(Piles), Gulma, Swasa(Dyspnoea), Kasa(Cough), Udavartta, Hrdroga(Heart Disease), Vatarakta(Gouty Arthritis), Chardi (Vomiting)

Ingredients:- Gandharvahastha, Ciruvilwa, Vishwa, Pathya, Punnarnava, Duralabha.

Drakshadi Kashaya


Drakshadi Kashaya is mainly Pitta – Vata Samaka in Nature and it does Malanulomana due to its Presence of Draksha. And has Rakta prasadan action.

Indications:- Vata Pitta Jwara( Fever Cause due to Vata and Pitta Dosha), Chardi (Vomiting), Murcha, Srama(Tiredness), Bhrama(Giddiness), Urdhwaka Raktapitta( Bleeding from the upper part of the body), Pippasa(Thirstiness), Kamla(Jaundice), Sirodaha( Burning Sensation in Head), Pada Daha( Burning Sensation in Feet).

Ingredients:- Draksha, Madhuka, Madhu Yashti, Lodhra, Kashmarya, Sariba, Musta, Amalaki, Hribera, Patmakesara, Patmaka, Mrnala, Chandana, Usheera, Nilotpala, Parushaka.

Dhanadanayanadi Kashaya


Dhanadanayanadi Kashaya is mentioned in Sahasra Yoga – Vata Rooga Chikitsa and is excellent remedy for Neurological complaints.

Indications:- Ardhitha(Facial Palsy), Akshepaka Vata

Ingredients:- Dhanadanayam, Sunthi, Sigru, Rasna, Ugra Gandha, Varana, Lasuna, Chitraka, Eranda, Devadaru, Mustha, Haritaki, Bharangi.