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Sapthasaram Kashaya


It has got actions like Vatanulomana, Makes proper expulsion of Mala(Body waste) from body, Srotoshodhana, and is a Diuretic.

Indications:- Vibanda(Constipation), Agni mandya(Less Digestive Power), Yoni Shula, Hrt Sula(Pain In Cardiac Region), Kukshi Shula(Abdominal Pain), Prshta Sula(Pain in Gluteal Region), Sroni Sula(Pelvis), Mahodara, Gulma, Pleeha(Spleenomegally).

Ingredients:- Punnarnava, Vilwa, Kulatha, Eranda Mula, Sahachara, Sunthi, Agnimanda

Rasonadi Kashaya/Lasunadi Kashaya


It has got actions like Lekhana, Medohara(Eliminates excess fat from body), Srotoshodhana action.

Indications:- Unmarggagata Vata, Hrdroga(Disease Pertaining to Heart), Vatakopa(Aggrevation of Vata), Udavarta, Amashaya gata Vata(Vata Dosha afflicted in Stomach), Adhmana Janya Swasa(Dyspnoea due to Distension of Abdomen)

Ingredients:- Rasona, Karavi, Krshna, Sthira.

Rasna Saptakam Kasahayam


It is Vata – Pitta Shamaka in Nature, it is diuretic in nature which help to relieve Sopha(Inflammation), It does Soola Prashamana(Relieves Pain), Sandhi Asthi gatha Vata hara(Relieves vata afflicted in Joints, Bones etc) and thus it has got excellent action on Vatarakta(Gout).

Indications:- Jangha Shoola, Uru Shoola(Pain in Thighs), Trika Shoola(Sacral region Pain), Prshta Shoola(Pain in Gluteal Region), Parshwa Shoola(Partial Body Ache).

Ingredients:- Rasna, Amrta, Guduchi, Aragwatha, Devadaru, Trikantaka, Gokshura, Eranda, Punarnnava.


Rasna Erandadi Kashaya


This Yoga has Rakta Prasadana action along with Vatanulomana action (Proper movement of Vata), It is diuretic in nature which helps to relieve Sopha(Inflammation), It also has Soola hara(Pain relieving) and Visha hara(Anti poisonous action).

Indications:- Jangha Shoola, Uru Shoola(Pain in Thighs), Trika Shoola(Sacral region Pain), Prshta Shoola(Pain in Gluteal Region), Parshwa Shoola(Partial Body Ache), Hanu Shoola(Pain in Jaw), Vatasrja Shoola, Krostukasirsa Shoola(Popliteal Region), Vatarakta(Gouty Arthritis)

Ingredients:- Rasna, Eranda, Bala, Sahachara, Satavari, Dusparsha, Vasa, Amrta, Devadaru, Ativisha, Musta, Kokilaksha, Sati, Viswa.

Prasaranyadi Kashaya



This Particular Formulation is mentioned in Sahasra Yoga – Vatavyadhi, It is Vata Samanaka in nature, it is Balya(Enhance Stregnth), Brmhana,

Indications:- Apabahuka(Frozen Shoulder), VataVikara, Amsa Sosha

Ingredients:- Prasaranee, Masha, Bala, Rasona, Rasna, Nagara

Patola Mooladi Kashaya


This Particular formulation is mentioned in Ashtanga Hrudaya Kushta Chikitsa, It has actions like Kapha – Pitta Samana, Kleda hara(Relieves excess fat), Varna Prasadana(Increase Skin Tone), Virechana(Purgation), does Pachaka Pitta Prasadana and Srotoshodhana all these actions enables it act against Skin Disorders.

Indications:- Kushta(Skin Disorders), Grahani(Git disorders due to indigestion), Krchra Arsha(Piles of Chronic Condition), Halimaka, Hrt Sula(Pain in Cardiac Region), Vasti Shoola(Pain in Bladder Region), Vishama Jwara(Chronic Fever), Pandu(Anaemia), Kamala(Jaundice), Visha Janya twak Rog(Skin Disorders caused due to Poisoning)

Ingredients:- Patola Moola, Triphala, Visala, Trayamana, Brahmi, Katu Rohini, Nagara.