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Chandrakala Rasa


It is mentioned Bhaishajya Ratnavali – MutraKrcchra Chikitsa, it has actions like Vastishudhikarana(Clears bladder), Mutrala(Diuretic), Rakta Stambhaka(Arrests Bleeding), Pitta Shamana

Indications:- Mootra Krucchra(Difficulty in Micturition), Rakta Pitta(Bleeding disorders), Rakta Pradara, Shweta Pradara, Rakta Arsha(Piles), Tapa Jwara(Fever with High Temperature), Bhrama(Giddiness), Mircha, Yonigata Rakta Srava(Bleeding from uterus), Mootra Daha(Burning Micturition), Chardi(Vomiting), Rakta Vasti

Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Abhraka, Katuki, Guduchi Satwa, Parpata, Chandana, Sariva, Tamra, Bhasma, Musta, Dadima, Durva, Sahadevi, Kumari, Parpata, Draksha, Shathavari.

Bolabadha Rasa


Bolabadha has excellent action as Rakta Stambhak, it strengthens the Garbhashaya, It controls bleeding in Athyarthava, It resize Garbhashaya to the normal size(Uterine acvity), It tones up Uterine muscles after and during Pregnancy, Vrana Ropana(Healing) incase of any ulcer or Cervical erosion, It prevents Shaithilya of Garbhashaya.

Indications:- Rakta Arsha(Piles), Rakta Pitta(Bleeding Disorders), Rakta Pradara, Sweta Pradara, Pittaja Vidrathi, Mootra Vikara(Disease related to Urinary System), Bhagandara(Fistula – in – ano), Prameha(Diabetes), Mutrakrcchra(Difficulty in Micturition), Makkala shola, Soothikavastha.

Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Guduchi Satwa, Rakta Bola, Salmali.

Vidaryadi Kashaya


It is Vata – Pitta samana, Kaphakara(increase kapha dosha – relieves vata dosha), Balya(Imparts Strength), Brmhana.

Indications:- Sosha(Debility), Gulma, Anga Marda(Body Pain), Urdhwa Swasa(Dyspnoea), Bhrama(Giddiness), Kshaya, Sutika – Garbhini Kshaya, and Other Vata – Pitta predominant disease.

Ingredients:- Vidari, Panchagula, Vrscchiva, Devadwaya, Mudgaparni, Maashaparni, Kapikacchu, Sariba.

Varanadi Kashaya


The main action of this particular formulation is Granthi Vilayana(Corrects Grandular abnormalities), Relieves Sopha(Inflammation), Durmedohara(Relieves excess low density lipid), Srotoshodhana, Lekhana, Chedana.

Indications:- Mandagni(Less Digestive Power), Adhya Vata, Urusthamba(Stiffness of Thigh Region), Sirahshoola(Headache), Gulma, Antra Vrdhi, Almost all Kapha – Medho Vikara’s, Arbuda(Cancer), Granthi(Glandular Abnormalities), PCOD, Cervical & Lumbar Spondylosis.

Ingredients:- Varana, Sairyega, Shatavari, Citraka, Vilwa, Vishanika, Brhati, Karanja, Jaya, Moringa, Bhallataka

Tiktakam Kashaya


This Particular Formulation is Pitta – Kapha Samaka has excellent action on Kushta due to its Medohara(Eliminates excess body fat), Rakta Prasadana, Bhrajaka Pitta Prasadana, Malanulomana(Allows proper movement of waste in body),

Indications:- Twak Roga(Skin Disease), Pittadhika Kushta(Skin Disorders caused due to aggrevation of Pitta), Visarpa(Erysipelas), Pitaka, Daha(Burning Sensation), Trt(Thirst), Bhrama(Giddiness), Kandu(Itching), Pandu(Anaemia), Dushta Vrana(Chronic Ulcers), Nadi Vrana(Pilonidal Sinus), Visphota, Vidrathi, Gulma, Sopha(Swelling), Unmada, Mada, Rakta – Pitta(Bleeding Disorders), Kamala(Jaundice), Bhagandara(Fistula in ano), Apasmara(Epilepsy).

Ingredients:-Saptacchada, Parpata, Katuki, Vacha, Triphala, Padmaka, Pada, Haridra, Usheera, Murva, Shatavari, Patola, Ativisha, Mustha, Trayanti

Sukumara Kashaya


This Particular formulation is Balya(Imparts Strength), Pushtikara(Causes Nourishment to body), Vrshya(Aphrodisiac)

Indications:- Vrdhi, Vidrathi, Gulma, Arsha(Piles), Yoni Roga(Disease pertaining to Female reproductive tract), Vata Roga, Sopha(Inflammation), Udara, Vatashonitha, Pleeha roga(Disease Pertaining to Spleen), Vibanda(Constipation), Mutrakrcchra(Difficulty in Micturition), Kostagata Vata(Vata afflicted in Koshta), Antara Vrudhi, Malabandha(Constipation), Parinama Shoola(Pain caused due to any other), Arthavanubanda Vikara(Disease related to Menstruation).

Ingredients:- Punarnnava, Dashamoola, Eranda Moola, Shatavari, Munja, Ikshu, Guda, Eranda Taila, Kshira, Pippali Mula, Yashti, Madhuka, Mrdhwika, Yavani Nagara.