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Pushpadhanwa Rasa


This formulation is mentioned Bhaishajya Ratnavali – Vajeekarana Adhikara, this particular formulation is excellent in Vajeekarana(Aphrodisiac), Rasayana (Rejuvenate), Vandhyatwa(Impotency), Infertility, Shukra vaha srota balya(Imparts strength to sperm ducts), Infertility due to obstruction of Ovumm or Sperm.

Indications:- Napumsakatwa(Impotency), Sukhla kshaya(Less sperm count), Ati vyavaya janya kshina(Tiredness due to excess sexual intercourse), Dhwajabhanga, Shaithilyanashaka, Insomnia, Memory loss, Asthi Kshaya(Deleterious effect in bones), Unmada(Mental Disorder) cause due to sex, Anovulation, Erectile Dysfunction, Oligospermia, Premature Ejaculation Of sperm, Low Stamina.

Ingredients:- Rasa Sindoora, Naga Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Loha Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma.


Laxmivilasa Rasa


It is having Mamsaprasadana action along with Durmmedohara action (Eliminates excess fat from body), It is Rasayana(Rejenuvative), Vajeekarana(Aphrodiasic), Swasa – Kasa hara(Relieves Dypnoea and cough).

It has a stimulating action on heart and thus regulates blood circulation all over body.

Indications:- Hrdroga(Heart Disease), Shleepada(Elephantiasis), Nadivrna(Pilonidal Sinus), Agnimandya(less digestive capacity), Atisara(Diarrhoea), 8types of Kushta(Skin Disorders), Vimshati Prameha(Diabetes), Bhagandara(Fistula in ano), Gala sopha(Tonsillitis), Amavata(Rheumatic Arthritis), Jihwa Stamba(Stiffness of tongue), Jatur urdhwa roga’s(Disease afftected to organs above neck), Swasa – Kasa (Dypnoea and cough), Prathishyaya(Rhinitis).

Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Abhraka Bhasma, Dhattur beeja, Jatipatri, Shatavari, Atibala, Jalavetasa, Tatiphala.



Krimikuttara Rasa


It is Kapha Hara in nature, it has actions like Srotoshodhana, Lekhana, Kandughna(Relieves Itching).

Indications:- Krimi(Worm Infestation), Krimi Janya twak vikara(Skin Disease caused due to Krimi), Pandu(Anaemia), Vibanda(Constipation), White Patches on skin, face, Dandruff, Agnimandya, Other disorders caused due to worm infestation like Urticaria, Anaemia, Abdominal Pain

Ingredients:- Karpoora, Kutaja, Trayamana, Ajamoda, Vidanga, Shudha Hingula, Shudha Vatsanabha, Nagakesara, Palasha Beeja

Kapha Kuttara Rasa


It has Kapha – Vata Samana action mainly, Cuase Srotosodhana, does the Shodhana of Dushta Kapha, Cuase Soothening effect to irritated Shwasavahini srotas(Respiratory tract), Strengthens Swasa vaha Srotas(Respiratory Tract).

Indications:- Chronic Kasa(Cough), Swasa(Dyspnoea) with froathy thick phlegm, Jwara, Prathisyaya(Rhinitis).

Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Shunti, Maricha, Pippali, Loha Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma

Ichchabhedi Rasa


It is mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali – Udara Rogadhikara, It is Kapha Vata hara in nature, it does Purgation along with Koshta Shudhi(Purifies the Git tract). Since it eliminates accumulated Mala(Waste), it relieves Kushta. It is contra – Indicated to take in Jeerna Adhmana(Chronic abdominal distension) and Pregnancy due to its strong purgative effect.

Indications:- Udara, Shotha(Swelling), Kamala(Jaundice), Kushta(Skin ailments), Mala Sanga(Obstruction in passing stools/Constipation), In Jalodara it reduces the accumulated fluid with its strong Purgation.

Ingredients:- Parada, Gandaka, Tankana, Shunti, Maricha, Jayapala.

Ekangaveera Rasa


It is Vata – Kapha hara in nature, and has Balya – Rasayana action.

Indications:- Pakshaghatha(Hemiplegia/Paralysis), Dhanurvata, Ardhanga Vata, Grdhrasi(Sciatica), Viswachi, Ardhitha(Facial Palsy), Akshepaka, Avabahuka, Helps to Regenuvate body afte Pakshaghta(Hemiplegia).

Ingredients:- Gandaka, Rasa Sindoora, Kanta Loha Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Naga Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Teekshna Loha, Shunti, Pippali