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Sneha Avagaha


According to Ayurveda, just before doing Panchakarma – Patient should be undergone some of the Purvaroopa’s that is preparatory procedures. Under this we can include 4 such preparatory procedures:-

  1. Deepana
  2. Pachana
  3. Snehana
  4. Swedana

These procedures makes the patient ready to undergo the 5 Therapeutic procedures collectively called as Panchakarma

Now for the question that how these preparatory treatment acts and helps the body ready to eliminate Dosha’s during panchakarama, the answer is that:-

Deepana causes Kindling of Aama, Paachana causes Digestion of Aama, Snehana causes the dosha, utkleshana(Gives an Excitation action for Dosha), Swedana liquefies the dosha and allow it to move to Koshta(Git) from all the Shakha’s(Extrimities of body)

Now after preparatory procedures, during panchakarma it is easy to eliminate the dosha’s present in the Koshta through the nearby orifices.

For instances it can be through the upper Orifice in Vamana and through the lower Orifice in Virechana.

Now Sneha Avagha is one such procedure that come under Snehana(Oleation).




In Sneha Avagaha, the whole body except head is immersed in Oil, for this a particular oil is filled in a tub where patient should immerse his body



Dhanurvata, Apatanaka, Apatantraka, Bhagna(Fractures), Chedhya Vrana(Wound caused due to excision of body part), Sarvanga Vata Vyadhi.

This particular sneha or oil in which patient is immersed is supposed to enter the body through Veins, Hair Follicles, Arteries and there by provide Bala(Strength) and Nutrition to the body.



Lepa literally means application of paste over a particular part of the body, this paste is absorbed through Romkupa(hair root), Svedavaha srotas(Sweat pores) and Siramukha resulting in a particular action


Visarpa(Eriyesepals), Sotha(Inflammation, Oedema), Vidrathi, Sandhivatha(Osteoarthritis), Amavatha(Rheumatoid Arthritis), Sirashoola(Headache), Vyanga, Dadru, Switra(Leucoderma), Indralupta, Vakagraha, Vakkashtata, Hair fall, Grey hair.

A lepa is said to have actions like Sodhana(Eliminative), Utsadana, Ropana(Healing), Pralhadhana, it pacifies the locally provoked dosha when applied locally to the effected part – The same action is wonderfully explained in Samhitha’s with a similey that the local action of lepa is like that of a water poured to a burning house by which fire will be extinguished.


Types of Lepa


According to Thickness


1, Doshaghna:- This type of lepa has a thickness of one fourth of Anguli pramana and is used to pacify vitiated doshas


2, Vishaghna:- This type of lepa has a thickness of one Third of Anguli pramana and is used to pacify visha(Poison)

3, Varnya Lepa:- This type of lepa has a thickness half of Anguli pramana and is used to enhance one’s beauty.


According to Properties:-


1, Pralepa:- This type of Lepa has properties like Sheetha Guna(Cooling nature), Tanu(Thin), Vishoshi(Compressing), Avishoshi(Non – compressing)

2, Pradeha:- This particular lepa has actions like Sheeta/Ushna(Either cooling or heating effect), Thick or Thin, Avishoshi(Non – compressive),


3’ Alepa:- This lepa has mixed moderate action of Pradeha and Pralepa


Pralepa should not be applied at night time and should be removed before drying whereas Pradeha is allowed stay even after getting dried since it will generate a constricting action on local body part.



After preparing the particular paste it should be applied locally to the affected part, the paste is gently rubbed in upward or opposite direction of Hair’s

The thickness of Lepa should be equal to that of a Buffalo Skin(3 – 5mm).


A stale lepa should not be applied since it vitiates dosha’s and Rakta, One should remove the lepa before putting a new one, Lepa once dried should not be re – used by mixing solvent.

Punnarnavadi Kashaya


It is mentioned in Sahasra Yoga – Pandu Roga Chikitsa and in Bhaishajya Ratnavali: Udara Rogadhikara, Due to the presence of Punnarnava it is Mutrala(Diuretic in nature), It cuases Malanulomana(Proper expulsion of wastes), Krimighna(Acts against worms), Rakta Prasadaka

Indications:- Pandu with Sarvanga Sopha(Anaemia with Oedema all over the body), Jwara(Fever), Kasa(Cough), Swasa(Dyspnoea), Rasasrita Pandu, Kaphaja Pandu, Mutrakrcchra(Difficulty in micturition), Mutraghatha, Udara, Kamala(Jaundice), Garbhini pandu(Anaemia due to pregnancy), Garbhini Pada Sopha(Leg Oedema during Pregnancy), Fever due to Anaemia, Sheetapitta – Udarda Associated with Pandu(Anaemia).

Ingredients:- Punnarnava, Nimba, Patola, Sunthi, Amrtha, Dharvi, Abhaya.

Panchabhadram Kashayam/Guluchi Parpatakadi Kashayam


Panchabhadram Kashayam has actions like, Pitta Kapha Samana, Rasa – Rakta Prasadana, Pacifies Jwara(Fever), Yakrt Prasadana(Stimulates liver functions).

Indications:- Vata – Pitta Jwara, Pitta – Kaphaja Jwara, Fever with body pain

Ingredients:- Guduchi, Parppata, Musta, Kalamegha, Nagara.

Nirgundyadi Kashaya


Nirgundyadi Kashaya is mentioned in Sahasra Yoga – Krimi Chikitsa, by virtue of its actions like Kapha Samana, Lekhana, Vishaghna, Krimighna it is one best remedy for Krimi roga(Worm infestation).

Indications:- Krimia(Worm Infestations), Udara Shoola

Ingredients:- Nirgundi, Chitraka, Vidanga, Devadaru, Haridra, Musta, Akhu karni, Bharngi, Trikatu, Palasa, Sigru, Pathya, Rasona.

Nimbatwagadi Kashaya


Nimbatwagadi Kashaya is mentioned in Sahasra Yogam, it has actions like Yakrt Prasadana(Stimulate liver function), Pitta Prasadaka and cause Malanulomana(Proper expulsion of wastes).


Indications:- Kumbha Kamala(Jaundice), Halimaka, Skin Disorders, Vidradhi, Visarpa, Skin disorders caused due to liver disorders.


Ingredients:- Nimba Twak, Triphala, Patola, Haridra, Vasa, Amrta, Sariba, Shyama, Bhumyamalaki, Palankasha, Bala, Nili Mula, Yashti.