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The word shalabha means locust. In this posture body assumes the form of locust.



shalabhasana[1]shalabhas1ana shalabhasana



Lie down on the ground with your face downward. Join your heels and keep your feet on ground. Your chin should rest on ground place and your hands under your thighs in such way that palms should stick to thighs. Now lift your legs from behind up to the waist while inhaling. Do not bend your legs nor raise your face from the ground. Stay in this position for sometime and then come back slowly exhaling breath and taking your hands out. Relax and loosen your body while keeping your right cheek on the ground.




All parts of abdomen get fully exercised. It keeps heart, spine and lungs healthy and strong and helps to get rid of obesity.



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In this posture body resembles the shape of plough (hala).


halasana halasana




Lie down on your back and stretch your body. Keep your arms by your sides along the hips. Putting pressure on your hands, lift your legs slowly and make with them angle 90° at your waist. Keep the feet com­pletely stretched. Put more pressure on your hands and lift your waist also, take your legs beyond your head with feet touching the ground.


In this position your knees should go beyond your head. Breathing should be normal and legs should be lifted slowly. Now lift your hands from ground and take them to the back of your head. Bring your legs back to 90° angle, stay in this position for few seconds and then place the legs down on the ground. Relax completely in Shavasana.



It is very useful for increasing mental and phys­ical energy. It gives strength to pancreas, spleen, liver and kidney. It removes fat from abdominal region and waist. It helps to cure backache and fatigue of legs. It also increases memory and elasticity.



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Lie down on your back. Bring your knees near your thighs by bending your legs at your knees. Keep little distance between your feet. Bring each of your hands by sides of each shoulder. Place them in such a way that the palms should rest on ground and direc­tion of fingers should be towards the feet. First raise your hips and waist and take your knees a little forward. Put pressure on hands and feet, and lift your back, neck and head also. Your neck would hang at the back and your shoulders would be raised. In this way your body will get the shape of chakra or wheel.




This asana makes the spine elastic, relieves back­ache, strengthens the muscles of shoulders, chest and abdo­men. Women get relief from pain during their menstruation period.




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The word matsya in Sanskrit means fish. The body resembles fish in this posture.







Lie down on your back. Then go into Padmasana while lying down. Let knees remain on the ground. Raise your head making an arc with chest. In this position a sort of bridge will be created between your head and waist. Grasp the toes of your feet with hands. Leave toes put your elbows on ground and with their support raise up­per portion of body. Staying in this position move your neck from left to right clockwise and anti-clockwise.




™This asana relieves the stiffness caused in neck. It invigorates pituitary glands. The neck, face, lungs and heart get nourishment. Muscles of waist and abdomen get proper exercise and constipation is relieved.





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supta Supta-Vajrasana



First sit in Vajrasana, stand up your knees and set your feet apart. The feet will again in lying position. Place your hand on front of your feet. Bend backward and let your elbows rest on ground one by one. Hang your neck back- Ward. Stretch your hands backward while inhaling. Remove gap between your knees if any. Lock your fingers and make a cushion of your hands under your head. Normalize your breath and stay in this posture for few minute.





Knees, thighs, waist, abdomen, spine, neck and ankles are strengthened, kidneys and organs of procreation in both women and men are toned up.



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Sit on the floor with your legs spread in the front, feet and toes turned outwards. Hands resting on both sides of the waist. Bring your feet close to each other, hands closer to the body and head in the center. Shift the weight of your body on your right hand, slightly tilting sideways and catch hold of your left ankle with left hand. Fold your left knee and bring your left foot underneath your left buttock. The heel being side-wards and toes turned inwards.


Shift the weight of your body on the left hand, folded left leg and folded left foot. Gradually fold your right leg, holding it with right hand and folding it in the same manner as you did with your left foot. Knees should be touching each other. Let your back be comfortable straight. Keep your hands comfortably resting on the front of your thighs close to your knees. Arms should be slightly bent in the elbows. The shoulders should be relaxed and the face, free of all unnecessary tensions and frowning. Sit in this posture for about five minutes or if you have time, you can sit as long as you can comfortably do.



This is very good yoga posture to improve the stability and tone of muscles. It gives steadiness and firmness to the skeletal muscle. So clinically it is recommended to the patients complaining of tremors or weakness of muscles.