Bala choorna


Bala choorna

Reference : Charaka samhita sutrastana 25, Dhanwantari nigantu.

Bala choorna is a powder made by drying and pounding root of Bala which is known by the Botanical Name Sida Cordifolia

Ayurvedic properties:

Rasa: Madhura

Virya: Sheeta

Vipaka: Madhura

Dosha karma: Vatapittahara

Roga Karma: Vatavyadhi, raktapitta, kshaya, Rasayana and vrishya.

With all the above said properties, this particular medicinal formulation can be used in Disease caused by the aggravation of Vata Dosha like degenerative disorders, muscle weakness, general body weakness, muscular dystrophy, body ache and arthritis.



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