Amrutadi Guggulu



This Particular Guggulu preparataion has excellent actions like Raktashodana(Eliminates blood Impurities), Kledahara, Durmedohara(Eliminates excess lipid in body)

It has excellent action on Sravi Kushta( Skin disorders having watery discharge), Pittanubandhi Kushta(Kushta caused due to Vitiation of Pitta), Foul Smelling Ulcer, Santarpana Janya Kushta, Uttana Vata Rakta( Superficial Gout), does Aama Pachana and decrease the production of excess sweat from body.

Indications:- Paama, Mandala, Vicharchika, Vatarakta, Aama Vata, Arsha(Piles), Bhangandara(Fistula in ano), Nadi Vrna (Pilonidal Sinus), Shotha( Swelling), Amla Pitta

Ingredients:- Guduchi, Guggulu, Triphala, Trikatu, Danti, Vidanga, Dalchini, Nischottar.

Can be taken along with Mahamanjishtadi Kashaya or Amrutharishta, for abscess take along with Nimbadi or trayantyadi Kashaya, For obesity take with Varanadi Kashaya, For Fistula take with Guggulu Tiktakakam Kashaya.



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