In Vedic period or literature “Patha” have been described. It has synonyms like utttnapasna, devajuta, sahamana, sahiyas and sahasvasi are also mentioned.
Vedic texts quoted it as viryrvahi, vishaghna, rakshoghna, medya, karnya and garbha sthapaka.
Rigveda denotes it as sapatnibhadhana and vashikarana. In atharvana veda it is utilized for improving the I.Q and conquesing the opponent during debates.
Sajana considered it as uttanaparna.
- Patha-which makes voice clear and sweet.
- Ambashtaka- providing alsound wellbeing of the people or
protect the people from diseases like a mother.
- Pracheena-Drug is usedfrom ancient period.
- Paapachelika- Alleviating the diseases.
- Ekashtika- Fruits having single stony seeds.
- Varatikta-An important Tikta dravya.
- Maalavi-Growing mostly in the eastern part of our country in
places like
- Bhodaki-Stimulates digestive power.
- Veera- A potent drug.
- Sthapani –useful in diarrohhea and dysentery.
- Vrutiparnika- leaves are round in shape.
- Varuni-stabilizes body fluid.
- Vruki-releaves diseased condition.
- Vishaghni-destroys poison.
Charaka mentioned two varities of Patha where as Sushruta and Vaghbhata described one variety.
Charaka mentioned patha and ambashta separately in the Pushyanuga churna.
Two varieties are described by Kaiyadeva are :
- Raja Patha-Cyclea peltata
- Laghu Patha-Cissapelos pariera.
Vernacular names
English | Valvet leaf |
Hindi | Padhi |
Kannada | Agara shunti, padadavera. |
Telugu | Chiruboddi. |
Tamil | Vattatiruppi |
Gujarati | Venivel |
Malayalam | Kattuvaui. |
Bengali | Akanadi. |
Officinal part
- Root
- Leaves
- Bark
- Choorna-1-3 gms
- Kashaya- 50-100 ml.
Chemical composition
- Furanoid bitter principle tinosperine and a furanoid diterpene tinosporide and tinosporidine, beta-sitosterol from stems.cordifol, hepatacasanol and octacosanol from leaves.
- Rasa –tikta, katu.
- Guna- laghu, tikshna
- Veerya-ushna
- Vipaka-katu
- Doshaghnata-kapha-pitta shamaka.
- Vishaghna
- Balya
- Shulaghna
- Kapha-pitta jwarahara
- Kushtaghna
- Hrudya
- Chardi nigrahana
- Atisaraghna
- Daha
- Atidara
- Chhardi
- Shoola
- Jwara
- Kushta
- Kandu
- Hrudroga
- Gulma
- Yoniroga
Therapeutic uses
- Arshas- kashaya, kwatha, shunti, jeeraka and bilwa given internally.
- Atisara-Patha choorna, dadima swarasa or dadhi given internally.
- Lavan meha- Patha agaru kashay , lavana.
- Antar vidradhi- internal axespatha mula with kandridaka madhu.
- Atisara , daha and parikartita- pathamula choorna with dadhi given internally.
- Plihodara- patha moola choorna with tandulodaka given internally
- Pushyanuga choorna
- Pradarantata loha
- Sarasvasa ghrita
- Brihat ganghadara choorna
- Sarivadyaristha
- Chandanasava
- Vidangasava
- Lokanathasasa
- Pradarasi loha
- Kutajashtaka choorna