Khatmi (Althea officinalis)
- Botanical name : Althea officinalis
- Family : Malvaceae
- Hindi : Khatmi,Gulkhairo
- English : Marsh mallow
- Sanskrit : Khatmi,Picchilamula,supuspa
- Arabian : Baer-ul-Khtmk
- Tamil : Shemaitute
- Urdu : Khatmi,Khitmi
- Duch : Heemst
- German : Adewarzeal,Eibisch
- Italian : Altea,allisch
- Persion : Gulkhairo
- Rasa : Madhura
- Guna : Snigdha,Picchila,Guru
- Virya : Sita
- Vipaka : Madhura
Vatapittasamaka, Kaphanihsaraka
- Antrasotha-antravarodha
- Pravahika
- Pratisyaya-kasa
- Mutrakrchra-mutradaha
- Vranasodha-Phuphusasotha
- Kanthasotha
- Snehana
- Anulomana
- Slesmahara
- Sodhahara-Vedhanasthapana
- Mutranjanana
Accoding to modern:-
This plant is supportive and emollient internally,the flowers act as expectorant and the root is demulcent.
According to unani:-
The root and seed are supportive emollient analgesic
- Flowers
- Carpels
- Leaves
- Root
- Seed
- Powder:- 3-6g
A flavonol, Glycosoid-herbacin-isolated, kaempferol,
Its 3-glucoside,quercetin, its 3-glucoside,Cyanidin-3-glucoside and three ratinoside isolated.
Root of Althea officinalis contains
- Mucilage 35%
- Starch 37%
- Gum nearly 20%
Some uncrystalizable sugar made and a crystalizable principle and other unimportant constituents.The crystalline principle of althea seems to be identical with the aspari of asparagus.
- The root of the plant drug is suitable for uses as medicine.Roots are quite mucilaginous and roots need to be utilized after peeling off their outer bark.Root is pleasantly odourous,light and slightly sweet or sweetish in taste.Roots give ash on burning.
- Seeds and leaves are externally applied to inflammation,localized oedema or swelling,boil,painful organ.Decoction of infusion of seeds and flowers is given in cough and respiratory disease as it effects as demulcent medicine in respiratory tract.Seeds are also mucilaginous and given in diarrhea.Dysentery,urinary burning sensation and intestinal inflammation.Roots are mainly antiphlogistic and anti-cough and in corsya and dry cough,the decoction of roots,seeds and flowers is given.Trophical effect is also analgesic of drug beside other medicinal properties.
- It is an emollient and is used in making absorbent pills and pestilles.Leaves are useful in preparation of a soothing ointment.
- The roots are available in market as Resha Khatmi and used as a drug in medicine.Flowers commonly known as Tukhma Khatmi besides other parts like stem,leaves,gum are used for medicinal purpose.
- The flowers of Khatmi are useful in the form of infusion of bronchial catarrh,cough and bronchitis.Flowers are externally applied over burns;root,seed, leaves,stem, and gum are medicinally besides flowers.
- The flower of Althea officinalis are cooling and diuretic,they are useful in rheumatism,decoction is used as demulcent in affection of respiratory organ
The leaves,flowers and the root of Khatmi all have medicinal properties. It is claimed to increase the flow of brest milk.
Khatmi is traditionally used for the irritation of mucous membrane,including use as a gargle for mouthand throat ulcers,and gastric ulcer.
The root has been used since the middle Ages in the treatment of sour throat.The root extract sometimes as flavouring in the making of a Middle Eastern snake called Halva.The flowers and young leaves can be eaten and are often added to salads and boiled and fried.
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