Kandira(Ranunculus sceleratus)
It is known by the name Ranunculus scleratus belonging to Ranunculacea.It has main action like Kaphavatashamaka,Deepana and Pachana.
Celery Buttercup (Ranunculus scleratus) is an annual or biennial hairless or sparsely hairy herb that grows up to80cm (but usually less than 50cm) high. It reproduces by seed only. While some occurrences of Celery Buttercup may be of large populations, most populations are of relatively few plants, however sometimes it grows thickly enough to impede water flow in Shallow channels and drains. It is known to be a serious weed of watercourses and marshy fields in North America. The greater cause for concern is it reportedly high toxicity to stock and humans if ingested in the fresh state. Cows have been known to die from eating considerable quantities of the plant and cattle deaths in casino, New South Wales were distributed to this plant .It is regarded as the most toxic species of Ranunculus ,the active component being protonemonin which causes blistering of the skin.
Charaka mentioned it as Nasa swedana padu(c.s.ci.3/267& ka.1/25).It is used in the traditional medicine as emmenogogue and galactogoggue.We come across it description in Dhanwantari Nighantu.In Kaiyadeva nighantu Kandira is quoted as the Synonym of Karavellaka & Tanduliya and Raja Nighantu is mentioned under the Guduchayadi Varga.
Kandira: –Teekshna like Kanda Bana
Kanda Katuka:-It is having Katu Rasa
Nasa Swedana:-It is having Teekshna property
Thoyavalli:-It is more found in the places where the water content is more
Sukhanda:-The khanda is very beautiful and smooth.
Ugrakhanda:-Khanda is having Teekshna in property
Karavelaka:-It is having Tikta Rasa
- English : Celery-leaved crow foot
- Hindi : Jaldhamya , Devkamdar
- Kannada : Kandhira
- Malayalam : Kandhiram
- Tamil : Kandhiram
- Telugu : Kandhira
- Bihar : Palika
- Kumaon : Sim
- Arabic : Kabikajay
- Persian : Karafs dashti
- Whole Plant
- Especially Leaves
- Choorna – 1-3g
1) Anemenin 2) Protoanemenin
The chemical composition of the acrid and bitter juice of the butter cup is not well known, but it is thought that the substance is similar to the anemonine of the species of Anemone.The toxic principle is Volatile and the butter cups may be rendered harmless by drying or boiling.When dried with hay they may be eaten by stack without injury. When fresh they are acrid & burning causing intense irritation of mucous membrane and inflammation of intestinal tract. Some of Species are four entance R.represnt handly if at all injurious even in a green state although one case of a fatal poisoning to sheep has been recorded of these species.
Whole plant (except seeds) yields an essential oil containing protoanemonine (an evitant material) and serotonin.Anemonin is the active principle.
Rasa: -katu, tiktha
Guna: – Rooksa,Teekshna
Veerya: – Ushna
Vipaka: – Katu.
Dosakarma:-Kapha Vata Shamaka
Karma:-Bhedana, Deepana, Pachana
- Kapha Vata Shamaka
- Bhedana
- Deepana
- Pachana
- Bahya
- Raktutklesha
- Krimighna
- Aartavajanana
- Rasa granthi Shotha hara
- Sara
- Spoto Janana
- Udara Roga
- Gulma
- Pleeha
- Udara shola
- Agni Mantha
- Krimi
- Rakta Vikara
- Charma Vikara
- Aamavata
- Vrana Ropaka
- Jantughna
- Rajarodha
- It is very irritant, Vesicant, toxic plant hence precaution should be taken while using it orally and due care is also desired when it is topically applied.
- The plant is considered useful in plague since the same is externally applied as a paste on glandular swelling or swollen gland in a plague.
- In general the paste is recommended for tropical application on swollen lymphatic glands
- In impotency the local application of drug is prescribed for which oil prepared with leaves and other parts of drug plant may be used externally.
- In addition the drug is locally applied to skin affections gout & rheumatic joints. Its external application is suggested to make as Germicidal.
- The drug is recommended as preventive prophylactic as well as curative remedy in plague diseases.
- The drug is useful in abdominal diseases, abdominal colic,splenic disorders,Dyspepsia,worms and other ailments of digestive system.It is useful in case of Dysmenorrhea.
- Externally the drug is applied to Ulcer & wounds but precaution is required keeping the intense irritant nature in view.
- Traditional practice of herbal drugs in rural or tribal region is making uses of Kandira or Joldhamy in some ailments and medicinal purposes.
- It also includes use of leaves or branches with leaves flowers & fruits for preparing oil under normal process of oil application.
- This oil is suggested to be applied externally over Penis for limited time. IN case of Impotency in order to strengthen erectile power of female genital organ, but a restricted application is a visible on its general
- External use always needs Precautionary considerations.
Is more irritating than others of this botanical family as seen in the skin symptoms. Boring, yawning, pain very marked.pemphigus, periodicalcomplaints, fainting with pain in stomach.
- Central Nervoussystem: – Gnawing in one spot left of Vertex.Frightful dreams about corpses, serpents, battles etc.Fluent coryza , with sneezing and burning micturition
- Gastro Intestinal System(Mouth Ailments):-
Teeth and gums Sensitive. Tongue mapped denuded patches. Mouth sore and raw.Burning and rawness of tonque Ranunculus scleratus treatment for Abdomen ailments:-sensation of plug behind umbilicus .Pain over region of Liver, with sensation as if diarrhea would set in.Pressure as of a plug behind right false rib, worse, deep inspiration
- Organ- Stomach (Namdagni) , intestine(laxative)
- Respiratory system (chest) Integument sensitive.Bruised pain and weakness in the chest every evening. Sore burning behind xiphoid cartilage.
- Ranunculus scleratus treatment for skin ailments:- Vesicular eruption , with tendency to form large blisters ,Acid exudations ,which makes surrounding parts sore.
The whole plant is acrid, anodynje antispasmodic, diaforetic and emmenagogue and rubefacient when bruised and applied to the skin it raises a blister and create a sour that is by no means easy to heal. If chewed it inflames the tongue& produces violent effects. The herb should be used fresh since it loss it’s effect when dried. The leaves and root are used externally as an anti-rheumatic. The seed is tonic is used in the treatment of cold general debility rheumatism& spermatorria.