


    Aragwadha is an ancient Indian herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. Its medicinal uses include constipation, skin diseases, and even mild purgation. It is a member of the family Cassia and contains numerous properties that balance the body’s vata and pitta energies. It is also a useful herb for treating mild purgation because it detoxifies the digestive tract and reduces Ama.

    What Ayurveda says about Aragwadha

    Aragwadha, also known as Purging cassia, is a common herb used in Ayurveda. Its name comes from the Latin word for “fistula” which indicates its cylinder-shaped pod fruits. It is commonly used for skin allergic conditions, constipation, and skin diseases. Its anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties make it a great medicine for a variety of conditions.

    Aragwadha is a tree native to India. It sheds its leaves each year, bursting into grape-bunches resembling yellow gold flowers. It is also used as a tropical ornamental tree, with a hard, reddish wood trunk. Aragwadha is an excellent laxative. It reduces Pitta and helps the body flush itself out of toxins. The fruit is a dark-brown cylindrical pod containing flattish brown seeds. Aragwadha is also used to treat piles and fever.

    It is a mild purgative and helps alleviate rheumatoid arthritis. However, it should not be used without the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic physician. It should never be taken in large doses as it can cause heavy purgation.

    Morphology of Cassia fistula

    The morphology of Cassia fistula includes the length of the corolla, the calyx, and the ovaries. The fruit of this plant is pendulous and brown, 20-60 cm long, and one to two centimeters wide. The flower buds are green when immature and mature into brown pods. These pods contain between 30 and 100 large, hard, flat seeds. The seeds are lenticular and light brown.

    This plant is widely cultivated as an ornamental, and its leaves and bark are used in many medicinal treatments. It is salt and drought tolerant, but will suffer from freezing temperatures. The seeds of Cassia fistula should be cleaned and scarified, and soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing. The plant’s seeds have many medicinal uses, including syphilis, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and general debility.

    The leaves of Cassia fistula are deciduous, and they drop before the flowering season begins. Cassia fistula is the state flower of Kerala, India. The Latin botanical name for the plant, ‘cassia’, is derived from the Greek word “kassia” which means ‘fragrant plant’. The genus Cassia fistula is native to the Indian subcontinent, and is widely diffused throughout the Southeast Asia region.

    Medicinal uses of Aragwadha

    Aragwadha has several medicinal uses. In addition to manage diabetes and many medo related disorders, Aragwadha is also used as a skin cleanser. The roots of this herb are also used to treat Gandamala. The leaves are also used in herbal medicines, and are combined with milk, ghee, and honey to treat skin diseases.

    Aragvadha is a medium-sized tree that has brilliant yellow flowers and long, cylindrical pods. Its bark is used extensively in Ayurveda and Siddha systems of medicine. It is believed to be effective for decreasing the purulent discharge of the intestine and act as a local antiseptic. Its fruit is an effective laxative, and its stem bark contains tannins and b-sitosterol.

    Aragwadha is the scientific name for Cassia fistula Linn. It is a medium-sized deciduous tree found in the Indian subcontinent. Its pulp contains anthraquinone, rhein, and glycoside, all of which have a mild purgative effect. Aragwadha is a popular herbal remedy that is extremely beneficial for a number of ailments.


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