White discharge Ayurvedic Medicine

White discharge Ayurvedic Medicine
White discharge Ayurvedic Medicine

White discharge Ayurvedic Medicine

White Discharge, also known as leucorrhoea, is a common condition. In Ayurveda, this condition is referred to as Shwetapradara, meaning excessive white discharge. Leucorrhoea is thought to be the result of a buildup of the kapha dosha. Leucorrhoea is also common in weak, anaemic, and emaciated patients. Leucorrhoea is the result of a malfunctioning vaginal secretion that can cause irritation and inflammation.

What is Leucorrhoea

If you have been diagnosed with leucorrhoea, your next step is to consult a Ayurveda practitioner for White discharge Ayurvedic Medicine. White discharge Ayurvedic Medicine treatment involves taking purification therapies, which target vitiated doshas in the vagina and clear the effects of aggravated Kapha. You may also need to take some medications, which work to restore the balance of doshas and treat leucorrhoea naturally.

The Ayurvedic term for leucorrhoea is Shwetpradara, which means “excess vaginal discharge”. Although this vaginal discharge is a natural part of the body, excessive discharge may lead to health issues. Leucorrhoea may be accompanied by sexual anxiety, fear of cancer, or infertility, as well as embarrassment and local inconvenience. Regardless of its underlying cause, the best way to treat leucorrhoea is through a natural treatment approach, such as Ayurvedic medicine.

While the most common cause of leucorrhoea is fungal infection, it can also be caused by certain sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Ayurvedic medicine provides a variety of herbal treatments for leucorrhoea, which include ashwagandha, guggul etc. Sexually transmitted leucorrhoea is caused by an infection caused by trichomoniasis, and its discharge is green to yellow. The head of the womb is also the site of infection, so this condition should be treated as soon as possible.

Causes for Leucorrhoea

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that the root cause of leucorrhoea is poor diet and hygiene. For a balanced diet, you must avoid fried foods. You should also clean your private parts on a regular basis. Ayurveda prescribes several remedies for leucorrhoea.

Ayurvedic medicine recommends a simple method to get rid of leucorrhoea, called pichu. It involves wrapping a cotton swab in gauze cloth and threading it with a long thread. The cotton swab then releases the medicine continuously into the vagina. Many women who experience leucorrhoea find that this simple Ayurvedic method relieves the symptoms and prevents further infection.

Ayurvedic treatment for Leucorrhoea

There are a variety of different treatments that can be performed to treat Leucorrhoea and the white discharge that it can cause. Ayurveda suggests the use of a pichu (an Ayurvedic douchebag used to clean the vagina). Both round and elongated pichus are used to insert the pichu into the vagina. This is left in the vagina for five to six hours before being removed by urination. Pichu helps in maintaining the Ph of Vagina. There are also various herbs that have kapha-destroying properties, such as nimba, mulethi, and nimba leaves.

Internal medicines includes Rasayana medicines, decoctions, choorna’s etc

To help flush out the excess toxins, the patient should avoid heavy foods, coffee, and other aerated beverages. Other remedies include the consumption of betel nuts, herbal teas, and fluids. Additionally, washing undergarments with a solution of antibiotics or water and drying them are important.

Diet to follow for Leucorrhoea

A leucorrhoea diet can help ease your symptoms and ease the discomfort that comes along with this condition. The food list is usually comprised of healthy fruits and vegetables, yoghurt, brown rice, and some herbs and spices. In addition to these, you can take some rich diets, such as Eggs, Banana, Pomegranate, Dates, Grapes, dry fruits, Okra and Lady’s Finger, which are both rich in minerals and are considered tonics. There are some foods that you should avoid altogether, including white carbohydrates, dairy products, and meat. The diet also excludes fermented foods.

While leucorrhoea is a normal condition in women, it can be dangerous if the fluid is not whitish in color or has a foul odor. some women have success with home remedies but its always better to consult an Ayurvedic Physician. Several diet changes and specific exercises can maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve the symptoms of leucorrhoea.


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