Amalaki churna
Amalaki churna
Reference : Charaka samhita sutrastana, Sushruta sutrastana 46, Dhanwantari nigantu.
Amalaki churna is a powder made by drying and pounding Bark of Amalaki which is known by Emblica officinalis.
Ayurvedic properties:
Rasa: Pancharasa(except lavan) with Amlapradhana.
Virya: Sheeta
Vipaka: Madhura
Dosha karma: Tridoshahara especially pittahara.
Roga Karma: Rasayana, vrishya, chakshushya, hridya, athisara, kasa, soothika roga, pradara, arshas, kusta and jwarahara.
With all the above said properties, this particular medicinal formulation can be used in diabetes, obesity, hyperacidity, skin diseases. It is a rich source of natural vitamin C and good anti oxidant., having Anti ageing(Rejuvenator)properties, improves immunity, good for eyes and helps in hair growth.
Dose : 2 to 6 grams, two times daily along with Hot water or honey, before or after food as directed by physician.