Karisha Pinda Sweda


Karisha Pinda Sweda

In this type of Fomentation Technique, Bolus(Potali) is made with Ingredients such as Goat Dung, Saindhava, Juice of Tamarind Leaves.

In this Procedure Bolus(Potali) made with Ingredients such as Goat Dung, Saindhava, Juice of Tamarind Leaves are Boiled in Dhanyamla and fomentation is done by applying this Potali(Bolus) over Patients body.

The Procedure is carried out in such a way that the Bolus is made to have sudden contact over each adjacent parts of the body for a fraction of seconds, so that ample heat is transferred to patients body

Indications:- Neurological Disorders.


It can be done in 3 ways:-

  1. Directly
  2. By Boiling in Dhanyamla
  3. By Ushma Sweda


Procedure Done by Boiling Potali(Bolus) in Dhanyamla:-


Patient should be given Abhyanga or Massage First

The Bolus or Potali is kept in a pan with sufficient quantity of Medicated Oil and is Heated.

The Therapist should be careful regarding the temperature of Potali or Bolus, Inorder to check hotness of the bolus – he can touch the bolus with the back side of his palm.

After feeling that the temperature of the bolus is suitable, the therapist can use it over patient’s afflicted body parts.

The application of the bolus to the body is in such a manner that the Bolus is made to have a contact with body part by placing it for a fraction of seconds and then it should be placed to the adjacent area.

One can even give a Kneading movement with the Bolus.

It should be remembered that if bolus is kept for more time on the body, patient may not be able to withstand the heat.

When therapist feels that the temperature has reduced, he should re – heat it by keeping it on the Pan.

It should be performed for 20 – 30 mins.

After finishing the procedure, Patient’s head should be applied with Rasnadi Choorna and Patient is advised to take a warm water Bath.


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