Gandharvahastadi Kashaya has Sookshma, Vyavayi guna and is Vata – Kapha Samaka in nature, it has Malanulomana and Vatanulomana(allows proper movement of wastes and vata), and cause elimination of mala(waste products)from body, Removes Koshtagatha Vata(Vata in Koshta), Swedala(Imparts Sweating).
Indications:- Agnimandya(Less Digestive Capacity), Vata Roga, Mala Sanga(Constipation or Difficulty to pass stools), Pakwashaya Vata Kopa(Aggrevation of Vata in Intestinal region), Kati graha(Stiffness of Low back – ache), Grdhrasi(Sciatica), Arsha(Piles), Gulma, Swasa(Dyspnoea), Kasa(Cough), Udavartta, Hrdroga(Heart Disease), Vatarakta(Gouty Arthritis), Chardi (Vomiting)
Ingredients:- Gandharvahastha, Ciruvilwa, Vishwa, Pathya, Punnarnava, Duralabha.